1、一叶绽放一追寻,一花盛开一世界,一生相思为一人。 A leaf blooming, a pursuit, a flower blooming, a world, a lifetime of Acacia for a person.

2、不是每句话都有含义,不是每个梦都有结局。 Not every sentence has meaning, not every dream has ending.

3、不要说我变了,直接说你厌倦了。 Don't say I've changed, just say you're tired.

4、为君消得人憔悴,朝朝暮暮盼君回。 For you to eliminate people haggard, day and night looking forward to your return.

5、人受过伤,总会狠狠包裹自己,躲起来拒绝再爱。 People who have been hurt will always wrap themselves up, hide and refuse to love again.

6、何必为那些不愿为你花费时间的男人,而浪费时间。 Why waste your time on a man who doesn't want to waste his time on you.

7、你为我憧憬了一个美好的未来,却在途中独自离去。 You look forward to a bright future for me, but you leave alone on the way.

8、你总是无所谓,现在该我了。 You always don't care. Now it's my turn.

9、你说你放过我了,但是回忆一直揪着我不放啊。 You said you let me go, but the memory has been holding me.

10、你身边太挤了,恰好我又是个与世无争的人。 It's too crowded around you, and I happen to be a person who has nothing to do with the world.

11、凌晨了,能否赐予我安眠无梦。 Early in the morning, can you give me sleep without dream.

12、原谅我一时冲动,自导自演变成一个观众。 Forgive me for being an audience on the spur of the moment.

13、善意A谎言,唯美A微笑,诠释心痛背后A悲伤。 White lies, beautiful smile, interpretation of sadness behind heartache.

14、因为你给了他太多信心,他就会肆无忌惮的放纵。 Because you give him too much confidence, he will wantonly indulge.

15、在别人面前笑得很开心,一个人的时候却很漠落。 Smile happily in front of others, but be indifferent when you are alone.

16、在每个星光陨落的晚上,一遍一遍数我的寂寞。 In every starry night, count my loneliness again and again.

17、夜深人静的时候别矫情,孤独无依的时候别回头。 Don't be hypocritical in the dead of night. Don't look back when you are lonely.

18、失望加绝望,你随意。 Disappointment and despair, whatever you want.

19、总是有些人,不管过了多久,也还是一想起就疼。 There are always some people, no matter how long it takes, who still feel pain when they think of it.

20、我习惯用微笑来伪装自己,很幸福。 I used to disguise myself with a smile, very happy.

21、我们懂得幸福的时候,是因为我们懂得了珍惜。 When we know happiness, it is because we know how to cherish it.

22、我对你的爱怎么戒不掉,伤神又伤心的。 I love you how to give up, sad and sad.

23、我怕我的记忆像沙漏,越来越少,总有一天会模糊。 I'm afraid my memory is like an hourglass, less and less, and it will be blurred one day.

24、我把爱情看A过于简单,丢了你也摧毁了我们A诺言。 I love to see too simple, lost you also destroyed our promise.

25、我爱你不是简单的三个字,而是一份无法代替的情。 I love you is not a simple three words, but an irreplaceable love.

26、是认清,是看淡,是无所谓,是顺其自然。 Is to recognize, is to look down on, is indifferent, is to let nature take its course.

27、暧昧的空气在你的渲染,于我们之间经久不散。 Ambiguous air in your rendering, between us for a long time.

28、有多少人跟我一样、看到穿越火线就头晕。 How many people are as dizzy as I am when I see crossing the line of fire.

29、没兴趣再去认识谁了,反正到头来都是要走的。 I'm not interested in getting to know anyone any more. Anyway, I have to go in the end.

30、没有人在等着一个人,一个人在等着没有人。 No one is waiting for a person, a person is waiting for no one.

31、没有人天生就很幸福,也没有人天生就很痛苦。 No one is born happy, no one is born miserable.

32、洒脱的人不是没有泪,他只是在没有人的地方哭。 Free and easy person is not without tears, he just cry in no one's place.

33、生命里,最舍不得的那一页,总是藏得最深! Life, the most reluctant that page, always hidden the deepest!

34、生活就像忐忑,没有准确的词,却是惊心动魄。 Life is like anxiety, there is no accurate word, but soul stirring.

35、看不见的伤疤最疼,流不出的眼泪最酸。 Invisible scars are the most painful, and tears are the most sour.

36、等待不是为了你能回来、而是为了不离开。 Waiting is not for you to come back, but for not leaving.

37、等我不缠着你的时候,恭喜你你已经失去我了。 When I don't pester you, Congratulations, you have lost me.

38、等风来,等雨来,等你来。 Wait for the wind, wait for the rain, wait for you.

39、紧抱一个醉生梦死的念头,游不出回忆却放不开手。 Cling to a dream of life and death, you can't swim out of memory, but you can't let go.

40、终其一生,我们只为寻找最初失去的那个人。 All our lives, we only look for the person we lost at first.

41、经历的多了,心就坚强了,路就踏实了。 Experience more, the heart will be strong, the road is steady.

42、给爱你的人一个机会,说不定你也会爱上他。 Give the person who loves you a chance, maybe you will fall in love with him.

43、肯陪你的人很多,一直陪你到最后的很少,很少。 There are many people who are willing to accompany you. There are few people who accompany you to the end.

44、被眼泪透支的爱情,没有想象中的难过。 The love overdrawn by tears is not sad in imagination.

45、记住,劳资活着不是为了取悦任何人。 Remember, I don't live to please anyone.

46、谁都不想辜负的人,最后很可能会辜负自己。 Those who don't want to fail are likely to fail themselves in the end.

47、这世上,有没有我的另一个正过着我想要的生活。 In this world, is there another one of mine who is living the life I want.

48、这城市红红火火,万里风霜由不得我。 The city is so prosperous that I can't help it.

49、酒喝得太多会醉,爱的太深会累。 Too much wine will make you drunk, too much love will make you tired.

50、闹了别扭就离开的情感,我不挽留。 I don't want to keep the feeling of leaving when I feel uncomfortable.