1、亲爱的朋友,周五快乐,多想点办法享受。 Dear friends, happy Friday and find more ways to enjoy it.
2、亲爱的朋友,祝你天天快乐,阖家幸福。 Dear friends, I wish you a happy day and a happy family.
3、亲爱的,祝福你各项指标都达成,幸福百分百! Dear, I wish you all the indicators have been achieved and happiness is 100%!
4、从此烦恼消,天天乐逍遥。 From then on, my troubles will disappear and I will be happy every day.
5、冬天到了,我的愿望就是你能够快快乐乐,健健康康。 Winter is coming. My wish is that you can be happy and healthy.
6、告别昨天的日子,今天的世界将会更精彩! Bid farewell to yesterday's day, today's world will be more wonderful!
7、周末了,祝你快乐是我最重要的事!周末愉快! It's the weekend. Wishing you happiness is my most important thing! Have a great weekend!
8、天天有个好心情,笑口常开。 Have a good mood and laugh every day.
9、幸运永相伴,幸福过一生。 Luck is always with us, and we live a happy life.
10、开心每一天!轻轻一声问候愿给你带来清晨美好的一天!早安! Happy every day! With a gentle greeting, I wish to bring you a beautiful day in the morning! good morning!
11、开心跟着你,万事顺着你! Happy to follow you, everything goes with you!
12、思念万千,祝福无数,在此佳节,祝君快乐! I miss thousands and wish countless blessings. I wish you a happy holiday!
13、惟愿远方的你身体健康,一切安好! I wish you health and safety in the distance!
14、愿一生健康、满足、*自在。 May you live a healthy, satisfied and free life.
15、愿万事皆如意,所行皆坦途。 May everything go well and everything go smoothly.
16、愿人生静好,岁岁含香。 May life be quiet and sweet every year.
17、愿你一切,都如意。 I wish you all the best.
18、愿你一生被爱,永远纯真。 May you be loved all your life and be pure forever.
19、愿你一路顺风永不放弃低落。 May you have a pleasant journey and never give up your depression.
20、愿你事事顺利,余生皆甜。 May everything go well and be sweet for the rest of your life.
21、愿你今后的旅程,一路平安。 May you have a safe journey in the future.
22、愿你从今往后知世故而不世故。 May you know the world and not the world from now on.
23、愿你冷暖自知却依旧天真烂漫。 May you know yourself, but you are still innocent.
24、愿你历尽千帆,归来仍是少年! May you go through thousands of sails and return as a teenager!
25、愿你在自己的花季,永远充满活力。 May you always be full of vitality in your flowering season.
26、愿你天天快乐,年年好运,一生幸福! May you be happy every day, good luck every year and happy all your life!
27、愿你天天都有好心情,万事如意。 May you have a good mood every day and everything goes well.
28、愿你好运不断,笑逐颜开。 I wish you good luck and a smile.
29、愿你好运罩。祝周末快乐! Good luck. Happy weekend!
30、愿你常开心,常欣喜,有趣有盼,无灾无难。 May you always be happy, always happy, interesting, hopeful and disaster free.
31、愿你平安无疾,前程似锦。 May you be safe and have a bright future.
32、愿你所愿成真,愿你此生无悔! May what you wish come true, and may you have no regrets in this life!
33、愿你此生平安喜乐,岁岁无忧。 May you have peace and joy in your life and worry free every year.
34、愿你每天好心情,快乐属于你! Wish you a good mood every day, happiness belongs to you!
35、愿你每天开心哦! Wish you happy every day!
36、愿你永怀善意,清澈明朗。 May you always be kind, clear and bright.
37、愿你永远是公主,梦都被满足。 May you always be a princess and your dreams be satisfied.
38、愿你百事可乐,万事胜意。 May everything be better with Pepsi Cola.
39、愿你的身体如牛般的强健,天天不惧冷寒! May your body be as strong as an ox and not afraid of cold every day!
40、愿你雨天心情不再幽怨,快乐总在雨天缠缠绵绵! I wish you no more bitterness in rainy days, and happiness is always lingering in rainy days!
41、愿只争朝夕,不负韶华。 May you seize the day and live up to your youth.
42、愿君总如意,事事总顺意! May you always be happy and everything always goes well!
43、愿夜晚有星,河水有鱼。 May there be stars at night and fish in the river.
44、愿岁月静好,现世安稳。 May the years be quiet and the world be safe.
45、愿平安无恙,磨砺中坚强。 May you be safe and strong in your temper.
46、愿心情愉悦,笑容甜甜! Wish you a happy mood and a sweet smile!
47、愿快乐幸福时刻,将你守候。 May happiness and happiness wait for you.
48、愿时光不负努力,青春不负己! May time live up to its efforts and youth live up to itself!
49、愿时光安暖,幸福常在。 May time be safe and warm, and happiness always be with you.
50、愿时光温柔,多一点幸运。 May time be gentle and a little more lucky.
51、愿活的洒脱,不争不抢。 Willing to live free and easy, do not fight, do not rob.
52、新的一岁,与过去和解,对岁月温柔。 The new year, reconciled with the past, gentle to the years.
53、早上好,周日到,祝你阳光向前,永远保持微笑。 Good morning, Sunday is coming. I wish you sunshine and always smile.
54、早上好,新的一天又开始了,愿你有个好心情,周末愉快! Good morning, the new day begins again. I wish you a good mood and a happy weekend!
55、早安!愿你今天有个好心情! good morning! May you have a good mood today!
56、朋友,愿你快乐一夏,幸福如花! Friends, I wish you a happy summer, happy as flowers!
57、朋友,愿你收拾好心情,让幸福绽放! Friends, may you pack up your mood and let happiness bloom!
58、朋友,愿你漫步在雨中,体味到快乐,感受到幸福! Friends, may you walk in the rain, feel happiness and feel happiness!
59、永远年轻,永远半糖加冰。 Always young, always half sugar and ice.
60、祝你事事有余地,时时可开始。 I wish you every opportunity to start from time to time.
61、祝你天地同寿,日月齐光。 I wish you the same life, the sun and the moon.
62、祝你新的一岁,万事顺遂。 I wish you every success in your new year.
63、祝你永远平安如意,美丽无比。 I wish you peace and happiness and incomparable beauty forever.
64、祝你永远开心快乐,健康幸福! I wish you happiness, health and happiness forever!
65、祝你永远开心每一天! I wish you always happy every day!
66、祝你永远活的像个孩子。 May you live like a child forever.
67、祝你生活如意,事业高升。 I wish you a happy life and a high career.
68、祝你生活美满,情谊永存! I wish you a happy life and lasting friendship!
69、祝你身体健康,一切如意! I wish you good health and all the best!
70、祝福你,关怀你,为你盛开一朵牵挂的花。 Bless you, care for you, and bloom a concerned flower for you.
71、身体健康,年年有今日。 Good health, every year today.
72、送上一份快乐,共享真挚友情。 Send a happiness and share sincere friendship.
73、霜降来临之际,愿您依然笑眯眯! When the frost is coming, may you still smile!