1、一个人并不孤单,想一个人时才孤单。 A person is not alone, think of a person is alone.

2、一念万水千山,一念沧海桑田。 A thought of thousands of rivers and mountains, a thought of vicissitudes.

3、不打扰,是我给你的最后一次温柔。 Do not disturb, I give you the last gentle.

4、不知不觉,是这世上最可怕的力量。 Unconsciously, it is the most terrible power in the world.

5、人生就是六个字,怎么着都不行。 No, life is just six words.

6、以前是喜欢一个人,现在是喜欢一个人。 I used to like someone, but now I like someone.

7、你以为他不喜欢你,实际上他还很烦你。 You think he doesn't like you, but in fact he still annoys you.

8、你别皱眉,我走就好。 Don't frown. I'll go.

9、你开始说中肯话,不再偏向我。 You start to speak to the point, not to me.

10、你是抓不住的风,所以慢走不送。 You can't catch the wind, so walk slowly.

11、倘若我的所有深情你都懂就别辜负。 If you know all my affections, don't let me down.

12、原谅我不敢大声喊出爱人的名字。 Forgive me for not daring to shout out my lover's name.

13、去了医院才知道,号更难挂。 Went to the hospital to know, the number is more difficult to hang up.

14、多想换个名字和模样,跟你重新认识。 How I want to change my name and appearance to get to know you again.

15、天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 When we enter the river and lake, the time will come.

16、失去一棵歪脖树,还有整片大森林。 Lost a crooked neck tree, and the whole forest.

17、如果不能并肩同行,就假装恰好路过。 If you can't walk side by side, pretend to pass by.

18、对着你亮的头像,终于做了无动于衷。 In front of your bright head, finally made indifferent.

19、当我转身时,早已物是人非。 When I turn around, things have changed.

20、往前走,每一步都是未来。 Going forward, every step is the future.

21、心里是了解的,独自轻轻地微笑。 Heart is to understand, alone gently smile.

22、怎样面对一切、我不知道。 How to face everything, I don't know.

23、感谢虚伪突然诚恳,感谢谎言弄假成真。 Thanks for the hypocrisy and sincerity, thanks for the lies.

24、我不想输给距离,也不要输给时间。 I don't want to lose to distance, and I don't want to lose to time.

25、我拦不住要走的风,抱不住整片天空。 I can't stop the wind, I can't hold the whole sky.

26、我的孤独与难过,又有谁能理解。 Who can understand my loneliness and sadness.

27、我知道你已经不属于我,但我不相信。 I know you don't belong to me anymore, but I don't believe it.

28、我遇你,你娱我;我与你,你愚我。 When I meet you, you amuse me; when I meet you, you fool me.

29、散乱的悲伤,无处安放。 Scattered sadness, no place to place.

30、时间久了,心也就不那么疼了。 After a long time, the heart is not so painful.

31、明明是为你才会改变,却回不到从前。 It's for you to change, but it can't go back to the past.

32、是我太傻,还是世界太假。 I am too stupid, or the world is too fake.

33、是谁在你的墓前,葬下了一生的诺言? Who buried his life's promise in front of your grave?

34、曾经你给我的诺言,如今都已成为谎言。 Once you gave me the promise, now has become a lie.

35、有时候,很想逃离现在的生活。 Sometimes, I want to escape from my life.

36、浅喜深爱,如梦半醒。 Shallow joy, deep love, like a dream half awake.

37、灯火星星,人声杳杳,歌不尽乱世烽火。 The lights and stars, the voices of the people, the songs are endless.

38、电话里的沉默不是拖延,而是舍不得。 Silence on the phone is not procrastination, but reluctance.

39、男孩的疼痛是酒,女孩的苦楚是泪! Boy's pain is wine, girl's pain is tears!

40、留不住的人像阵风,遇见就离开。 People who can't stay are like gusts of wind. When they meet, they leave.

41、等到风景都看透,陪我看细水长流。 When the scenery is clear, accompany me to see the long stream.

42、经受不了,你这种所谓的性格。 I can't stand your so-called character.

43、腐烂过的阳光,留下了阴影。 The sun has rotted, leaving a shadow.

44、若真的那么恋旧,还不如回去重修旧好。 If you are really so nostalgic, it's better to go back and rebuild the old.

45、苦酒入喉,心作痛。 Bitter wine in the throat makes the heart ache.

46、要痛到什么程度,才有资格被安抚。 How much pain is needed to be appeased.

47、许我浮生一世安,还你笑颜承你欢。 Let me live a life of safety, but also you smile, Yan Cheng you Huan.

48、隔墙有只耳朵,嘲笑你多难过。 There's an ear in the partition, laughing at how sad you are.

49、黑色是收敛的,沉郁的,难以琢磨的。 Black is convergent, gloomy and elusive.