1、一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。 A fence with three piles, a hero with three help.

2、一天学会一招,十天学会一套。 Learn one move in one day and one in ten days.

3、一天能误一个春,十年能误一代人。 One day can miss a spring, ten years can miss a generation.

4、一根稻草抛不过墙,一根木头架不起梁。 A straw can't be thrown over the wall, and a piece of wood can't support a beam.

5、一艺不精,误了终身。 If you are not good at art, you will miss your whole life.

6、丈夫志不大,何以佐乾坤。 How can a husband help heaven and earth if he has little ambition.

7、丈夫清万里,谁能扫一室。 The husband is clear, who can sweep a room.

8、不吃苦中苦,难得甜上甜。 If you don't eat bitterness, you can't be sweet on sweet.

9、不在被中睡,不知被儿宽! If you don't sleep in the quilt, you don't know if you are wide!

10、不怕不懂道理,就怕懒于学习。 Don't be afraid of not understanding the truth, just afraid of being lazy in learning.

11、众人里面有圣贤,土石里面有金银。 There were sages in the crowd, and gold and silver in the earth and stone.

12、公道自在人心。 Justice is in the heart.

13、内行看门道,外行看热闹。 The expert looks at the door, while the layman watches the excitement.

14、勤学是知识的土壤,多思是知识的钥匙。 Diligence is the soil of knowledge, while thinking is the key to knowledge.

15、只要下狠劲,无事办不成。 As long as you work hard, nothing can be done.

16、吃了扁担,横了肠子。 Eat the pole, cross the intestines.

17、吃要吃有味的,说要说有理的。 Say what you eat.

18、坛口封得住,人口封不住。 The mouth of the altar can be sealed, but the population cannot be sealed.

19、天下的弓都是弯的,世上的理都是直的。 The bows of the world are curved, and the principles of the world are straight.

20、天无边,智无限。 The sky is boundless, wisdom is infinite.

21、天时不如地利,地利不如人和。 Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people.

22、宁为活人留美名,不为死人留骂名。 It is better to leave a good name for the living than a name for the dead.

23、宁可做过,不可错过。 Better do it than miss it.

24、宁可折断骨头,不可背弃信念。 It is better to break a bone than to betray faith.

25、富贵迟早君须待,为人何必苦贪财。 Wealth sooner or later, you have to treat, why do people have to be greedy for money.

26、寒蝉抱枯木,泣尽不回头。 Cold cicadas embrace the dead wood, weeping do not look back.

27、屈己者,能处众;好胜者,必遇敌。 Those who yield to themselves will be able to deal with the masses; those who are good at winning will meet the enemy.

28、忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。 Endurance is better than brains.

29、文在精,不在多。 The essence of writing is not the abundance.

30、月凭日光亮,人凭志气壮。 The moon shines with the sun, and the man is strong with his ambition.

31、有心护羊群,不怕狼娃来。 He who has the heart to protect the sheep is not afraid of the wolf baby.

32、清晨不起早,误一天的事情;幼年不勤学,误一生的事业。 If you don't get up early in the morning, you will miss a day's work; if you don't study hard in your childhood, you will miss your whole life's career.

33、生之初,不食则死;人之幼,不学则愚。 At the beginning of life, if you don't eat, you will die; if you are young, you will be foolish if you don't learn.

34、穷人不攀高亲,落雨不爬高墩。 Poor people don't climb high, rain does not climb high.

35、空想一百年,不值一分钱。 A hundred years of fantasy is not worth a cent.

36、立下凌云志,敢去摘星星。 Set up Ling Yunzhi, dare to pick the stars.

37、经一番挫折,长一番见识。 After some setbacks, I have gained some insight.

38、羊羹虽美,众口难调。 Although the mutton soup is beautiful, it is difficult for everyone to adjust.

39、老天不负勤苦人。 God pays the hardworking.

40、舌头是肉长的,事实是铁打的。 The tongue is meat long, the fact is iron.

41、船载千斤,掌舵一人。 The ship carries a thousand jin and steers one person.

42、良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。 A good word is warm in the winter, and the vicious words hurt people in June.

43、若要人不知,除非己莫为。 The day has eyes, the night has ears.

44、量小非君子,无毒不丈夫。 Small quantity is not a gentleman, no poison, no husband.