1、不打扰,却铭记,是我对你最后的暧。 Don't disturb, but remember, it is my last warm to you.
2、不爱一旦成了事实,放手就是最好的解脱。 Once love becomes a fact, letting go is the best relief.
3、不要总是压抑自己,生活就是坦然面对才好。 Don't always suppress yourself. Life is just to face it.
4、与你缠绵的每一秒,都是我生命里的永远。 Every second that lingers with you is forever in my life.
5、世上没有丑女人,只有不会使用美图秀秀的女人! There are no ugly women in the world, only women who can not use beautiful pictures!
6、伤了一次又一次,为什么还要那么固执? Hurt again and again, why so stubborn?
7、你尽力了,才有资格说自己的运气不好。 You've tried your best to be qualified to say that you're not lucky.
8、你带走了时间,却带不走回忆里的画面。 You take time, but you can't take the picture of the memories.
9、你的心是一片柔软的湖,盛满了微凉的泪。 Your heart is a soft lake, full of cold tears.
10、你说的幸福,早离我而去。你早就忘了我了。 You say happiness, long away from me. You've forgotten me long ago.
11、你送我的东西我还留着、你给的爱我不要。 I still keep what you sent me, and I don't want the love you give me.
12、假若关怀让你感觉被束缚,你又何必说孤独。 If care makes you feel bound, why do you have to say loneliness.
13、其实我们都在等,等对方先放手。 Actually, we are all waiting for each other to let go.
14、别把暧昧当爱情、别把灰姑娘的童话当现实。 Don't treat ambiguity as love, don't take Cinderella's fairy tale as reality.
15、可能是时间太短,再看到你也只是心酸。 It may be too short to see you again is just sad.
16、后来你选择了合适,而我输给了喜欢。 Later you chose the right one, and I lost to love.
17、在天愿做比翼鸟,在地就得吃烧烤。 In the sky, I wish to be a birdcrumb, and I have to eat barbecue on the ground.
18、多希望难过无助时,恰巧抬起头来你就在我面前。 I hope I am sad and helpless. I just look up and you are in front of me.
19、失失得得,终不是你。 It's not you that you lose or lose.
20、失眠无解药,向来都是自找。 Insomnia without antidote, has always been self-seeking.
21、如果下辈子有选择,我绝对不会选择认识你。 If I have a choice in my next life, I will never choose to know you.
22、如果有一天再相遇,也许问候只有三两句。 If one day meets again, perhaps only three or two greetings.
23、如果没有你,我可以肆无忌惮的嘲笑爱情。 If I don't have you, I can laugh at love without fear.
24、媳妇没了可以再找,妈只有一个。 The daughter-in-law can be found again if she has no more. There is only one mother.
25、当青春散场,那些幼稚的爱情,也将全部释然。 When youth is gone, those childish love will be all relieved.
26、很多时候,只是因为得不到而假装说不想要。 Many times, just pretend to say no because you can't get it.
27、我不会吵不会闹,心痛了用沉默代替一切。 I can not quarrel and I can not make noise. I feel sad and use silence instead of everything.
28、我不晓得嘴角要扬到多少角度。笑容才不僵硬。 I don't know how much angle the mouth should be raised. Smile is not stiff.
29、我只想说你的*与快乐我愿意用一生来埋单。 I just want to say that your freedom and happiness I would like to pay for your life.
30、我怕你生命中留了太多人,而我只是一盏灯。 I'm afraid you have too many people in your life, and I'm just a light.
31、我执着挽留,你冷漠不回头,好聚好散。 I am persistent to retain, you indifferent not to return, good gathering good scattered.
32、放下的过程很难,但好过一味迎合。 It's hard to put it down, but it's better to cater.
33、放开双手,随它去。 Let go of your hands and let it go.
34、放弃了,就不要再留恋了,心痛也绝不回头。 Give up, do not linger on, heartache also never turn back.
35、曾经的相识,现在的无识。 Once known, now the ignorance.
36、有些人,你忘了,输入法却还记得。 Some people, you forget, input method but still remember.
37、本在天堂,却想下地狱,因为地狱有你。 Ben is in heaven, but wants to go to hell, because hell has you.
38、现在我嘴角的幅度,是最幸福的幅度。 Now the margin of my mouth is the happiest range.
39、由亲密变为疏离,不过是一步的距离。 From intimacy to alienation, it is only a step by step.
40、留下触不到的可惜,陨落下了我们的回忆。 It is a pity to leave behind the touch, and it has fallen down our memories.
41、离别时你跟我说再见,我跟你说永远不见。 You say goodbye to me when you leave. I say goodbye to you.
42、累的时候,真想把自己给灭了。 When tired, I really want to kill myself.
43、耗了这么久的时间,一句不合适就释然了一切。 It took so long to let go of everything if it was not suitable.
44、若不是情深似海,思念又怎会泛滥成灾。 If not deep love, how can miss the disaster.
45、若爱已是非爱不可,又何必问它值不值得。 If love is not love, why ask it is worth it.
46、认真的时候你不要闹,给你脸的时候你别不要。 Don't make noise when you're serious, don't do it when you give your face.
47、谁兜里有棒棒糖,我就跟谁玩。 Whoever has lollipops in my pocket, I'll play with who.
48、这一场支离破碎的梦,是不是你想要的结果。 This fragmented dream is not the result you want.
49、遥问苍天,幸福何处,如若无缘,终是殊途。 Ask heaven, where happiness, if there is no chance, is the only way.
50、阳光依旧温暖、你依旧会爱我吗? The sun is still warm, will you still love me?