1、一直在此地,等风也等你。 I've been here, waiting for the wind and waiting for you.

2、一路走来,多谢冷落,感激不过。 Thanks for the cold shoulder along the way.

3、上帝是因为看到了我,所以创造了镜子。 God created the mirror because he saw me.

4、不做女汉子,我怎么保护我自己。 How can I protect myself without being a woman.

5、不要评价我的好坏,因为你没这个资格。 Don't judge me, because you don't have the qualification.

6、也许爱情的另一面,真的是成全。 Maybe the other side of love is really complete.

7、人一简单就快乐,一世故就变老。 As soon as people are simple, they will be happy, and as soon as they are sophisticated, they will grow old.

8、人生就像一次旅行,指不定会在哪翻车。 Life is like a journey, which may turn over.

9、人生自古谁无死,坏人先死好人后死。 Since ancient times, who has no death in life? Bad people die first and good people die later.

10、人生若无悔,那该多无趣啊。 If there is no regret in life, how boring it is.

11、从未亏待过自己,却不介意为你受委屈。 I've never treated myself badly, but I don't mind being wronged for you.

12、你吃不到的葡萄,我吃到了,还特别甜。 You can't eat grapes, I eat, but also particularly sweet.

13、你的爱情故事,无须在我面前上演。 Your love story doesn't need to be staged in front of me.

14、做一个高傲的,不愿意低头的罪魁祸首。 Be a proud, unwilling to bow the head of the culprit.

15、做一头狮子,即使孤独,也是百兽之王。 To be a lion, even if lonely, is also the king of beasts.

16、别上姐的床,姐会把你踢下床。 Don't go to my sister's bed, she will kick you out of bed.

17、别人说的话随便听一听,自己做决定。 Listen to what others say and make your own decisions.

18、别担心,其实我也不是什么好人。 Don't worry, I'm not a good person either.

19、千万别和自私的人,谈将心比心。 Never compare your heart with selfish people.

20、半醒半醉日复日,花开花落年复年。 Half awake and half drunk, day after day, flowers bloom and fall year after year.

21、卧榻之侧,岂容他人酣睡? How can others sleep soundly on the side of the couch?

22、古今多少事,都付笑谈中。 There are many things in ancient and modern times.

23、因为我害怕,所以我不相信任何人。 Because I'm afraid, I don't trust anyone.

24、在一起时,是,分手以后就变成了。 When we're together, it's true. After we break up, it becomes.

25、在线率越高,证明这个人越寂寞。 The higher the online rate, the more lonely the person is.

26、在这短暂的生命里,我只想抓紧时间偷懒。 In this short life, I just want to seize the time to be lazy.

27、在逆风的方向,飞出倔强的坚强。 In the direction of the wind, fly out of the stubborn strong.

28、大哥大哥你快过来,让我来给你安排。 Brother, brother, come here and let me arrange for you.

29、女人,嘴要甜,心要狠,做事要绝。 Women should be sweet in mouth, cruel in heart and absolute in doing things.

30、女人,是水做的,老娘我是混凝土做的。 Woman, it's made of water, I'm made of concrete.

31、如果不是因为在意,谁他妈会那么爱生气。 If it wasn't for caring, who the hell would be so angry.

32、如果你把别人想得复杂,那么你也不简单。 If you think of others as complicated, then you are not simple.

33、完了,你也不理我了,我成狗不理了。 Finished, you also ignore me, I become a dog ignore.

34、少一句怕遗憾,多一句怕打扰。 Less afraid of regret, more afraid of disturbing.

35、往往深情留不住,偏偏套路得人心。 Often affectionate can not stay, but the routine is popular.

36、想你时我就是一颗山楂,脸红又心酸。 When I miss you, I am a hawthorn, blushing and sad.

37、我不是蒙娜丽莎,没必要对谁都微笑。 I'm not Mona Lisa. There's no need to smile at everyone.

38、我也不是蒙娜丽莎,没必要对谁都微笑。 I'm not Mona Lisa. There's no need to smile at everyone.

39、我告诉你,我很吝啬,连恨都不会给你。 I tell you, I'm very stingy, even hate will not give you.

40、我喜欢你这件事,真的是假的。 I like you. It's true.

41、我想重新认识你,然后不带任何感情。 I want to get to know you again, and then without any feelings.

42、我是个什么样的人,取决于别人怎么对我。 What kind of person I am depends on how others treat me.

43、我是思想上的小流氓,生活中的好小伙。 I'm a hooligan in my mind and a good guy in my life.

44、我爱你才会让你在我的世界里猖狂那么久。 I love you will let you in my world rampant so long.

45、我的悲伤不给你看,我怕你忍不住笑场。 If I don't show you my sadness, I'm afraid you can't help laughing.

46、我的未来不是梦,我的未来是做噩梦。 My future is not a dream, my future is a nightmare.

47、我看你就一专业织网的,而且专捕企鹅。 I think you are a professional net weaver, and you specialize in catching penguins.

48、抱歉,我学不来低声下气的讨好。 I'm sorry, I can't learn to be humble.

49、无那尘缘容易绝,燕子依然,软踏帘钩说。 It's easy to get rid of the dust, but the swallow is still, said the soft step on the curtain hook.

50、明明是临时工小三,现在都成扶正了。 I'm a temporary worker. Now I'm a righter.

51、明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了我的梦。 The moon decorates your window, you decorate my dream.

52、是狼到哪都吃肉,是犊子到哪都挨揍。 It is the wolf who eats meat everywhere, and the calf who is beaten everywhere.

53、是路人,就该好好路过。 If you are a passer-by, you should pass by well.

54、最甜的不是巧克力,而是糖。 The sweetest is not chocolate, but sugar.

55、每天演好一个情绪稳定的成年人。 Play a stable adult every day.

56、浮生未醉,请谨记我的美! Floating life is not drunk, please remember my beauty!

57、烈火初张照云海,赤壁楼船一扫空。 At the beginning of the fire, the Red Cliff building ship was swept away.

58、犯错是平凡的,原谅才能超凡。 To err is ordinary, to forgive is extraordinary.

59、由于我,她的阳光不复存在。 Because of me, her sunshine no longer exists.

60、百般原谅是滋生野狗的温床。 Forgiveness is a breeding ground for wild dogs.

61、相对喜欢,我更想被偏爱。 I prefer to be preferred.

62、终究要亲自去受伤,才会真正学着聪明。 After all, I have to get hurt myself to really learn to be smart.

63、给台阶不下,就毫不犹豫往下踹。 If you don't step down, you don't hesitate to kick down.

64、网络上你重拳出击,现实里你刚上初一。 You hit hard on the Internet, but in reality, you are just on the first day of junior high school.

65、美女无处不在,老婆无人取代。 Beauty is everywhere, wife is not replaced.

66、美的不突出,丑的不别致! Beautiful is not outstanding, ugly is not chic!

67、能被抢走的东西,就算你还给我我也不要。 I don't want anything that can be robbed even if you give it back to me.

68、自从得了神经病,整个人精神多了。 I've been in a lot of spirits since I got the psychosis.

69、花有百样红,人与狗不同。 Flowers have a hundred kinds of red, people and dogs are different.

70、莫把真心空计较,唯有大德享万年。 Don't worry about sincerity, only great virtue can enjoy ten thousand years.

71、菇凉,对自己好点那些狗不值得你去爱。 Mushroom cool, be good to yourself, those dogs are not worth your love.

72、装逼是一项事业,不能轻易放弃。 Pretending to be forced is a business, and we can't give up easily.

73、要走要留你随意,反正有你没你都没关系。 If you want to leave, you should be free. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you have you or not.

74、要输,就输给追求,要嫁,就嫁给爱情。 If you want to lose, you will lose to pursuit. If you want to marry, you will marry love.

75、请不要对我放电,我穷的交不起电费。 Please don't discharge electricity to me. I'm too poor to pay the electricity bill.

76、谁不是一边不想活了,一边努力活着。 Who doesn't want to live while trying to live.

77、走自己的路,让别人跟着我走。 Go your own way and let others follow me.

78、通往成功的路,总是在施工中。 The road to success is always under construction.

79、那一抹牵强的笑,有谁能懂里面的悲伤。 That touch of farfetched smile, who can understand the sadness inside.

80、都是小人物,就别说什么大话了。 They're all little people, so don't talk big.

81、饮遍天下千杯烈酒,尝遍世间万种浓烟。 Drink a thousand cups of liquor all over the world and taste thousands of kinds of smoke all over the world.

82、马行软地易失蹄,人贪安逸易失志。 Horses are easy to lose their feet on soft ground, while people are easy to lose their ambition.

83、黑暗中跳舞的心脏是月亮哦。 The heart dancing in the dark is the moon.