1、从此浪荡*,把真心藏好。 From then on, you will be free to hide your heart.

2、你仍是我的软肋,却不再是我的盔甲。 You are still my weakness, but no longer my armor.

3、你和我都是孤独的鬼,承受着满身的疲惫。 You and I are lonely ghosts, suffering from exhaustion.

4、你感觉孤独,恐怕不是没人陪,而是没人懂。 You feel lonely, I'm afraid it's not no one to accompany, but no one to understand.

5、你数数这是你第几次丢了下我。 You count how many times you've lost me.

6、你没有如期归来,而这正是离别的意义。 You didn't come back on time, and that's what parting means.

7、你走了也好,不然总担心你要走。 It's better for you to go, or I'm always worried about you going.

8、你走的太快了,我本来想要抱抱你的。 You're walking too fast. I wanted to hold you.

9、写下来的,终究不是想说给你听的。 I didn't want to say it to you after all.

10、凡事看得开点、这样才能狠下心来去报复。 Be open-minded in everything. Only in this way can we take revenge.

11、听说,失望来自奢望,奢望来自远方。 It is said that disappointment comes from extravagance, and extravagance comes from afar.

12、回忆之所以是回忆,因为是回不去的记忆。 The reason why memories are memories is that they are memories that cannot be returned.

13、如果从来没想过和我未来,就别老是感动我。 If you never think about the future with me, don't always move me.

14、年轻时候,如果爱,别说永远,说珍惜。 When young, if you love, don't say forever, say cherish.

15、心冷,冷得丢失全部,理由通通成借口。 Cold heart, cold to lose all, all reasons into an excuse.

16、总有一天你会发现,时间什么都能改变。 One day you will find that time can change everything.

17、总有一天,你我相遇,面带微笑,擦身而过。 One day, you and I will meet, smile and pass by.

18、恋爱要么是享受虐人,要么是安于被虐。 Love is either to enjoy abuse or to be content with being abused.

19、愿有人陪你颠沛流离,落满身伤也不离不弃。 May someone accompany you in exile, fall all over the body and never leave.

20、我以为我足够坚强,却一天天失望。 I thought I was strong enough, but I was disappointed every day.

21、我们总是,想要珍惜却浑身脾气。 We always, want to cherish, but all temper.

22、我们给过彼此的那些眼泪和疼痛,如风飘远。 We gave each other those tears and pain, such as the wind away.

23、我们都有一个,想回却回不了的过去。 We all have a past that we can't go back to.

24、我关注着你的所有,包括你喜欢的那个人。 I pay attention to all of you, including the person you like.

25、我只是不明白,这世界到底在热闹些什么。 I just don't understand what's going on in the world.

26、我可以受十分的苦,但我受不了半分的委屈。 I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand half of the grievance.

27、我好到可以原谅你,但没有傻到再去相信你。 I'm good enough to forgive you, but not stupid enough to believe you.

28、我很想打扰你,可是没有勇气也没有话题。 I want to disturb you, but I have no courage and no topic.

29、我怕你等太久了,我时时都要顾着你的情绪。 I'm afraid you've been waiting too long. I have to take care of your mood all the time.

30、拼命的挽留,最后却换来一句请放开手。 Desperate to retain, but finally in exchange for a please let go.

31、明月楼高休独椅,酒入愁肠化作相思泪。 The moon tower high rest chair, wine into the sorrow, into Acacia tears.

32、明知道会让自己失望,还去期待。 Knowing that you will let yourself down, you still have to look forward to it.

33、是你演技不好,还是我揭穿的太早? Is your acting bad, or am I exposing it too early?

34、晚风不解意,何故撩人心。 The evening breeze doesn't understand why it is so exciting.

35、曾经的一切,失去了就成了一个玩笑。 Once everything, lost became a joke.

36、最后的难过,太让人心疼。 The last sad, too distressing.

37、有些事从不被想起,却也从未忘记。 Some things are never remembered, but never forgotten.

38、没什么比看得透彻却放不下,还让人疲惫了。 Nothing is more exhausting than seeing it through but not letting it go.

39、没有色的夜里,萤火虫用心点亮漫天的星。 There is no color in the night, fireflies light up the stars.

40、渐渐明白,不是每个人都像表面上那么快乐。 Gradually understand that not everyone is as happy as on the surface.

41、爱一个不爱自己的人真的好难,好累。 It's really hard and tired to love someone who doesn't love himself.

42、现在无法碰触的部分,终将可以当作笑话来讲。 What can't be touched now will be told as a joke.

43、现实的无奈,让我学会了逞强,习惯了伪装。 The reality of helplessness, let me learn to be brave, used to camouflage.

44、相爱本来是场意外,何必要说上天安排。 Love was an accident, why should God arrange it.

45、笑,如此不堪的过去。 Smile, such a miserable past.

46、给我再去相信的勇气,越过谎言去拥抱你。 Give me the courage to believe again and embrace you beyond the lies.

47、记忆如此的空白,感情如此的虚幻。 Memory is so blank, feelings are so unreal.

48、走着走着就散了,回忆都淡了。 Walking on the scattered, memories are pale.

49、这份爱情里,最终离开的是你。 In this love, you are the one who finally leaves.