1、一开始的心动,到最后的心痛。 At the beginning of the heart, to the final heartache.

2、不是每段天荒地老,都可以走到最后。 It's not that every period of time can go to the end.

3、不要等我累了,才说你愿意等我。 Don't wait for me to be tired to say that you are willing to wait for me.

4、不问归期,不用联系。 Don't ask the return date, don't contact.

5、人的一生,应该有一次,一见钟情。 There should be one love at first sight in one's life.

6、人间还是姹紫嫣红,我心已万古荒凉。 The world is still colorful, my heart has been desolate forever.

7、从别后,忆相逢,几回梦,与君同。 From the farewell, I met, several dreams, with you.

8、你仍是我的软肋,却不在是我的盔甲。 You are still my weakness, but not my armor.

9、你从未揣摩过我心思却说我难懂。 You've never thought about my mind, but you say it's hard for me to understand.

10、你是我的命,没有你我活不下去。 You are my life. I can't live without you.

11、你曾是我全部,可是你挣脱了爱的枷锁。 You used to be all to me, but you broke free from the shackles of love.

12、你转身的一瞬,我萧条的一生。 The moment you turn around, my depressed life.

13、其实去哪不重要,重要的是和谁一起去。 In fact, it doesn't matter where you go, it's who you go with.

14、别撑了,你又不是雨伞。 Come on, you're not an umbrella.

15、努力的伪装,而不让自己受伤。 Try to camouflage without getting hurt.

16、只是偶尔被需要,从来没有很重要! Only occasionally needed, never very important!

17、在感情的世界里,总是充满不确定性。 In the emotional world, there is always uncertainty.

18、如果繁华被摧毁,就让我好好的睡。 If prosperity is destroyed, let me sleep well.

19、忽然,很想醉,是因为早已心碎。 Suddenly, I want to be drunk, because my heart is broken.

20、懂我的人不必说,不懂我的人何必说? People who know me don't have to say it. People who don't know me don't have to say it?

21、我们是糖,甜到悲伤! We are sugar, sweet to sad!

22、我喜欢你,可我不能一辈子不要脸。 I like you, but I can't be shameless all my life.

23、我把梦撕了一夜。不懂明天该怎么写。 I tore my dream all night. I don't know how to write tomorrow.

24、我的爱,为了谁而存在。 My love, for whom.

25、放得下所有野心,放不下你。 I can let go of all my ambitions, but I can't let go of you.

26、既然注定要分手,何必再失去风度。 Since it's doomed to break up, why lose grace again.

27、明明爱很清晰,却还要接受分离。 Clearly love is very clear, but also to accept the separation.

28、有些人,一旦远离,其实也没那么重要。 Some people, once away, in fact, is not so important.

29、朋友之间不言谢,遇见,就是幸福。 Friends do not say thank you, meet, is happiness.

30、朋友圈越来越小,剩下的越来越重要。 The circle of friends is getting smaller and smaller, and the rest is becoming more and more important.

31、死是一种解脱,一种很无奈的解脱。 Death is a relief, a very helpless relief.

32、没有人在意的结果,做了给谁看。 No one cares about the results, who did it for.

33、没有未来的未来要我如何去面对呢。 How can I face the future without future.

34、现实,总是那么的令人发指。 Reality, always so heinous.

35、生未百年,死不孤独。 Life is not a hundred years, death is not lonely.

36、用那悲伤的音乐,来愈合我深深的伤。 With that sad music, to heal my deep injury.

37、看到你很幸福,我是该咒怨还是该祝福。 See you are very happy, I am the curse or the blessing.

38、真的合不来就分开吧,再也凑不出结局。 If you really can't get along, you can't get together any more.

39、眼泪好像不是很听话,它总是莫名出来。 Tears do not seem very obedient, it is always inexplicable.

40、短暂的相聚。换来的缺失无止尽的昔年。 A brief meeting. In exchange for the endless loss of the past.

41、离别,拉长了身影,身影,拉开了距离。 Leave, lengthen the figure, figure, opened the distance.

42、突如其来的委屈,连笑都带着僵硬。 Sudden grievances, even with a stiff smile.

43、维持关系很难,我有点烦。 It's hard to maintain a relationship. I'm a little annoyed.

44、能不能多一丝感动,能不能多一丝爱。 Can more silk moved, can more silk love.

45、跟记忆在比赛,看谁能忘得快。 Compete with memory to see who can forget quickly.

46、遇见太伤人,错过也甚好。 It hurts to meet and it's good to miss.

47、那些年少的誓言。不过是一场云烟。 Those young vows. It's just a cloud.

48、需要人陪的时候,发现我只剩下手机。 When I need company, I find that I only have mobile phone.

49、青春已经提前毕业,看着梦想不在亲切。 Youth has graduated ahead of time, looking at the dream is not cordial.

50、黑白的承诺还未感慨,曾经早已不在。 The promise of black and white has not been sighed, it has long been gone.