1、下雨了,你有带伞么? It's raining. Do you have an umbrella?

2、下雨了,打雷了,站在树下大喊,我要穿越。 It's raining and thundering. Stand under the tree and shout, I want to cross.

3、下雨了,是否天空也在哭泣我的不值得? It's raining. Is the sky crying? My is not worth it?

4、下雨了,有的人等雨伞,有的人等雨停。 It's raining. Some people wait for umbrellas, others wait for the rain to stop.

5、下雨天不适合哭泣,我不喜欢泪没痕迹。 Rainy days are not suitable for crying. I don't like tears without traces.

6、下雨天我喜欢蓬头散发,这样更有气氛! On rainy days, I like to send out my hair. It's more atmosphere!

7、下雨天陪在你身边的人是谁,你又在想着谁。 Who are the people with you on rainy days and who are you thinking about.

8、下雨天,喜欢无风的下雨天! Rainy days, like windless rainy days!

9、下雨天,我却莫名得想哭,亲爱的我想你乐。 On rainy days, I feel like crying inexplicably. Honey, I miss you happy.

10、下雨天,是留给睡不着觉的人的礼物。 Rainy days are gifts for people who can't sleep.

11、不要因为一点困难就哭,反正明天还是很难。 Don't cry because it's a little difficult. It's still difficult tomorrow anyway.

12、不要说你对不起我,我和你没关系。 Don't say you're sorry for me. I have nothing to do with you.

13、临窗听雨,隔世温柔。 Facing the window and listening to the rain, I am gentle every other life.

14、今夜有雨敲窗,仿佛低吟浅唱。 There is rain knocking on the window tonight, as if singing softly.

15、今天午后,我在雷雨下的屋檐,等你来电。 This afternoon, I was waiting for you to call on the eaves under the thunderstorm.

16、以前觉得日子挺好过的,现在觉得好难听。 I used to think life was very good, but now I feel terrible.

17、你一哭,全世界都下雨了。 When you cry, it rains all over the world.

18、你不要淋到雨啦,不然你会可爱到发芽。 Don't get caught in the rain, or you will be cute enough to sprout.

19、你听,你听,那窗外的雨声。 Listen, listen, the rain outside the window.

20、你的眼睛下雨了,淋湿我所有的骄傲。 Your eyes are raining, drenching all my pride.

21、你笑时,雷声温柔,暴雨无声。 When you laugh, the thunder is gentle and the rainstorm is silent.

22、倚窗听雨,放飞心情。 Lean against the window to listen to the rain and let your mood fly.

23、倾听雨的诉说,倾听夜的无奈,灰白无色。 Listen to the rain, listen to the helplessness of the night, gray and colorless.

24、再怎么闹,我都只是想你哄哄我。 No matter how much trouble, I just want you to coax me.

25、午夜没有痛苦,听雨声我无法入睡。 There is no pain at midnight. I can't sleep when I listen to the rain.

26、南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中。 There were 480 temples in the Southern Dynasty, and many buildings were in the misty rain.

27、只要心情是晴朗的,人生就没有雨天。 As long as the mood is sunny, there will be no rainy days in life.

28、听着窗外噼里啪啦的雨声,世界都安静了。 Listening to the crackling rain outside the window, the world is quiet.

29、听雨入眠,睡的香甜,雨打窗声忆童年。 Listen to the rain sleep, sleep sweet, rain hit the window sound recall childhood.

30、听雨的声音,一滴滴清晰。 Listen to the sound of rain, clear bit by bit.

31、听雨,在这个美好的夜晚。 Listen to the rain, in this beautiful night.

32、和周末最配的,是下雨天和睡觉。 The best match with weekends is rainy days and sleeping.

33、喜欢下雨天,由于它是适合发呆的天色。 Like rainy days, because it is suitable for a daze.

34、喜欢雨,喜欢在看雨时回首往事。 Like the rain, like looking back on the past when watching the rain.

35、夜伴孤灯听雨声,清茶一盏遣烦情。 Night with a solitary lamp to listen to the rain, a cup of tea to send trouble.

36、夜半听雨,清清如寂。 Listening to the rain in the middle of the night, it is as clear as silence.

37、天上人间,潇潇共雨;曼珠红遍、流水忘川。 Heaven and earth, Xiaoxiao common rain; Manzhu is red and flowing water forgets the river.

38、天下雨了,可以打伞;心下雨了,该怎么办? If it rains, you can take an umbrella; The heart is raining, what should I do?

39、天在下雨,我在想你。 It's raining. I'm thinking of you.

40、天天下雨,心情都是闷闷的,烦死了。 It rains every day. I'm so bored.

41、天空下雨了可以打伞,心下雨了该怎么办呢? If it rains, you can take an umbrella. If it rains, what should you do?

42、好雨知时节,当春乃发生。 Good rain knows the season, when spring comes.

43、如果不是因为在乎,怎么会有那么多的情绪。 If it wasn't for caring, how could there be so many emotions.

44、如果我每次在大街上想哭的时候下雨就好了。 If only it rained every time I wanted to cry in the street.

45、宁静,心静,聆听着窗外的雨声。 Quiet, quiet, listening to the rain outside the window.

46、心痛的感觉,又出现在了这该死的雨季。 The feeling of heartache appeared again in this damn rainy season.

47、想哭就哭吧,别撑着,你又不是雨伞。 Cry if you want. Don't hold it. You're not an umbrella.

48、我在滂沱大雨中绝望,而你撑着伞向我走来。 I was desperate in the torrential rain, and you came to me with an umbrella.

49、我庆幸我不怕刮风下雨打雷闪电。 I'm glad I'm not afraid of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

50、我曾踏月而行,只因你在山中。 I walked on the moon because you were in the mountains.

51、我讨厌下雨,因为我还是学不会带雨伞。 I hate rain because I still can't learn to take an umbrella.

52、找不到喜欢的伞,我宁愿淋雨。 If I can't find my favorite umbrella, I'd rather be in the rain.

53、整座城市都在看雨,只有我在看你带没带伞。 The whole city is watching the rain. I'm the only one watching whether you bring an umbrella or not.

54、整座城市都大雨落下,我也该离开了吧。 It's raining heavily all over the city. It's time for me to leave.

55、昨天下雨,今天放晴,我们的爱也不过如此。 It rained yesterday and cleared up today, so is our love.

56、是不是因为下雨了,今夜迟迟睡不着。 Is it because of the rain that I can't sleep tonight.

57、最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。 The most beautiful thing is not the rainy day, but the eaves that escaped the rain with you.

58、本来讨厌下雨的天空,直到听你说你爱我。 I hated the rainy sky until I heard you say you love me.

59、本来讨厌下雨的天空,直到听到你说你爱我。 I hated the rainy sky until I heard you say you love me.

60、每一个雨天,都是思念的泪眼。 Every rainy day is a tear of missing.

61、清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way.

62、温存渐渐的变冷淡,再也不能听你说晚安。 Gentle gradually become cold, can no longer listen to you say good night.

63、玻璃问雨累不累,雨问玻璃疼不疼。 The glass asks whether the rain is tired, and the rain asks whether the glass hurts.

64、眼睛为他下着雨,心却为他打着伞。 His eyes are raining for him, but his heart is holding an umbrella for him.

65、突如其来的大雨,替我哭出了声。 The sudden heavy rain cried for me.

66、窗外雨声潺潺,梦入岁月长河。 The rain outside the window gurgles and dreams into the long river of years.

67、窗外,雨下得正欢,听雨,别样的情趣。 Outside the window, it's raining happily. Listening to the rain is a different interest.

68、细雨纷飞的夜,载了多少思愁! How many thoughts and worries are carried in the drizzly night!

69、美丽和伤痛总是在一个故事里共生、纠缠。 Beauty and pain always coexist and entangle in one story.

70、能够把自己压得低低的,那才是真正的尊贵。 If you can keep yourself low, that's the real honor.

71、自在飞花轻似梦,无边丝雨细如愁。 Free flying flowers are as light as a dream, boundless silk rain is as thin as sorrow.

72、落雨听禅,何处不是水云间? Listen to Zen in the falling rain. Where is it not between water and clouds?

73、让一个人走进自己的心里,是不知不觉的。 Let a person into his heart, is unknowingly.

74、躲了一辈子的雨,雨会不会很难过。 Hiding from the rain for a lifetime, will the rain be very sad.

75、雨下个不停,心湿了一地,该怎么去忘了你。 It's raining all the time. My heart is wet. How can I forget you.

76、雨丝很细,很绵,像春天时空飘浮的柳絮。 The rain is very thin and soft, like willow catkins floating in time and space in spring.

77、雨会停、天会晴没有什么会永远糟糕透顶。 The rain will stop and the sky will clear up. Nothing will be terrible forever.

78、雨依旧清晰,夜依旧幽静,却物是人非。 The rain is still clear, the night is still quiet, but things are different.

79、雨再大也总要回家,被淋湿的鞋晒干再出发。 No matter how heavy the rain is, you always have to go home and dry your wet shoes before you start.

80、雨夜是诗,写满了欲说却无人能懂的情怀。 Rainy night is a poem, full of feelings that no one can understand.

81、雨是揉碎的诗,诗是绵延的雨! Rain is crumpled poetry, poetry is continuous rain!

82、雨飘,染指流年,寂寞演绎逝华。 Rain floating, touch fleeting years, lonely interpretation of passing China.

83、静听雨打窗台,等一人归来。 Listen to the rain on the Windowsill and wait for someone to return.