1、不怕该债的精穷,就怕讨债的英雄。 He who is not afraid of the debt is afraid of the hero who collects it.

2、人中有吕布,马中有赤兔。 There are Lu Bu in man and red rabbit in horse.

3、大丈夫做事,雷厉风行。 The husband does things with great vigour.

4、大丈夫处世处,当交四海英雄。 A man should be a hero in the world.

5、大丈夫宁可玉碎,不能瓦全。 A man would rather be broken than ruined.

6、对英雄崇拜可以造就出英雄来。 Hero worship can bring up heroes.

7、心正不怕影儿斜。 The heart is not afraid of the shadow.

8、深山藏虎豹,乱世出英雄。 Tigers and leopards are hidden in the mountains, and heroes emerge in troubled times.

9、经历失败愈多的英雄愈有韧力。 The more failures a hero experiences, the more resilient he is.

10、肚内能放一座山,才算英雄汉。 He who can put a mountain in his belly is a hero.

11、肯把须眉傲霜雪,可知寰宇待澄清。 The world needs to be clarified.

12、英雄不问出处。 Heroes don't ask where they come from.

13、英雄只在艰难的时候才被认识。 Heroes are known only in difficult times.

14、英雄心事无今古,神物风云各有时。 The hero's mind has nothing to do with the present and the past.

15、英雄生于四野,好汉长在八方。 Heroes are born in four fields, and heroes grow up in all directions.

16、英雄者,国之干,庶民者,国之本。 Heroes are the backbone of the country, and the common people are the foundation of the country.

17、英雄见了英雄爱,虎豹见虎豹欢。 When a hero sees a hero's love, a tiger and a leopard see a happy tiger and a leopard.

18、英雄识英雄。 A hero knows a hero.

19、英雄难过美人关。 Heroes feel sad about beauty pass.

20、面临危机,才知英雄无几。 In the face of crisis, there are few heroes.