1、一心一意。 With one heart and one mind.

2、一生一世。 one's whole life.

3、不离不弃。 never abandon.

4、两厢情愿。 The two sides are willing.

5、两鬓斑白。 His temples are white.

6、人间白首。 White head in the world.

7、余生是你。 It's you for the rest of your life.

8、你知我心。 You know my heart.

9、佳偶天成。 A perfect couple is made in heaven.

10、同德同心。 be of one heart and one mind.

11、喜结连理。 Tie the knot.

12、天缘巧合。 It's a coincidence.

13、如胶似漆。 love each other dearly.

14、心心相惜。 Love each other.

15、忠于一人。 Be loyal to one person.

16、念你如故。 I miss you as before.

17、念你成瘾。 I think you're addicted.

18、念念不忘。 think constantly of.

19、恩爱夫妻。 Loving couple.

20、情比金坚。 Love is stronger than gold.

21、情深与你。 I love you very much.

22、情深意盟。 Deep love and alliance.

23、情深是你。 Love is you.

24、情系一生。 Love for life.

25、成家之始。 The beginning of a family.

26、明天有你。 You will be here tomorrow.

27、有你真好。 it's wonderful to have you.

28、朝思暮想。 yearn day and night.

29、楚楚动人。 lovingly pathetic.

30、此心不二。 It's no different.

31、此生不渝。 This life will never change.

32、永不相负。 Never be negative.

33、爱你宝贝。 Love you baby.

34、甜甜蜜蜜。 sweet and happy.

35、白首成约。 Bai Shou made an appointment.

36、百年琴瑟。 A hundred years of music.

37、盟结良缘。 It's a good marriage.

38、莺莺燕燕。 Yingyingyan.

39、衷情于你。 I love you.

40、风雨同行。 Go with the wind and rain.