1、一棵两棵三棵,棵棵皆成栋梁材。 There are two trees and three trees, each of which is a pillar.

2、一草一木显城市美景,一言一行现文明风采。 Every plant shows the beauty of the city, and every word and deed shows the style of civilization.

3、与新生活同行,与大自然同居。 Go with the new life and live with nature.

4、与绿色同行,当环保卫士。 Go with the green, be the guardian of environmental protection.

5、为低碳生活出一份力,未来的生活就会更加美丽。 Contribute to a low-carbon life, the future life will be more beautiful.

6、举刀投臂你费力,伤筋动骨我也疼。 It's hard for you to raise your knife and throw your arm. It hurts me to hurt my muscles and bones.

7、举手之劳,资源永续的源泉。 A little effort is the source of sustainable resources.

8、久旱风大气温高,野外用火不能烧。 Due to the long drought and high atmospheric temperature, it is impossible to use fire in the field.

9、人人做低碳,地球添加一份绿。 Everyone to do low carbon, the earth add a green.

10、使用绿色产品,节约地球资源。 Use green products to save the earth's resources.

11、保护校园环境,共创生态实小。 Protect the campus environment, create ecological small.

12、保护海洋,防止赤潮。 Protect the ocean and prevent red tide.

13、保护环境,保存希望。 Protect the environment, save hope.

14、保护碧水蓝天,共建美好家园。 Protect blue water and blue sky and build a beautiful home together.

15、保护绿色摇篮,你行,我能! Protect the green cradle, you can, I can!

16、保护饮用水水源,让百姓喝上干净水。 Protect the source of drinking water and let people drink clean water.

17、假如没有树木,世界将会暗淡无光。 If there were no trees, the world would be dark.

18、共建绿色家园,人人都要负责。 Everyone should be responsible for building a green home.

19、分类投放垃圾,关系你我。 It's up to you and me to sort out the garbage.

20、创意生活,文明分类。 Creative life, civilization classification.

21、前绿万绿源自心中有绿,你说我说不如立刻举动。 The former Green comes from the green in the heart. You say I'd better act now.

22、动物是我们朋友,保护动物就是保护我们自己。 Animals are our friends. To protect animals is to protect ourselves.

23、双木成林染尽山河,独苗虽绿怎抵风沙。 Two trees make a forest and dye the mountains and rivers, and a single seedling is green, but how can it resist the wind and sand.

24、发展生态经济,构建和谐社会。 Develop ecological economy and build a harmonious society.

25、呵护一棵棵绿树,奉献一片片爱心。 Take care of every green tree and offer love.

26、地球是我家,大家保护她。 The earth is my home. Protect her.

27、垃圾不分类,等于在浪费。 If garbage is not classified, it is a waste.

28、垃圾箱里分好类,垃圾厂里好处理。 The garbage can is divided into different categories, and the garbage factory is easy to deal with.

29、学校是我家、美化靠大家。 School is my home, beautification depends on everyone.

30、守护自然之美,聆听草木之声,尊重生命力量。 Protect the beauty of nature, listen to the sound of vegetation, respect the power of life.

31、尊崇自然、敬畏生命。 Respect nature and revere life.

32、小草有生命,请君足留情。 Grass has life, please be merciful.

33、少开车,多走路,让我们采取行动净化我们的地球。 Drive less, walk more, let's take action to clean our planet.

34、带一方小手帕,留一片大森林。 Take a small handkerchief and leave a big forest.

35、废物利用,举手之劳。 Waste utilization, a little help.

36、废物回收,还你一个清新的环境。 Waste recycling gives you a fresh environment.

37、建设生态文明,功在当代,利在千秋。 To build ecological civilization, the contribution lies in the present age and the benefit lies in the future.

38、您爱自然多一点,自然爱您久一点。 You love nature more and nature loves you longer.

39、感激你的关照,我寂寞的心如沐东风。 Thank you for your care, my lonely heart is like the east wind.

40、我是一棵小小草,最怕你的大大脚。 I am a little grass, most afraid of your big feet.

41、把美的记忆带走,把美的心灵留下。 Take away the memory of beauty and leave behind the soul of beauty.

42、护一河绿水,让鱼儿重返故里家。 Protect a river green water, let the fish return home.

43、护林防火,责任重于泰山。 The responsibility of forest protection and fire prevention is more important than Mount Tai.

44、拯救地球,一起动手。 Save the earth. Let's do it together.

45、指尖留情,足底留青。 Show mercy on your fingertips and keep your feet green.

46、改善环境,创建美好未来是我们共同的愿望。 It is our common wish to improve the environment and create a better future.

47、改造自然,年年林茂粮丰。 To transform nature, we will have plenty of food every year.

48、放下千斤斧,快去勤植树! Put down the axe and plant trees!

49、无证用火违规章,酿成火灾要法办。 Using fire without a license is against the rules and regulations. If it causes a fire, it should be dealt with by law.

50、未来人类的文明,将是绿色文明。 In the future, human civilization will be green.

51、构建文明风景线,争当环保主人翁。 Build a civilized landscape and strive to be the master of environmental protection.

52、林葱影下路必稳,鸟语声中人自安。 Under the shadow of Lin Cong, the road will be stable, and the sound of birds will make people feel comfortable.

53、梅兰松竹,株株棵棵皆为友,倍加爱护。 Meilan pine bamboo, every tree is a friend, more love.

54、森林防火最关键,思想构筑防火线。 The key to forest fire prevention is to build a fire line.

55、欣赏荒野、回归自然。 Enjoy the wilderness and return to nature.

56、清洁一点,干净一片。 Clean up, clean up.

57、火灾是森林的大敌,麻痹是事故的隐患。 Fire is the enemy of the forest, paralysis is the hidden danger of the accident.

58、爱护环境,就是关爱生命。 To love the environment is to love life.

59、爱护环境,就是关爱生命。保护环境,健康你我他。 To love the environment is to love life. Protect the environment, health, you and me.

60、生产绿色产品,倡导绿色生活。 Produce green products and advocate green life.

61、生命在于绿色,盼望在于绿色。 Life is green, hope is green.

62、生命来源自然,健康来自环保。 Life comes from nature, health comes from environmental protection.

63、用我们的双手载下漫天的绿色,用我们的心灵守望美丽的家园。 With our hands under the sky of green, with our hearts watch the beautiful home.

64、移苗有诀窍,莫让苗知道。 Don't let Miao know the secret of transplanting seedlings.

65、细心呵护环境,共建美好校园。 Take good care of the environment and build a beautiful campus.

66、绕行三五步,留得芳草绿。 Detour three or five steps, leaving grass green.

67、给垃圾一个分类的归宿,还我们一个清洁的世界。 Give garbage a sorting destination, and give us a clean world.

68、绿满校园怡人心,花开遍地笑常存。 Green campus, pleasant people, flowers everywhere, always smile.

69、绿色家园,人人共创;掩护树木,人人有责。 Green home, created by everyone; It's everyone's responsibility to cover the trees.

70、节约用水,一水多用。 Save water and use more than one water.

71、节约用水,从小做起,是每个人都得做到的。 Saving water, starting from a young age, is something everyone has to do.

72、花草无语,你我珍惜。 Plants speechless, you and I cherish.

73、花草树木是朋友,大家都要爱护好。 Flowers and trees are friends. We should take good care of them.

74、草儿可爱,大家爱。 The grass is lovely and everyone loves it.

75、草儿绿花儿香,环境优美人健康! Green grass, fragrant flowers, beautiful environment, healthy people!

76、莫吐痰于地,常扔纸于篓。 Do not spit on the ground, often throw paper in the basket.

77、让地球生机勃勃,让家园绿意融融。 Let the earth be full of vitality, and let our homeland be green.

78、让我们为地球妈妈,共同撑起一把绿伞。 Let's hold up a green umbrella for mother earth.

79、让花儿含笑,让草儿传情,让心儿绽放。 Let the flowers smile, let the grass convey affection, let the heart bloom.

80、请为你手中的垃圾,找一个合适的家。 Please find a suitable home for your garbage.

81、追求绿色时尚、走向绿色文明。 Pursue green fashion and green civilization.

82、青毡铺地,遥接碧穹,天地大美,你我共奉。 The green carpet covers the ground and connects the blue dome from afar. The heaven and the earth are beautiful. You and I serve together.

83、风清水绿天蓝,咱们美丽的家。 Wind, water, green and sky blue, our beautiful home.