1、上坟不烧纸,植树祭亲人。 Don't burn paper when you go to the grave, plant trees for your relatives.
2、不让尘土进校园,只让美好到我家。 Don't let the dust into the campus, just let the beautiful to my home.
3、为了我们地球的生命,拯救我们的环境。 For the life of our planet, save our environment.
4、人人为环保,环保为人人。 Everyone for environmental protection, environmental protection for everyone.
5、人类若不能与其他物种共存,便不能与这个星球共存。 If human beings cannot coexist with other species, they cannot coexist with this planet.
6、今天的回收,是为了明天的新生。 Today's recycling is for tomorrow's new life.
7、优良环境你我创,其中益处大家享。 We create a good environment, which benefits everyone.
8、你把不要的给我,我还你真金白银。 Give me what you don't want, and I'll give you back.
9、保护一草一木,共建绿色家园。 Protect every plant and build a green home.
10、保护人类环境、营造绿色家园。 Protect the human environment and build a green home.
11、保护环境,从我做起,从小事做起。 Protect the environment, from me, from the small things.
12、倡环境保护之风,走持续发展之路。 Advocate the wind of environmental protection and take the road of sustainable development.
13、做地球哈哈哈好孩子,保护她! Be a good child of mother earth, protect her!
14、做地球哈哈哈好孩子,请保护她! Be a good child of mother earth, please protect her!
15、关爱生命健康,倡导环保时尚。 Care for life and health, advocate environmental protection fashion.
16、再不保护地球,地球就是一个传说了。 If we don't protect the earth, it will be a legend.
17、冬天栽树树正眠,开春发芽长得欢。 Trees are sleeping in winter, sprouting and growing happily in spring.
18、加强施工环保措施,保护绿色生态环境。 Strengthen construction environmental protection measures to protect green ecological environment.
19、发展生态农业,改善生态环境。 Develop ecological agriculture and improve ecological environment.
20、变废为宝,物尽其用。 Turn waste into treasure and make the best use of it.
21、只要给予一些爱,就能给你带来郁郁葱葱的绿荫。 As long as you give some love, it will bring you lush shade.
22、同在蓝天下,共爱一个家。 With the blue sky, love a home together.
23、咱们共植树,四海皆绿荫。 Let's plant trees together. The world is green.
24、国旗伴我成长,环保洁我心灵。 Flag with my growth, environmental protection clean my heart.
25、地球是我们,从后代手中借来的。 The earth is borrowed from our descendants.
26、垃圾不落地,庄河更美丽。 Zhuanghe is more beautiful if garbage doesn't fall to the ground.
27、垃圾也有家,请你尊重他。 Garbage also has a home, please respect him.
28、垃圾分得清,家风更文明。 The garbage can be separated, the family style is more civilized.
29、垃圾分类人人做,做好分类为人人。 Everyone should do garbage classification, and do it well for everyone.
30、垃圾分类始于心,持之以恒在于行。 Garbage classification starts from the heart, persistence lies in the line.
31、垃圾分类存放,共建美丽故乡。 Garbage classification storage, build a beautiful hometown.
32、垃圾要分类,生活更美好。 Garbage should be sorted to make life better.
33、多一份关爱,多一份呵护,从我做起,爱护大自然的一草一木。 More care, more care, starting from me, love every plant of nature.
34、多乘公交车,少用私家车。 Take more buses and use less private cars.
35、多种一棵树,少开一天车,少用一度电,托起绿色希望。 A variety of trees, less driving a day, less electricity, hold up green hope.
36、学校是我家,环保靠大家。 School is my home, environmental protection depends on everyone.
37、家园只有一个,地球不能吉隆。 There is only one home, and the earth cannot be Jilong.
38、小草有生命,请你足留情。 Grass has life, please be merciful.
39、少一份垃圾,多一份环境清洁。 Less garbage, more clean environment.
40、废品回收,净化家园。 Waste recycling, clean home.
41、开展环境综合整治,强化城市改革开放功能。 We should carry out comprehensive environmental improvement and strengthen the function of urban reform and opening up.
42、愿君莫伸折枝手,鲜花亦自有泪滴。 I hope you don't break your hand, flowers also have their own tears.
43、我们不想住在一起,请给我们分个家。 We don't want to live together. Please give us a home.
44、我们是大自然的一部分,保护大自然是我们的职责! We are a part of nature. It is our duty to protect nature!
45、手下留情,脚下留青。 Be merciful and keep your feet green.
46、捡起片片纸,传递深深情。 Pick up a piece of paper and convey deep feelings.
47、提高社区的品味,从垃圾分类开始。 To improve the taste of the community, start with garbage sorting.
48、搞好水土保护,改善生态环境。 Do a good job in soil and water protection and improve the ecological environment.
49、文明餐饮,洁净家园。 Civilized catering, clean home.
50、有了您的呵护,才有我们这个美丽的世界。 With your care, we have this beautiful world.
51、杨柳抽芽始于人,万物萌发祥于春。 Willows sprout from people, and all things sprout in spring.
52、树立大环境意识,保护生态环境。 Set up the awareness of the big environment and protect the ecological environment.
53、校园整洁,大家开心。 The campus is clean and tidy, everyone is happy.
54、校园是我家,环境靠大家。 Campus is my home, the environment depends on everyone.
55、楼道整洁,当然有你一份功劳。 The corridor is clean and tidy, of course, thanks to you.
56、河道两岸我家乡,水清草碧花也香。 My hometown on both sides of the river has clear water, green grass and fragrant flowers.
57、热爱自然,保护自然,享受自然。 Love nature, protect nature and enjoy nature.
58、爱山爱水爱林爱鸟爱人类,护天护地护花护草护环境。 Love mountains, love water, love forests, love birds, love human beings, protect the sky, protect the earth, protect flowers, protect the environment.
59、爱护环境,珍惜生命。 Cherish the environment and life.
60、环保行为,处处体现,文明整洁,大家坚持。 Environmental behavior, everywhere, civilized and clean, we adhere to.
61、环保路上,你我同行。 On the road of environmental protection, you and I go together.
62、环境保护,人人有责。 Everyone is responsible for environmental protection.
63、生儿生女靠教养,植树造林靠抚育。 The birth of children depends on breeding, and afforestation depends on tending.
64、破坏环境,祸及千古,保护环境,功盖千秋。 Damage to the environment, harm through the ages, protect the environment, and contribute to the future.
65、祭祀献花多文明,杜绝山火保森林。 Sacrifice flowers more civilized, put an end to mountain fire, protect the forest.
66、种一棵树,种一枝花,世界会更美好。 Plant a tree, plant a flower, the world will be better.
67、种下生态意识,让家园充满生机。 Plant ecological consciousness, let the home full of vitality.
68、绿树成荫,空气清新。 The air is fresh with trees.
69、绿色海洋,人们快乐生长,白色海洋,人们痛苦一生。 Green ocean, people happy growth, white ocean, people painful life.
70、节约身边的一点一滴,爱护我们共同的家园。 Save little by little, love our common home.
71、花香阵阵,鸟鸣声声。琅琅书声,浓浓情深。 The fragrance of flowers and the sound of birds. The sound of books is full of deep affection.
72、若不保护环境,绿色家园只会存在我们的记忆中。 If we don't protect the environment, green home will only exist in our memory.
73、草木亦通灵,踏之何忍? Plants are also psychic. How can you bear to step on them?
74、草木无情皆愿碧,行人有意勿践欺。 The plants are merciless, but the pedestrians don't cheat.
75、要想山城更美好,垃圾分类要趁早。 In order to make the mountain city more beautiful, waste sorting should be done as soon as possible.
76、见垃圾,弯个腰,争做绿色小使者。 See garbage, bend over, strive to be a green messenger.
77、让城市更和谐,让环境更美好。 Make the city more harmonious and the environment better.
78、让生态的森林结出文明的种子,撒向大地的每个角落。 Let the ecological forest bear the seeds of civilization, spread to every corner of the earth.
79、让绿色的旋律环绕每一个生命! Let green melody surround every life!
80、请你足下绕一绕,草儿向你笑一笑! Please step around, grass to you smile!
81、还地球一片绿色,给浮躁的心带来一片绿意。 Return the earth a piece of green, bring a piece of green to the impetuous heart.
82、追求美好生活,应先拥抱绿色! In pursuit of a better life, we should embrace green first!
83、青山绿水蓝天,共创菱湖实小。 Green mountains, green waters and blue sky create a small Linghu lake.