1、一份关心,不需要长篇大论,短短一句问候也可以很温馨;早上好! A concern does not need a long speech. A short greeting can also be very warm; good morning!

2、与君初相识,犹如故人归。 The first acquaintance with you is like the return of an old friend.

3、因为你的降临,这一天成了一个美丽的日子。 Because of your coming, this day has become a beautiful day.

4、天冷注意保暖,祝幸福安康! Keep warm in cold weather. I wish you happiness and health!

5、好好的放松自己,明天才会更好! Relax yourself, tomorrow will be better!

6、好运天天有,健康到永久。 Good luck comes every day and health lasts forever.

7、小小的礼物,代表着我的情谊,愿你喜欢。 A small gift represents my friendship. I hope you like it.

8、岁岁年年,万喜万般宜。 Every year, everything is suitable.

9、希望你守住初心,坚守梦想。 I hope you keep your original heart and stick to your dream.

10、年年有今朝,岁岁都健康。 Now every year, every year is healthy.

11、愿亲爱的客户生活美满甜蜜蜜。 May the life of dear customers be happy and sweet.

12、愿你一生温厚纯良,不舍爱与*。 May you be gentle and pure all your life, not giving up love and freedom.

13、愿你一路上,有良人相伴。 May you have a good person along the way.

14、愿你三冬暖,愿你春不寒。 May you be warm in winter and not cold in spring.

15、愿你不期而遇,亦以笑脸相迎。 May you meet me unexpectedly and greet me with a smiling face.

16、愿你事事顺意,天天舒心。 May everything go well with you and be comfortable every day.

17、愿你从此福来心至,皆是逍遥。 May you be happy from now on.

18、愿你像风,像雨,像阳光。 May you be like wind, rain and sunshine.

19、愿你充满活力,青春常在。 May you be full of vitality and youth.

20、愿你出走半生,回来仍是少年。 May you run away for half your life and come back as a teenager.

21、愿你周末做个幸福快乐的孩子! May you be a happy child at the weekend!

22、愿你善良带着锋芒。 May you be kind and sharp.

23、愿你天黑有灯,下雨有伞。 May you have a lamp in the dark and an umbrella in the rain.

24、愿你对过往的一切,情深意重。 May you have deep affection for everything in the past.

25、愿你幸福笑,如意直到老。 May you smile happily until you grow old.

26、愿你往后路途,努力不再枉付! May you go back and try not to pay in vain!

27、愿你所到之处,遍地阳光。 May the sun shine everywhere you go.

28、愿你所有热爱都不留遗憾。 May all your love leave no regrets.

29、愿你操心的事情都有一个好结果。 May everything you worry about have a good result.

30、愿你星光灿烂,前途无忧。 May you have bright stars and a bright future.

31、愿你此生尽兴,赤诚善良。 May you enjoy your life and be sincere and kind.

32、愿你每次流泪都是喜极而泣。 May you cry with joy every time you cry.

33、愿你永怀善意清澈明朗。 May you always be kind, clear and bright.

34、愿你永远年轻,愿你今生美好! May you always be young and beautiful in this life!

35、愿你温柔如初深情永不被辜负。 May you be gentle and affectionate and never be let down.

36、愿你的快乐,如大海般宽广。 May your happiness be as broad as the sea.

37、愿你的纯真,与经历无关。 May your innocence have nothing to do with experience.

38、愿你眉眼如初,岁月如故! May your eyebrows and eyes remain the same and the years remain the same!

39、愿你笑容甜甜,好运天天碰面! Wish you a sweet smile and good luck to meet every day!

40、愿你笑容,甜蜜蜜。 May you smile, sweet honey.

41、愿你走出半生归来仍是少年。 May you come back from half your life as a teenager.

42、愿你越来越漂亮,越活越年轻! May you be more and more beautiful and live younger and younger!

43、愿你身体健康,一生平安。 I wish you good health and a safe life.

44、愿你遍历山河,觉得人间值得! May you traverse mountains and rivers and feel that the world is worth it!

45、愿你,活成自己想要的样子。 May you live as you want.

46、愿历尽千帆,归来仍少年。 May you come back young after thousands of sails.

47、愿君生辰悦,愿君一世安。 I wish you a happy life and peace all your life.

48、愿如月之恒,如日之升。 May it be as constant as the moon and as rising as the sun.

49、愿平安绕您身旁,喜悦与你同行,好运永相随! May peace surround you, joy walk with you, and good luck always follow!

50、愿所有美好,都不负归期。 May all good things come true.

51、愿时光能缓,愿故人不散。 May time be slow and old friends stay.

52、愿时光能缓,故人不散。 May time be slow and old friends stay.

53、愿有一人倾其所有护你一世安好。 May someone give everything to keep you safe all your life.

54、愿现实安稳,岁月静好。 May the reality be stable and the years be quiet.

55、折一只纸鹤送你,祝你平安! Fold a paper crane for you. I wish you peace!

56、日月轮转永不断,情若真挚长相伴。 The sun and moon rotate forever, and the love is sincere and long.

57、朋友,周末了,愿你健康一身轻,愉悦好心情! Friends, it's the weekend. May you be healthy, light, happy and in a good mood!

58、朋友,愿你的理想飞翔! Friends, may your ideal fly!

59、朋友,愿永远看到你美丽笑脸,祝你开心幸福,平平安安。 Friends, I would like to see your beautiful smiling face forever. I wish you happiness and peace.

60、朋友,祝你幸福永无忧,快乐好运总在手! Friends, I wish you happiness and good luck!

61、生活富庶喜盈盈,日子过得甜蜜蜜。 Life is rich and happy, and life is sweet.

62、祝你事业有成,幸福快乐。 I wish you success in your career and happiness.

63、祝你天天哇哈哈! I wish you every day!

64、祝你好运连绵不断!幸福久远! Good luck, continuous! Happiness is long!

65、祝你工作顺利,头脑清晰! I wish you smooth work and clear mind!

66、祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝! I wish you today every year and today every year!

67、祝你幸福快乐日子长,事业成功铸辉煌! I wish you happiness, long days, success and brilliance!

68、祝你心情快乐无比,尽在雨天里! I wish you a very happy mood, all in the rain!

69、祝你遍历山河,觉得人间值得。 I wish you to traverse the mountains and rivers and feel that the world is worth it.

70、祝友健康快乐度过每一天! I wish you health and happiness every day!

71、祝开开心心,心想事成。 I wish you happiness and success.