1、一味地已经放开的爱,只是人没有在一起,心还在一起。 Blindly has opened the love, but people are not together, the heart is still together.

2、也许你给我的感动,只不过是情绪上的波动。 Perhaps you give me moved, just emotional fluctuations.

3、人生总会遗失很多东西,而我却天真认为你不会离开。 Life will always lose a lot of things, but I naively think you will not leave.

4、你和她接吻的时候,有没有突然想到、我曾用力咬过你的唇。 When you kiss her, do you suddenly think that I once bit your lip hard.

5、你是怎么做到不喜欢我的,能不能教教我,我也不想喜欢你了。 How do you do not like me, can you teach me, I do not want to like you.

6、你是我最想遇见的特别。 You are the special person I want to meet most.

7、你是我隐匿多年,不愿提笔书写的往事。 You are the past that I have been hiding for many years and unwilling to write.

8、你本是该咆哮世间的怪物,却非要收敛爪牙做个废物。 You are supposed to roar the monster in the world, but you have to be a waste.

9、你满嘴的花言巧语,只有我肯相信你。 You are full of sweet words, only I will believe you.

10、你要是不喜欢我,我就抱着你的腿哭,拿你的裤子擦鼻涕泡泡。 If you don't like me, I'll cry with your legs and wipe your nose with your pants.

11、俩人相互惦记的,叫爱情。一个人自个儿瞎琢磨的,叫犯贱。 What two people miss each other is called love. A person who ponders blindly on his own is called being cheap.

12、做人,第一:要低调,第二:还是低调,第三:必须低调。 Life, the first: to low-key, the second: or low-key, the third: must be low-key.

13、半途而废很不好,所以我想,喜欢你到老。 It's not good to give up halfway, so I think I like you until I get old.

14、叙述或者回忆并不点缀生命。被阅读的仅仅是时间轮廓。 Narration or recollection does not embellish life. It is only the outline of time that is read.

15、只是永远的,永远的想跟你在一起。 I just want to be with you forever.

16、只要你需要我,我永远在你能看到的地方。 As long as you need me, I'll always be where you can see me.

17、味地步步紧逼,不会让别人走上绝路,而会让自己无路可退。 If we press forward step by step, we will not let others go to a dead end, but let ourselves have no way back.

18、在校园里太久了,出来才明白生活不易,且行且珍惜的意义。 I've been on campus for a long time. I come out to understand that life is not easy and I cherish it.

19、在那里,在剧场的帷幕底下,我的青春岁月也飞一般逝去。 There, under the curtain of the theater, my youth also flies away.

20、如果一个人秒回了你,也只能说明,这个人在玩手机而已。 If a person seconds back to you, it can only show that the person is playing with a mobile phone.

21、如果害怕荆棘,这以后的生活只能龟缩在自己的壳子里。 If you are afraid of thorns, you can only live in your own shell.

22、对于期待中的人来讲,没有消息就是坏消息。 For those who are looking forward to it, no news is bad news.

23、小孩子才分对错,成年人只看利弊。 Only kids are willing to tell right from wrong. Adults only weigh the pros and cons.

24、希望我能把你忘了,就跟你狠心忘了我一样。 I hope I can forget you, just as you forget me.

25、很多事情都是这样的。你放不下,只不过是因为还没攒够失望。 A lot of things are like this. You can't let go, just because you haven't saved enough disappointment.

26、心情不好就出去走走,别让坏情绪迷乱了世界,慌乱了心。 Go out for a walk when you are in a bad mood. Don't let the bad mood confuse the world and panic your heart.

27、我们都努力追求着,却不知道,现在拥有的已经很足够。 We all strive to pursue, but do not know, now have enough.

28、我总不能阻止你奔向比我更好的人,所以我定要成为最好的人。 I can't stop you from running to better people than me, so I must be the best.

29、我是个双面人,时而阳光明媚,时而沉默不语。 I am a two-sided person, sometimes sunny, sometimes silent.

30、我要努力,以最好姿态出现在当初否定我的人面前。 I will try my best to appear in front of the people who denied me at the beginning.

31、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。 Face your face to the sun, then there will be no shadow.

32、明明很喜欢很在乎,但总是装着一副无所谓的样子在默默关心。 Mingming likes it very much and cares about it, but always pretends to be indifferent and cares about it silently.

33、昨天发生的事情太多,错过的终究不再会回来了。 There are so many things happened yesterday that what we missed will never come back.

34、曾经沧海难为水,无法像你当年那般拨动我的心弦。 It's hard to be water after going through the sea. It can't touch my heartstrings like you used to.

35、有些人再好,也只能做朋友。 No matter how good some people are, they can only be friends.

36、有些人,你忘了,输入法还记得。 Some people, you forget, remember the input method.

37、极力爬出一个泥潭,却发现自己又处在一个更大的泥潭之中。 Try to climb out of a quagmire, but find themselves in a bigger quagmire.

38、此刻我很挂念你,请为我小心照顾自己。 I miss you very much at the moment. Please take care of yourself for me.

39、永远不要以貌取人,慢慢地说,但要迅速地想。 Never judge people by their appearance. Speak slowly, but think quickly.

40、生活中要记住这两件事:不在生气时做决定,不在高兴时许诺言。 Remember these two things in your life: don't make decisions when you are angry, and don't make promises when you are happy.

41、生活会让你苦上一阵子,等你适应以后,再让你苦上一辈子。 Life will make you suffer for a while. After you get used to it, it will make you suffer for a lifetime.

42、看天空的云,堆在了一起。看躺在地上的你,微笑的脸庞。 Look at the clouds in the sky. Look at you lying on the ground, smiling face.

43、社会是有等级的,很多事不公平,别抱怨,因为没有用。 Society is hierarchical. Many things are unfair. Don't complain because it's useless.

44、精致背后的坚韧与自律,才是这世上最好看的风景。 The tenacity and self-discipline behind delicacy are the best scenery in the world.

45、给岁月以文明,给时光以生命。 Give time civilization, give time life.

46、要相信,你所坚持的一切,有天会反过来拥抱你。 Believe that whatever you insist on will embrace you one day.

47、让世界低头是一种霸气,让自己放手是一种魄气。 Let the world bow is a kind of domineering, let go is a kind of spirit.

48、走过一些漫不经心,方知人生容不得放任。 Through some careless, we know that life can not tolerate laissez faire.

49、这个世界上谁都不是谁的,我们终究只会,属于我们自己。 In this world, no one is who, we will only belong to ourselves.

50、青春就像一只容器,装满了不安躁动青涩与偶尔的疯狂。 Youth is like a container, full of restlessness, green and occasional madness.