1、与人为善就是善于宽容与理解。 To be kind to others is to be good at tolerance and understanding.

2、以责人之心责己,以恕已之心恕人。 We should be responsible for others and others.

3、关爱别人,同情别人,是一种美。 Care for others, sympathy for others, is a kind of beauty.

4、善解人意的心,比金子还要昂贵得多。 An understanding heart is much more expensive than gold.

5、坦白最容易博取别人的理解。 Confession is the easiest way to gain understanding.

6、宽容别人就是做了一件高尚的事。 To forgive others is to do a noble thing.

7、宽容别人,其实就是宽容我们自己。 To tolerate others is to forgive ourselves.

8、宽容就是不计较,事情过了就算了。 Tolerance is not to care about, even if things are over.

9、宽容是一种坚强,而不是软弱。 Tolerance is a kind of strong, not weak.

10、度量如海涵春育,应接如流水行云。 Measurement, such as the sea, spring, should be connected like flowing water and clouds.

11、恶人胆大,小人气大,君子量大。 The villain is bold, the little man is popular, and the gentleman is great.

12、理解别人是大度,宽容自己是豁达。 Understanding others is magnanimous, tolerating oneself is open-minded.

13、理解别人,就是给别人快乐。 To understand others is to give others happiness.

14、用心去温暖别人理解别人吧,你会收获爱。 Heart to warm others, understand others, you will harvest love.

15、胸中天地宽,常有渡人船。 The sky and the earth are wide in the chest, and there are often ferry boats.

16、谁能谅解人,谁就能拯救人。 Who can forgive people, who can save people.

17、退一步天高地阔,让三分心和气平。 Step back, the sky is wide, so that the three distractions are peaceful.