1、一定要优秀,才能堵住那悠悠众口。晚安! Must be excellent, can stop that leisurely public mouth. good night!

2、下次绕过人间,如果你也不在的话。晚安。 Next time you go around the world, if you're not there. good night.

3、与你共度的时光,多久都不足够。晚安哦。 Time with you is not enough. Good night.

4、与你同行的路,我希冀是早安到晚安的距离。晚安! I hope the distance from morning to night is the way to go with you. good night!

5、与其相信依靠别人,不如相信依靠自己。晚安! Rather than relying on others, you should believe in yourself. good night!

6、人生在世,要么不做,要做就做最好。晚安! Life is alive, or not, do the best if you want to. good night!

7、人间正道是沧桑,活的不要太嚣张。晚安! The right way is vicissitudes. Don't be too arrogant to live. good night!

8、今日的默默耕耘只为了明日的惊天动地。晚安! Today's silent cultivation only for tomorrow's thrill. good night!

9、今晚的月亮是我抛的硬币,两面都是梦见你。 Tonight's moon is my coin, both sides are dreaming of you.

10、你今天不努力,明天就无你的立足之地!晚安! You don't work hard today, and tomorrow will have no place for you! good night!

11、你去看看,梦里的周公是不是像我一样帅。 You go and see if the Duke of the dream is as handsome as I am.

12、你得丢开以往的事,才能不断继续前进。晚安。 You have to leave the past to keep going. good night.

13、你有多棒,完全不需要别人来告诉你,相信自己。 How wonderful you are, you don't need to be told, believe in yourself.

14、你的眼神太温柔了,笑起来融化了老夫的少女心。 Your eyes are too gentle, and the smile melts the young girl heart of the old husband.

15、你看星星都要睡了,我的星星也该睡了。 You see the stars are going to sleep, and my stars should sleep.

16、努力、上进、自律才是这个年纪该做的事。晚安! Hard work, advancement and self-discipline are the things that should be done at this age. good night!

17、努力做好一件事,它能替你解释所有的事。晚安! Try to do one thing, it can explain everything for you. good night!

18、只有自己去做,才可能知道能否成功。晚安! Only if you do it yourself, you can know if you can succeed. good night!

19、只要这一秒不绝望,下一秒一定会有希望。 As long as this second is not desperate, there will be hope for the next second.

20、吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。晚安! If you eat bitterly, you will be a man. good night!

21、在这美丽的夜晚,为你送上祝愿,晚安。 On this beautiful night, I wish you good night.

22、夜幕降临,放松身心,愿你轻松入眠,美梦连连。 Night falls, relax your body and mind, and wish you to sleep easily and dream.

23、好梦多,失眠少,精力丰满乐逍遥。 Many good dreams, less insomnia, energy is full of fun and free.

24、如果你真的爱他,那么你必须容忍他部份的。缺点。 If you really love him, then you have to tolerate his part. Disadvantages.

25、学习与坐禅相似,须有一颗恒心。晚安! Learning is similar to meditation, and you must have a heart of perseverance. good night!

26、尝试后可能会放弃,但千万不能放弃尝试。 You may give up after trying, but you must not give up trying.

27、就算全世界都否定我,还有我自己相信我。 Even if the world denies me, I believe me myself.

28、希望你睡的安然,像一只无忧的小猪。晚安! I hope you sleep safely, like a worry free pig. good night!

29、弱者才会一蹶不振,我要逆风翻盘。晚安! The weak will never recover, I will turn against the wind. good night!

30、快快乐乐,轻轻松松。 Happy, light and loose.

31、快洗洗睡吧,好梦在等着你呢! Wash and sleep, dream is waiting for you!

32、愿你今晚有个好梦,晚安! May you have a good dream tonight, good night!

33、愿你多做好梦,一觉儿睡到天明。 May you dream more and sleep till the sky.

34、愿你睡意浓浓,安眠每夜! May you sleep heavily and sleep every night!

35、愿你饮下,让酣睡甜甜随你,祝美梦悠悠陪你! May you drink, let the sweet sleep with you, wish the dream to accompany you!

36、愿所有的不安,都是虚惊一场。 May all the uneasiness be a surprise.

37、我们不能控制风向,但我们可以调整自己的帆。 We can't control the wind, but we can adjust our sails.

38、我们要睡觉了,你看这个灯是不是太亮了。 We're going to sleep. You see if the light is too bright.

39、我有话想对你说,去掉有话和对说。晚安! I have something to say to you, remove what I have and say. good night!

40、我还爱着你,只不过少了非要在一起的执着。晚安。 I love you, but less of the persistence that I have to be together. good night.

41、所谓成功,就是在平凡中做出不平凡的坚持。晚安! Success is to make extraordinary persistence in ordinary people. good night!

42、拒绝严峻的冶炼,矿石并不比被发掘前更有价值。 Refusing to make severe smelting, ore is not more valuable than before it was excavated.

43、晚安,平安幸福每一天。 Good night, peace and happiness every day.

44、晚的黑暗,消除你一天的疲劳。 The darkness of the night, eliminate your fatigue of the day.

45、最大的幸福是心安,亲爱的,晚安。 The greatest happiness is good night, dear.

46、最好的节约是珍惜时间,最大的浪费是虚度年华。 The best saving is to cherish time, and the biggest waste is to spend time.

47、月儿圆,精神爽,人圆美梦圆。 The moon is full, the spirit is cool, and the people are full of beautiful dreams.

48、月儿在夜空高悬,为你平安日日清减。 The moon is hanging in the night sky, clearing and reducing for you on a peaceful day.

49、月儿明,风儿静,星儿眨眼睛,宝贝,晚安! Moon Ming, calm wind, star blink eyes, baby, good night!

50、梦就像星星一样多,却也像星星一样遥远。晚安。 Dreams are as many as stars, but they are as far away as stars. good night.

51、每一次轻易的放弃,都是人生的一处败笔。 Every time you give up easily, it is a failure in life.

52、每天快乐相随,晚安! Happy every day, good night!

53、永远别放弃自己,哪怕所有人都放弃了你。晚安! Never give up on yourself, even if everyone gives up on you. good night!

54、没有人能一路单纯到底,但别忘了最初的自己。 No one can be simple all the way to the end, but don't forget the original yourself.

55、没有你的夜晚整个人都睡不着,就算安眠药也无效。 Without you the whole person can not sleep, even if sleeping pills are not effective.

56、没有灯的小路一样能够行走,只要心还在。晚安! No light path can walk as long as the heart is still. good night!

57、浪漫就像漂亮的晚礼服,但你不可能一直穿着他。 Romance is like a beautiful evening dress, but you can't always wear him.

58、甜甜蜜蜜睡个好觉,开开心心做个好梦! Sweet honey sleep a good sleep, open heart to make a good dream!

59、生活原本沉闷,但跑起来就有风。晚安! Life was dull, but there was wind when I ran. good night!

60、用自己最大的努力,要自己最小的满足。晚安! With your best efforts, you should be satisfied with the least of your own. good night!

61、相牵一辈子,爱你永不变!亲爱的,晚安。 Lead a lifetime, love you never change! Dear, good night.

62、真挚的友谊真挚的心,晚安代表我的心。 Sincere friendship sincere heart, good night represents my heart.

63、睡一觉,所有忧愁全跑掉。 Sleep, all the sorrow run away.

64、睡梦甜甜美美,甜甜蜜蜜,香香哒哒,哒哒滴滴。 Sleep sweet and beautiful, sweet honey, fragrant Da, dada drop.

65、知心爱人在身边,祝你晚安,有个好睡眠。 Love and love, good night, a good sleep.

66、知足,上进,不辜负野心。晚安! Contentment, advancement, and ambition. good night!

67、祝你晚安,好人好梦! Good night, good man, good dream!

68、祝福一路飞翔,祝你晚安,嘴角笑容时刻闪亮! Wish you all the way to fly, good night, smile at the corner of your mouth all the time!

69、祝福朋友,好人好梦,美梦成真,晚安。 Good night, good night, good night.

70、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。 Action is the ladder of success, the more action, the higher it gets.

71、要铭记在心:每天都是一年中最美好的日子。 Remember: every day is the best day of the year.

72、觉得自己做得到和做不到,只在一念之间。晚安! Feel that you can't do it and just between thoughts. good night!

73、让一切失落和疲惫消逝在黑夜中,祝好梦! Let all lost and tired disappear in the night, wish a good dream!

74、让你变好的事情,过程都不会是轻松的。晚安! The process will not be easy for things that make you better. good night!

75、跨过银河迈过月亮去迎接最好的自己。晚安好梦。 Cross the Milky way and cross the moon to meet the best of yourself. good night.

76、路漫漫其修远兮,不如我们打的吧。晚安! The road is long and long. We should play. good night!

77、路都是人走出来的,人都是被逼出来的。晚安! The road is all people come out, people are forced out. good night!

78、过错是偶尔的失误,但错过却是永远的遗憾。 Fault is an occasional mistake, but it is a perpetual regret to miss.

79、送你周公相见,送你美梦满满,只愿你安心睡眠。 Send you to meet Zhougong, send you a full of dreams, just wish you sleep.

80、问候点点几多情,祝你幸福伴美梦! Greetings a few sentimental, wish you happiness with a beautiful dream!

81、阳光总在分雨后,不经历风雨怎能见彩虹。晚安! Sunshine is always in the rain, how can you see rainbow without experiencing rain and rain. good night!

82、雨停而不止,夜深却牵挂依然,宝贝,晚安! Rain stopped and not only, but the night was still concerned, baby, good night!

83、零星地想你,也凑成了银河。 I miss you sporadically, and I am also a galaxy.