1、一个人撑伞,一个人回家。 Hold an umbrella alone and go home alone.
2、一个人撑伞,一个人擦泪,一个人好累。 One holds an umbrella, one wipes tears, one is so tired.
3、一场秋雨一层凉,雨打沙滩万点坑。 An autumn rain is cool, and the rain hits the ten thousand point pit on the beach.
4、下了就是下了,雨也是有自己的生活的。 When it rains, it rains. It also has its own life.
5、下着雨的天空,是我想要的完美。 The rainy sky is the perfection I want.
6、下雨了别跑,反正前面也是雨。 Don't run when it rains. It's raining ahead anyway.
7、下雨了,我心也跟着被淋湿了,冻伤了。 When it rained, my heart got wet and frostbitten.
8、下雨天,你我分隔两地。 On rainy days, you and I are separated.
9、下雨天,我是那个手持雨伞仍被淋湿的人吗? On a rainy day, am I the one who is still wet with an umbrella?
10、下雨时,我是唯一有雨伞仍淋湿的人么。 When it rains, am I the only one who still gets wet with an umbrella.
11、下雨时,我是唯一有雨伞仍淋湿的人吗? Am I the only one who gets wet with an umbrella when it rains?
12、下雨的时候有着人陪着走走,真的很浪漫。 It's really romantic to walk with someone when it rains.
13、下雨,总让人有的思绪随风漂远了。 Rain always makes people's thoughts drift away with the wind.
14、不堪红叶青苔地,又是凉风暮雨天。 It's cold and rainy in the evening.
15、临一扇窗,静听细雨呢喃。 Face a window and listen to the whisper of the drizzle.
16、今夜,听雨敲窗,枕雨入眠。 Tonight, listen to the rain knocking on the window and sleep in the rain.
17、今天是下雨天,心情是想你。 Today is a rainy day. I miss you.
18、你从雨中来,我淋湿到现在。 You came from the rain and I got wet until now.
19、你最喜欢看天空的雨,我最喜欢看雨的你。 You like watching the rain in the sky best, and I like you watching the rain best.
20、你的爱是把大大的伞,给我最美的晴空。 Your love is a big umbrella, giving me the most beautiful clear sky.
21、倾盆大雨,和我难过的心情好像。 It's raining cats and dogs, like my sad mood.
22、其实,我更愿意雨天永远是一首经典的老歌。 In fact, I prefer rainy days to be a classic old song forever.
23、别人都说下雨天好睡觉,我是越来越睡不着! Others say it's good to sleep on rainy days. I can't sleep more and more!
24、又是一个下雨天,又是多愁的夜晚! Another rainy day and a sad night!
25、只是因为那场雨,突然让我想到你。 Just because of the rain, it suddenly reminds me of you.
26、只要你走出门,要风得风,要雨得雨。 As long as you go out, the wind gets the wind and the rain gets the rain.
27、听着外面的下雨打雷声,害怕的不敢睡。 Listening to the rain and thunder outside, I was afraid to sleep.
28、听窗外风雨声,静吾心。 Listen to the wind and rain outside the window, calm my heart.
29、听说下雨天时,我会更加的在意你。 I heard that when it rains, I will care more about you.
30、听雨不眠,相思成伤。 Listening to the rain without sleep, Acacia becomes hurt.
31、听雨入眠,睡得香甜,雨打窗声忆童年。 Listen to the rain sleep, sleep sweet, rain hit the window sound recall childhood.
32、回首向来萧瑟处归去、也无风雨也无晴。 Looking back, I have always returned to a bleak place without rain or sunshine.
33、在一起多不容易,分手易说重来难。 It's not easy to be together. It's easier to break up than to start over.
34、天上下雨地上滑自己跌倒自己爬。 It's raining, sliding on the ground, falling and climbing.
35、如果不能为你撑伞,那我就陪你一起淋雨。 If I can't hold an umbrella for you, I'll stay in the rain with you.
36、如果你觉得不够诚意,那我就淋雨爱你。 If you don't feel sincere enough, I'll love you in the rain.
37、如果有天我不能替你撑伞,那我就陪你淋雨。 If one day I can't hold an umbrella for you, I'll accompany you in the rain.
38、幸亏梦境中的你不是你,我也不是那个我。 Fortunately, you in the dream are not you, and I am not that me.
39、微雨落清明,思念最绵长。 The light rain falls on the Qingming Festival, and the yearning lasts the longest.
40、愿天黑有灯,下雨了有伞撑着。 May it be dark with lights and rainy with an umbrella.
41、愿我来生,行走世间,不染情爱,不再遇他。 May I live in the next life, walk in the world, not be infected with love, and never meet him again.
42、我喜欢下雨,因为哭泣的时候没有人会知道。 I like rain, because no one will know when I cry.
43、我喜欢太阳,所以连带着也喜欢了下雨天。 I like the sun, so I also like rainy days.
44、我想作诗,写雨,写夜的相思,写梦中的你。 I want to write poetry, rain, Acacia at night and you in my dream.
45、我想见你一面,没说完的话,再说一遍。 I want to see you. If you haven't finished, say it again.
46、我是你雨天的湖泊。拥抱你给我的温柔。 I am your lake on rainy days. Embrace the tenderness you give me.
47、我本可以忍受黑暗,如果我不曾见过你。 I could have endured the darkness if I hadn't seen you.
48、我相信,在此刻的雨里,你也在思念我。 I believe that in the rain at the moment, you are also missing me.
49、我能送你回家吗,因为外面要下雨了。 Can I take you home because it's going to rain outside.
50、我讨厌下雨,因为我还是学不会带雨桑。 I hate rain because I still can't learn to bring rain.
51、昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。 I used to go, willows. Today I come to think, it's raining and snowing.
52、春雨绵绵,像花针,如细丝,密密的斜织着。 The spring rain is continuous, like a flower needle, like fine silk, which is tightly woven obliquely.
53、春雨,像牛毛像花针像细丝,密密地斜织着。 Spring rain, like ox hair, like flowers, like needles, like filaments, is tightly and obliquely woven.
54、暮山萧萧坠冷阳,一曲琵琶断人肠。 In the evening, the mountain is falling into the cold sun, and a Pipa breaks people's intestines.
55、最美的不是下雨天,是陪你一起躲过的屋檐。 The most beautiful thing is not the rainy day, but the eaves that accompany you to escape.
56、月半雨零人未眠,雨醉月眠枫尽落。 The moon and a half rain, no one sleeps, the rain is drunk, the moon sleeps, and the maple falls.
57、有你的城市下雨也美丽。 Your city is beautiful when it rains.
58、有雨的夜,倚窗,听雨。 On a rainy night, lean against the window and listen to the rain.
59、每座城市都在下雨,雨天太阳放假了。 It's raining in every city. The sun has a holiday on a rainy day.
60、没有你在身边,我真的很难过。 I'm really sad without you.
61、淋了一场雨,看清楚了这个世界。 Caught a rain and saw the world clearly.
62、炫丽的彩虹,永远都在雨过天晴后。 The dazzling rainbow is always after the rain.
63、看戏的人都散了,唱戏的人要去卸妆了。 The theatre goers have dispersed, and the opera singers are going to take off their makeup.
64、纵有大雨,也愿你有听雨的心情。 Even if there is heavy rain, I hope you have the mood to listen to the rain.
65、苍白的月光下,我和影子述说寂寞。 Under the pale moonlight, I tell loneliness with my shadow.
66、认真生活,就可以找到生活藏起来的糖果。 If you live seriously, you can find the candy hidden in life.
67、逃离,逃离有你影子的所有地方。 Run away, run away from all the places with your shadow.
68、雨下的好大,跟我的眼泪似的。 It's raining hard, like my tears.
69、雨后有车驶来,驶过暮色苍白。 After the rain, a car came and drove past the pale dusk.
70、雨夜,听雨入眠,明日估计又是个艳阳天了! Rainy night, listen to the rain to sleep, tomorrow is estimated to be a sunny day!
71、雨夜,独坐露台,听雨、望山。 On a rainy night, sit alone on the terrace, listen to the rain and look at the mountain.
72、雨心碎,风流泪,梦缠绵,情悠远。 Rain heartbreak, wind tears, lingering dreams, distant feelings.
73、雨是一生错过,雨是悲欢离合。 Rain is a lifetime miss, rain is joys and sorrows.
74、雨是孤独的,是寂寞的,是迷茫的。 Rain is lonely, lonely and confused.
75、雨是谁的收获?风是谁的思想? Whose harvest is the rain? Whose thought is the wind?
76、雨点打在池塘里,溅起了无数朵洁白的水花。 The raindrops hit the pond and splashed countless white flowers.
77、雨点连在一起像一张大网,挂在我的眼前。 The raindrops are linked together like a big net hanging in front of me.
78、雨还在下你听得见吗,是我的思念滴滴答答。 Can you hear the rain? It's my missing tick by tick.
79、雨还是雨,为我遮伞的人已不是你。 Rain or rain, you are not the one who covers my umbrella.
80、静夜听雨,原来是这样的美。 It's so beautiful to listen to the rain in a quiet night.
81、静静看着窗外的雨,一夜无眠。 Quietly watching the rain outside the window, sleepless all night.
82、风雨过后的彩虹,我怎么看不到。 I can't see the rainbow after the wind and rain.