1、不怕疼,只是爸爸的虚张声势。 Not afraid of pain, just my father's bluff.

2、他从不夸你有多棒,心里却骄傲地偷笑。 He never praises how great you are, but he laughs with pride.

3、你包容他的啤酒肚,他包容你的坏脾气。 You tolerate his beer belly, he tolerate your bad temper.

4、你是我最大的靠山,所以我不怕跌倒。 You are my biggest backer, so I'm not afraid to fall.

5、你走的方向,是父亲的目光。 You are going in the direction of your father's eyes.

6、做你的小棉袄,冬暖夏凉。 Make your little cotton padded jacket, warm in winter and cool in summer.

7、儿时的靠山,长大后的背影。 The backer of childhood, the back of growing up.

8、即使回家的路再黑,有他我都不怕。 No matter how dark the way home is, I'm not afraid of him.

9、和父亲一样醇厚,越品越有味道。 As mellow as my father, the more tasteful.

10、喝茶方知香浓,为父才懂爱深。 Only when you drink tea can you know how fragrant it is. Only when you are a father can you know how deep love is.

11、型爸,发源地! Dad, the birthplace!

12、够强大,才能守护整个家。 Strong enough to protect the whole family.

13、好好睡一觉吧,剩下的我来扛。 Have a good sleep. I'll carry the rest.

14、守护不缺席,无论是现在还是将来。 The guardian is not absent, now or in the future.

15、家是最大的财富,今天,一起炫“父”。 Home is the greatest wealth. Today, let's show off "father".

16、岁月侵染发鬓白,由自未改拳拳心。 Years of hair and temples, from never change the heart.

17、当我来到这个世界,他就有了超能力。 When I came to this world, he had super power.

18、往后余生,你的健康快乐我来承担。 I will bear your health and happiness for the rest of your life.

19、恐惧时,父爱是温暖的怀。 Fear, father's love is warm.

20、感恩父亲,愿您一生平安,幸福快乐。 Thank you father, wish you a safe and happy life.

21、感恩父亲,是他教我做人的道理。 Thanksgiving father, he taught me the truth of life.

22、感恩父亲,是他每天为我们默默祝福。 Thanks to my father, he silently blesses us every day.

23、感恩父亲,是他给了我健康的身体。 Thanks to my father, he gave me a healthy body.

24、感恩父亲,是他让我读懂了父亲的含义。 Thank my father, he let me understand the meaning of father.

25、感谢你不是超人,却为我变成了万能。 Thank you for not being Superman, but being omnipotent for me.

26、感谢你用尽一生,来诠释“爱”这个字。 Thank you for using your whole life to interpret the word "love".

27、我们只能在父亲面前,得进寸尺。 We have to be in front of our father. We have to go in.

28、我在努力长大,请你慢慢变老。 I'm trying to grow up. Please grow old.

29、我已经预约了,做你三生三世的小棉袄。 I've made an appointment to be your little cotton padded jacket.

30、我的爸爸,他是全世界最好的爸爸。 My dad, he's the best dad in the world.

31、托得起父亲的责任,承得住如山的父爱。 He can bear the responsibility of his father and the love of his father.

32、挡住风雨,沉吟不语。 Block the wind and rain, ponder.

33、教我们挺胸的人,为我们弯腰的人。 Those who teach us to hold our chests up, those who bend over for us.

34、时光慢些吧,不要再让你变老了。 Slow down, don't make you old.

35、曾经有你,未来有我。 Once you, the future I.

36、最深的海,不是太平洋,而是情深似海。 The deepest sea is not the Pacific Ocean, but the ocean of love.

37、有榜样,更能劈开风浪,去闯。 If you have an example, you will be able to break through the storm.

38、每个女儿都是父亲的“掌上明珠”。 Every daughter is the apple of her father's eye.

39、每个老爸,都曾是一枚小鲜肉。 Every dad used to be a piece of fresh meat.

40、深沉如山,永远的超级英雄。 Deep as a mountain, forever superhero.

41、爱可能不善言表,但爱是一诺千金。 Love may be unspeakable, but love is a promise.

42、父亲心灵的面积,是三室一厅! The area of father's soul is three rooms and one hall!

43、父亲是一棵松,撑起生命的晴空。 Father is a pine, supporting the life of the clear sky.

44、父亲是一盏灯,照亮我的美梦。 Father is a lamp to light up my dream.

45、父亲的情似酒,任你陶醉。 Father's love is like wine, you can be intoxicated.

46、父亲的肩似山,任你依靠。 Father's shoulders are like mountains, you can rely on them.

47、父亲的重量,以爱作刻度。 Father's weight is measured by love.

48、父亲眼里,我们永远是长不大的孩子。 In my father's eyes, we will never grow up.

49、父亲,你无时无刻不在用你的爱包围我。 Father, you surround me with your love all the time.

50、父亲,是男孩到男人的一门必修课。 Father is a compulsory course for boys to men.

51、父子不仅血肉至亲,更是灵魂相依。 Father and son are not only blood and flesh, but also soul.

52、父爱一直陪伴着我,无论我走到何方。 Father's love has always been with me, no matter where I go.

53、父爱像一本厚重的书,耐人寻味。 Father's love is like a heavy book, which is thought-provoking.

54、父爱像一杯甘醇的酒,回味无穷。 Father's love is like a cup of mellow wine with endless aftertaste.

55、父爱同母爱一样的无私,他不求回报。 Father's love is as selfless as mother's love. He doesn't ask for return.

56、父爱如伞,为你遮风挡雨。 Father's love is like an umbrella, to protect you from the wind and rain.

57、父爱如山,厚重而无言。 Father's love is like a mountain, thick and speechless.

58、父爱如山,大爱无言。 Father's love is like a mountain.

59、父爱如山,情深言浅。 Father's love is like a mountain.

60、父爱如山,我们却轻易装得下。 Father's love is like a mountain, but we can easily pretend it.

61、父爱如山,无限能量。 Father's love is like a mountain, infinite energy.

62、父爱如山,让爱回响。 Father's love is like a mountain, let love reverberate.

63、父爱如海,是深邃而难懂。 Fatherly love is deep and hard to understand.

64、父爱如茶,细品醇香。 Father's love is like tea.

65、父爱无声,却响彻耳畔。 Father's love is silent, but it rings through my ears.

66、父爱是一四季度开花的树,花香四溢。 Father's love is a tree that blooms in the first and fourth quarters.

67、父爱是一座大山,挺拔而伟岸。 Fatherly love is a big mountain, tall and straight.

68、父爱是一片汪洋的大海,浓郁而深远。 Fatherly love is a vast sea, rich and far-reaching.

69、父爱是光,照亮迷茫的前方。 Father's love is light, illuminating the confused front.

70、父爱是冬天的阳光,温暖如春。 Father's love is the sunshine in winter, warm as spring.

71、父爱是被子,他使你感到温暖。 Father's love is a quilt. It makes you feel warm.

72、父爱是风,把你的烦恼通通吹走。 Father's love is the wind, blowing away all your troubles.

73、父爱虽无声,却滚烫,似这骄阳。 Father's love is silent, but hot, like the scorching sun.

74、父爱,是传承,是一种永恒。 Fatherly love is inheritance and eternity.

75、父爱,爱你在心口难开! Father love, it's hard to love you in my heart!

76、爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨。 Dad's care is like an umbrella, covering the wind and rain for me.

77、爸爸的教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程。 My father's teaching is like a lamp, illuminating my future.

78、爸爸的爱不智能,因为二十四小时常亮。 Father's love is not intelligent, because it is always bright 24 hours a day.

79、爸爸的肩膀,是我人生的第一辆车。 Dad's shoulder is the first car in my life.

80、生活的欢悦,大都来自您的付出。 The joy of life, mostly from your pay.

81、看水是水,看山是你。 Looking at the water is water, looking at the mountains is you.

82、硬核男人,爸气十足。 Hard core man, Dad.

83、站在爸爸的肩头,看向世界的尽头。 Standing on dad's shoulder, looking to the end of the world.

84、老爸给的关爱,总是满格信号。 Dad's love is always full of signs.

85、老爸,现在换我,做你的靠山。 Dad, now it's my turn to be your support.

86、肩膀够硬,才挑得起家庭的重担。 The shoulders are hard enough to carry the burden of the family.

87、辗转难眠的夜晚,到处都是你的影子。 Sleepless night, everywhere is your shadow.

88、这份爱,余温太久,从未消退。 This love, after a long time, never subsided.

89、通往幸福的路,我陪着你走。 The road to happiness, I accompany you.

90、随心所行,让爱不再沉重。 Do as you please, so that love is no longer heavy.