1、一个人时翻山越岭,两个人时穿过四季。 When one person goes over mountains, when two people go through seasons.

2、一个真正快乐的人,是那种在走弯路时,也不忘享受风景的人。 A person who is really happy is one who does not forget to enjoy the scenery when taking detours.

3、下雨是因为天空承受不了雨滴的重量,而流泪是承受不住心的痛。 Rain is because the sky can not bear the weight of raindrops, and tears can not bear the pain of the heart.

4、享受孤独,会感到一种特别的舒适、沉静和*。 Enjoy solitude, will feel a special comfort, quiet and freedom.

5、人生没有轮回,就像花,人活一世,花开一季人生如花,花似梦。 There is no reincarnation in life, just like flowers, people live a lifetime, flowers bloom a season, life is like flowers, flowers are like dreams.

6、人的言行,在白天和在深夜,在日下和在灯前,常常显得两样。 People's words and deeds, in the daytime and at night, in the sun and in front of the lamp, often appear different.

7、人都有自己的做人之志和生存之道,最终归结为道德底线。 People have their own aspirations and ways of life, which ultimately comes down to the moral bottom line.

8、何必拿尊严去挽留一个变了心的人,友情也好,爱情也罢。 Why take dignity to retain a changed heart, friendship or love.

9、你们谁也不准欺负她,全世界只有我才可以! No one of you is allowed to bully her. I'm the only one in the world!

10、你要明白,你跟这个人已经没有以后了,这辈子,都没法有了。 You have to understand that you have no future with this person. In this life, you can't have it.

11、准备好了么,那么爱你的我,终于舍得走了。 Are you ready? I love you so much that I am willing to go.

12、分手后的那几天,陪伴我的只有烟。 In those days after the breakup, I was only accompanied by cigarettes.

13、只要你想,这个世界就会有奇迹。 If you want to, there will be miracles in the world.

14、后来我总算明白,就算我喜欢海,也不能跳海。 Later, I finally understood that even if I like the sea, I can't jump into the sea.

15、哪怕自己再痛苦,可是余生好长,你好难忘。 No matter how painful you are, the rest of your life is long and unforgettable.

16、学会说不,因为做不到的事不要强求,做自己力所能及的事。 Learn to say no, because don't force what you can't do, do what you can.

17、对于世界,我微不足道,但对于我自己,我就是全部。 For the world, I am insignificant, but for myself, I am all.

18、对你微笑在你面前只是卑微的讨好,我何必这样把青春当掉。 Smile at you in front of you is just humble flattery, why do I so youth when off.

19、很久以前没有胭脂,姑娘的脸只为情郎红。 A long time ago, there was no rouge, the girl's face was only red for her lover.

20、心向远方,不惧路长。 Heart to the distance, not afraid of the long road.

21、心就像是玻璃,碎了以后即便是黏上也会出现裂痕! The heart is like glass. Even if it is stuck, cracks will appear after it is broken!

22、心给出去的时候,就该知道,不可能毫发无损的拿回来。 When the heart goes out, we should know that it is impossible to take it back intact.

23、愿你在今后的每个日子里即使单枪匹马,也能勇敢无畏。 May you be brave in the days to come, even on your own.

24、成功不是得到多少东西,而是把身上多余的东西的扔掉多少。 Success is not how much you get, but how much you throw away the superfluous things.

25、我以为他对我特别,其实他只是习惯了和每个女孩玩暧昧。 I thought he was special to me. In fact, he was just used to playing with every girl.

26、我会年夜风雅方的从你的天下里走出去,坦然面临极新的糊口。 I will walk out of your world with elegant style and face a new life.

27、我希望你一切都好,希望所有俗套的祝福语都在你身上灵验。 I hope you are all right, I hope all the usual blessings are effective on you.

28、我想你了,但我想念的是曾经的你,那个曾经会关心我的你。 I miss you, but what I miss is you, who used to care about me.

29、我接受所有你说的话,情话,笑话,谎话,伤人的话。 I accept all you say, love words, jokes, lies, hurtful words.

30、我费尽心思来讨好你,爱着你,可还是走不到你的内心。 I try my best to please you and love you, but I still can't get to your heart.

31、或许我真的很没用,没有能力留住每一个我不想失去的人。 Maybe I'm really useless, unable to keep everyone I don't want to lose.

32、改变,从现在开始;成功,由今天起步。 Change, from now on; success, from today on.

33、明明生活过得很糟糕,却还要表现得若无其事。 It's a terrible life, but it's also like nothing happened.

34、曾经的海枯石烂,抵不过你一句好聚好散。 Once the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, but you can't get together.

35、有些人不爱了就是不爱了,再勉强那么也只是徒然。 Some people do not love is not love, and then reluctantly only in vain.

36、有多少爱可以回来,请现在就珍惜周围的亲人。 How much love can come back, please cherish the relatives around now.

37、有很多难过我不想说,因为我知道不是谁都想听。 There's a lot of sadness I don't want to say, because I know not everyone wants to hear.

38、没有理由的喜欢上一个人,就是喜欢上一个人的最好理由。 There is no reason to like a person, is the best reason to like a person.

39、混社会这条路,成功就是名和利,失败就是命归西。 In the road of mixing society, success is fame and fortune, and failure is fate.

40、爱就大声说出来,因为你永远不会知道,明天和意外哪个会先来。 Love will speak out loud, because you will never know which will come first, tomorrow or accident.

41、爱就是当你告诉一个男孩你喜欢他的衬衫,他就每天都穿着它。 Love is when you tell a boy you like his shirt, he wears it every day.

42、生命不要求我们成为最好的,只要求我们做最大努力。 Life doesn't require us to be the best, it only requires us to do our best.

43、等失望攒够了,我就会离开。 When I've had enough disappointment, I'll leave.

44、老衲曾经回眸一笑,迷得师太神魂颠倒。 I once looked back and laughed, and I was so fascinated by the abbess.

45、计算着为你流下了多少眼泪,就代表又对我的心,撒了多少慌。 Calculate how many tears for you, on behalf of my heart, how much panic.

46、说太多不如沉默,想太多我会难过。 Say too much is better than silence, think too much I will be sad.

47、请不要假装努力,结果不会陪你演戏。 Please don't pretend to work hard, as a result, I won't accompany you in acting.

48、走过了漫长,曲折的开拓之路,泉水的心灵才显得格外纯洁。 After a long and tortuous road of development, the soul of the spring appears particularly pure.

49、闭上眼睛,我看到了我的前途。 Close your eyes, I see my future.

50、闭嘴不谈的那个人,一定伤你很深吧。 The person who shut up must have hurt you deeply.