1、人人知防火,户户齐欢乐。 Everyone knows fire prevention, everyone is happy.

2、众人拾柴火焰高。 When people gather firewood, the flame is high.

3、思想走了神,火灾瞬间生。 When the mind is gone, the fire is born instantly.

4、有烟必有火。 There is smoke, there is fire.

5、治病要早,防火要细。 Early treatment and careful fire prevention are necessary.

6、火与亚麻是不相容的。 Fire is incompatible with flax.

7、火会引出火来。 Fire will lead to fire.

8、火愈盖就燃烧得愈旺。 The more the fire is covered, the more it burns.

9、玩火者必*。 He who plays with fire will burn himself.

10、生死时速,在于点点星火。 The speed of life and death depends on the spark.

11、真金不怕火炼。 true gold does not fear fire.

12、稻草生火烟雾多。 Straw makes a fire and smoke.

13、纸包不住火。 Paper can't hold fire.

14、纸里包不住火。 Fire cannot be contained in paper.

15、绳子断在细处,火灾出在松处。 The rope broke in the thin place, and the fire broke in the loose place.

16、警惕火灾,珍惜生命。 Guard against fire and cherish life.

17、远水救不了近火。 Far water cannot save near fire.

18、防止火灾,消除隐患。 Prevent fire and eliminate hidden danger.