1、一辈子不长,活给自己看。 Life is not long, live to oneself.

2、一醅酒,一杆身,勾起了凡尘多少喜乐沉浮。 A fermented grains of wine, a body, raised the dust how much joy floating.

3、与其在别人的生活里跑龙套,不如精彩做自己。 Instead of running a dragon set in other people's lives, it is better to be yourself.

4、两情若是长久时,大眼瞪小眼也很幸福。 If two feelings are long, big eyes and small eyes are also very happy.

5、人生就像沙漏,撒完了都回去不了。 Life is like a hourglass. You can't go back after you have done it.

6、你丢下我,撕碎了承诺。 You leave me and tear up the promise.

7、你保护世界,我保护你。 You protect the world, I protect you.

8、你真的放开了我的手,我们没有牵手的理由了。 You really let go of my hand. We have no reason to hold hands.

9、你知道我等过你的,我也爱过你的。 You know I've waited for you, and I love you.

10、你给的伤口,还带着温度。 You give the wound, and it's also with the temperature.

11、你若即若离,令我着迷令我怜惜,亦无法呼吸。 If you leave, I am fascinated by you, I pity, and I can not breathe.

12、你说你相信我,到有误会的时候,你有相信我吗? You said you believe me, when there is a misunderstanding, did you believe me?

13、全世界都背叛了你,我也会在你身边。 The world betrays you, and I will be by your side.

14、原谅我不敢大声喊出爱人的名字。 Forgive me for not shouting the name of my lover.

15、只要相信自己,你会发现人生处处充满惊喜。 Believe in yourself, you will find life full of surprises.

16、因为得不到,所以念念不忘。 Because I can't get it, I can't forget.

17、女人,^自己的生活,不需要任何人ur。 Women, living their own lives, do not need to be evaluated by anyone.

18、如果爱恨两难,那我放你归山。 If love hate two difficult, then I let you go back to the mountain.

19、如果连笑都变的牵强,还有什么可以引吭高歌。 If even smile changes far fetched, what can be quoted and sung.

20、尘埃迷离我的双眼,变成沙砾,覆盖了所有是非。 Dust is lost from my eyes and becomes gravel, covering all right and wrong.

21、很多话都不想说,不愿被打扰,却又渴望被拥抱。 Many words do not want to say, do not want to be disturbed, but also eager to be hugged.

22、总是不肯绝望,不愿放弃,总幻想着。 Always refuse to despair, do not want to give up, always fantasy.

23、感情就像头发,长了就会分岔。 Feelings are like hair, and when they grow, they diverge.

24、我以为我害怕的是离别,原来我同样害怕重逢。 I thought I was afraid of parting, so I was afraid to meet again.

25、我喜欢你,喜欢到费尽心思不去喜欢你。 I like you, like to bother not to like you.

26、我小心翼翼的呵护我们的爱情,但你仍然离开了。 I care carefully about our love, but you still leave.

27、我想我会藏好我的伤,像你希望的那样。 I think I'll hide my injuries, as you would like.

28、我拼命向前奔跑,却始终接近不到你的心。 I run forward desperately, but I can't get close to your heart.

29、或许爱一个人的自私心是可以原谅的。 Perhaps it is forgiven to love one's selfishness.

30、所谓错过,不是错了,而是过了。 Miss is not wrong, but passed.

31、提起你还是会心酸,却不再像从前那么喜欢。 It's still sad to mention you, but you don't like it as much as you used to.

32、无论多么辉煌的背景,转身既是孤独的背影。 No matter how brilliant the background is, turning around is a lonely back.

33、时光易老,人心易变。 Time is easy to grow old, and people change.

34、时间长了,那些感情也就淡了吧! For a long time, those feelings are also weak!

35、是什么敲打我情弦,夜夜唱诵曾经的天荒地老。 What beat my love string, night singing once the old days.

36、有些事,不是已经忘记了,而是彻底麻木了。 Some things, not forgotten, but completely numb.

37、有些遗憾,注定了要背负一辈子。 Some regrets, destined to bear a lifetime.

38、林中有鹿,鹿且孤独。 There are deer in the forest, deer and lonely.

39、没关系会好的,人生总不会一直难过下去。 It doesn't matter. Life will never be sad.

40、爱情住在生活里面,却总生活在爱情里面。 Love lives in life, but always lives in love.

41、爱情是从告白开始的,分手是从眼泪结束的。 Love starts with confession, and breakup ends with tears.

42、爱过伤过痛过才会懂,一切皆是错。 Love hurt and pain before you understand, everything is wrong.

43、蝴蝶很美,但终究飞不过沧海。 Butterflies are beautiful, but they can't fly in the sea.

44、街角A蔷薇,沉默褪了颜色。 The rose on the corner, silence faded color.

45、谁的寂寞覆我华裳、谁的华裳覆我。 Whose loneliness covers my Chinese clothes and whose clothes cover me.

46、这个季节如此落寞,下个季节那般寂寞。 This season is so lonely, the next season so lonely.

47、那些说钱不重要的人,一般都是没长大的人。 Those who say money doesn't matter are generally people who don't grow up.

48、那种绝望就像,我爱海,最后被海淹死。 That despair is like, I love the sea, and finally drown in the sea.

49、闭上眼,我看到了你的无所谓。 Close your eyes, I see your nothing.