1、一年四季会有很多意外,最迷人的就是遇见你。早安! There will be many accidents throughout the year. The most charming thing is to meet you. good morning!

2、万物都是相对的,但我对你的心是绝对的。早安! Everything is relative, but I am absolute to your heart. good morning!

3、不干活,就没饭吃。早安,打工人! No work, no food. Good morning, worker!

4、不怕万人阻挡在前方,只怕自己先行投降。早安! I'm not afraid of ten thousand people blocking the front, but I'm afraid I'll surrender first. good morning!

5、不被爱只是不走运,而不会爱是种不幸。周末,清早好! Not being loved is just bad luck, and not loving is an misfortune. Good morning, weekend!

6、不要假装很努力,因为结果不会陪你演戏。早安! Don't pretend to work hard, because the result won't play with you. good morning!

7、不要在这个努力拼搏的年纪,去选择安逸。早安! Don't choose comfort at this age of hard work. good morning!

8、为了明天新生活,好的习惯得养成。 In order to live a new life tomorrow, good habits must be formed.

9、亲爱的朋友,早上好,愿我们的友谊,长长久久! Good morning, dear friends. May our friendship last forever!

10、人总是会老的,希望到时,你仍在我身边。早安! People will always be old. I hope you will still be by my side. good morning!

11、人生不容许你任性,接受现实,好好努力。早安! Life does not allow you to be capricious, accept the reality and work hard. good morning!

12、付出了不一定有回报,但不付出永远没有回报。早安! Paid may not be rewarded, but not paid will never be rewarded. good morning!

13、余生只想牵你的手,从天光乍破走到暮雪白头。早安! I just want to hold your hand for the rest of my life, from dawn to dusk. good morning!

14、余生很长,想和你没完没了。早安! The rest of my life is long. I want to be with you forever. good morning!

15、余生我只喜欢你,把你捧在手心里。早安! I only like you for the rest of my life and hold you in the palm of my hand. good morning!

16、你应该是一场梦;我应该是一阵风。早安! You should be a dream; I should be a gust of wind. good morning!

17、你是三,我是九,除了你,还是你。早安! You are three, I am nine, in addition to you, or you. good morning!

18、你生是我的小猪猪,死是我的五花肉。早安! You are my little pig, and death is my flesh. good morning!

19、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我不想错过。早安! I have no time to participate in your past and I don't want to miss your future. good morning!

20、你,是我至今拒绝别人的唯一理由。早安! You are the only reason why I refuse others so far. good morning!

21、做出成绩来,全世界都会和颜悦色。早安! If you make achievements, the world will be happy. good morning!

22、努力只能及格,拼命才能优秀。早安! Hard work can only pass, hard work can be excellent. good morning!

23、勤能补拙是良训,一分汗水一分才。早安! Diligence can make up for weakness is good training, one point of sweat is talent. good morning!

24、华严瀑布高千尺,不及卿卿爱我情。早安! Huayan waterfall is thousands of feet high, less than Qingqing's love for me. good morning!

25、去哪我都跟你走,只要你牵我的手。早安! I'll follow you wherever you go, as long as you hold my hand. good morning!

26、只因你太美好,令我无法坦白说出我爱你。早安! Just because you are so beautiful, I can't honestly say I love you. good morning!

27、可不可以让我学着照顾你,然后你再爱我。早安! Can I learn to take care of you and then you love me again. good morning!

28、同是寒窗苦读怎愿甘拜下风。早安! They are studying hard in the cold window. How can they be willing to bow down to the disadvantage. good morning!

29、天下事以难而废者十之一,以惰而废者十之九。早安! One tenth of the world's affairs are abandoned because of difficulties, and nine tenth of them are abandoned because of laziness. good morning!

30、天亮了,铃响了,极不情愿睁眼了。 At dawn, the bell rang and reluctantly opened his eyes.

31、天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就能更接近阳光,早安! No matter how high the sky is, tiptoe can be closer to the sun. Good morning!

32、如果心胸不似海,又怎能有海一样的事业。早安! If your mind is not like the sea, how can you have a career like the sea. good morning!

33、如果我爱上你的笑容,要怎么收藏要怎么拥有。早安! If I fall in love with your smile, how to collect and how to have. good morning!

34、很不幸,我爱上了太阳,光芒万丈。早安! Unfortunately, I fell in love with the sun. good morning!

35、心只要还要攀登,就没有到达不了的高度。早安! As long as the heart has to climb, there is no height it can't reach. good morning!

36、快乐,从清晨起航,从出门的那一刻开始。 Happiness starts from the morning, from the moment you go out.

37、愿有岁月可回首,且以深情共白头。早安! May there be years to look back, and a total of white heads with deep feelings. good morning!

38、成功的道路靠自己闯,心在哪里!路就在哪里!早安! The road to success depends on yourself. Where is your heart! Where is the road! good morning!

39、成功这件事,自己才是老板!早安! Success is the boss! good morning!

40、我希望睡前最后看到的是你。早安! I hope the last thing I see before going to bed is you. good morning!

41、我把吉祥放进清晨的第一丝微风,让她紧紧包围你身边。 I put auspiciousness into the first breeze of the morning and let her tightly surround you.

42、所谓万丈深渊,下去,也是前程万里。早安! The so-called abyss, down, is also a future. good morning!

43、把梦想照进现实,不行动,梦想永远只是幻想。早安! Take the dream into reality, do not act, the dream is always just a fantasy. good morning!

44、拿出男子汉的勇气,闯过来!早安! Take out the courage of a man and break through! good morning!

45、放弃不难,但坚持一定很酷。早安! It's not hard to give up, but it must be cool to insist. good morning!

46、旅行,是心灵的阅读,而阅读,是心灵的旅行。早安! Travel is the reading of the soul, and reading is the travel of the soul. good morning!

47、早上好,一声问候,浓浓情谊,愿朋友一切都好! Good morning, a greeting, deep friendship, may all be well with your friends!

48、早上好,亲爱的朋友,友谊祝福送给你,感恩遇见你! Good morning, dear friend, friendship blessing to you, thank you for meeting you!

49、早安!今日份的快乐也正常营业啦。 good morning! Today's happy business is also normal.

50、早晨起床伸懒腰,对着镜子哈哈笑,说声早安会心笑。 Get up in the morning, stretch, laugh in front of the mirror, say good morning and smile.

51、有一首岁月的诗,想慢慢读给你听。早安! There is a poem of years that I want to read to you slowly. good morning!

52、梦中冥冥有乐趣,觉后空空无大千。早安! There is fun in the dream, and there is nothing after feeling empty. good morning!

53、江湖不好混了,躲我怀里吧。早安! Jianghu is hard to mix. Hide in my arms. good morning!

54、没有灯的小路一样可以行走,只要心还在。早安! The path without lights can walk as long as the heart is still there. good morning!

55、生活一定要五颜六色,但绝不能乱七八糟。早安! Life must be colorful, but it must not be messy. good morning!

56、用完美的笑容迎接新的一周。周一,你好! Welcome the new week with a perfect smile. Monday, Hello!

57、等苦尽甘来的那一天,山河星月都做贺礼。早安! On the day when all the hardships and joys come, mountains, rivers, stars and moons make congratulatory gifts. good morning!

58、给自已标价越高,自已的价值实现就越大。早安! The higher the price you set for yourself, the greater the realization of your own value. good morning!

59、自信,是迈向成功的第一步。早安! Confidence is the first step towards success. good morning!

60、自律的程度,决定人生的高度。早安。 The degree of self-discipline determines the height of life. good morning.

61、花儿枝头开,你是我的爱,一早送吉来,幸福永远在! Flowers bloom, you are my love, send good luck early in the morning, happiness is always there!

62、花有重开日,人无再少年,年轻是努力的资本。早安! Flowers have a reopening day. No one is young again. Youth is the capital of efforts. good morning!

63、让未来的你,感谢今天的你所付出的努力。早安! Let the future you, thank you for your efforts today. good morning!

64、跌倒了,站起来,赢了再哭。早安! Fall, stand up, win and cry. good morning!

65、跟你在一起,我就喜欢做各种傻事。早安! With you, I like to do all kinds of stupid things. good morning!

66、送上真挚的祝福,铭刻永恒的情谊;朋友,愿你快乐! Send sincere blessings and engrave eternal friendship; Friends, I wish you happiness!

67、送平安,送健康,送你欢乐永不消。 Send peace, send health, send you joy forever.

68、青春,是在它即将逝去的时候有魅力。早安! Youth is charming when it is about to die. good morning!

69、青梅老去,竹马枯萎,从此我爱的人都很像你。早安! The green plum grows old and the bamboo and horse wither. Since then, the people I love are very much like you. good morning!

70、鸟鸣了,花香了,愉悦永远跟随了。 Birds sing, flowers smell, and joy follows forever.

71、黑夜走,白昼来,开心一天就要来。 The night goes, the day comes, and a happy day will come.