1、什么天荒地老,什么天长地久,都是逝言。 What is immortality, what is permanence, are words of the past.

2、以后,不用了,谢谢! Later, no, thank you!

3、伤感音乐缓缓穿梭天际,谁家的孩子唱着心碎的情歌。 Sad music slowly shuttles through the sky, whose children are singing heartbroken love songs.

4、你以为我可以爱你多久,能让你这样糟蹋我的感情。 How long do you think I can love you and let you spoil my feelings like this.

5、你有故事,我有酒。 You have stories, I have wine.

6、你本来就不快乐,还要因为别人难过。 You are not happy at all, but also sad because of others.

7、你演的太幸苦,我配合得太累。 You play too hard, I cooperate too tired.

8、即使是一颗小小的别针,也有属于自己独特的光亮。 Even a small pin has its own unique light.

9、原来,用恨去忘记,会更加的深刻。 Originally, with hate to forget, will be more profound.

10、听不到的笑声,看不到的笑容,得不到的幸福。 Can't hear the laughter, can't see the smile, can't get happiness.

11、大概这世上所有美好又遥远的事物,都像你。 Maybe all the beautiful and distant things in the world are like you.

12、失去的不挽留,该珍惜的绝不放手。 Lost do not retain, the treasure will never let go.

13、如果除我之外你还惦记着另一个人,你千万要瞒住我。 If you think about another person besides me, you must keep it from me.

14、希望有那么一个人,让我宠的她无法无天。 I hope there is such a person, let me spoil her lawless.

15、幸福,就是我们在一起,不离不弃。 Happiness is that we are together and never leave.

16、忘不了,只不过是时间不够长,新欢不够好。 I can't forget it. It's just that time is not long enough and new love is not good enough.

17、怕无归期,怕空欢喜,怕来者不是你。 Fear of no return, fear of empty joy, fear of coming is not you.

18、想你的夜,流星未现。 Miss your night, meteor does not appear.

19、愿你最爱的人,也最爱你。 May the person you love the most love you the most.

20、我努力在笑,可眼泪还是会掉。 I try to laugh, but tears still fall.

21、我多想拥抱你,可惜你我时光之里,山南水北。 How I want to embrace you. It's a pity that you and I live in different places.

22、我拿把旧钥匙,敲着厚厚的墙。 I took an old key and knocked on the thick wall.

23、我揽不住要走的风,更留不住不爱我的你。 I can't hold the wind to go, and I can't hold you who don't love me.

24、我的心不是二十四小时营业的,不能随时欢迎你光临。 My heart is not open 24 hours a day. You are not welcome at any time.

25、我说我爱你,你倒过来重复一遍。 I said I love you, you repeat it backwards.

26、时间冲走了你微笑的痕迹,却抹不掉我对你的回忆。 Time has washed away the trace of your smile, but it can't erase my memory of you.

27、最好不过余生皆有你,最坏不过余生皆回忆。 The best is to have you for the rest of your life, and the worst is to remember for the rest of your life.

28、沿途走过,一路的流泪只为告别那些有你的伤悲。 Along the way, tears all the way just to say goodbye to those who have your sorrow.

29、流年里逝去的青春,将不再有。 The lost youth in fleeting time will no longer exist.

30、深爱是让不舍离开的人,好好走。 Deep love is to let those who are reluctant to leave go well.

31、清水入喉像烧胃的烈酒,说要留下的人早已远走。 Clear water into the throat, like the spirit of the stomach, said to stay long gone.

32、爱情,我只要平平淡淡的生活,平平淡淡的你。 Love, I just want a light life, a light you.

33、生中最大的成就是从失败中站起来。 The greatest achievement in life is to stand up from failure.

34、生如夏花之殉烂,死如秋叶之静美。 Life is as beautiful as summer flowers and death as autumn leaves.

35、男人变心的速度,就好比眨下眼的时间。 The speed of a man's change of heart is like the blink of an eye.

36、男人对女人的忠诚度。犹如女人对衣服的新鲜感。 Men's loyalty to women. It's like the freshness of a woman's clothes.

37、相似的人适合做朋友,互补的人才适合过一生啊。 Similar people are suitable to be friends, while complementary people are suitable for a lifetime.

38、笑、是掩饰悲伤的面具。 Smile is a mask to hide sadness.

39、繁花凋谢梦凄凉,倾世容颜,永逝娇娆。 The flowers wither, the dream is desolate, the face of the world is beautiful and enchanting forever.

40、腐朽的年华,多年都无法抹去的身影。 Decadent years, years can not erase the figure.

41、莫名想念,莫名心疼,莫名难过,莫名哭。 Inexplicable miss, inexplicable heartache, inexplicable sad, inexplicable cry.

42、萦绕在指尖的余温,结束了霉雨的季节。 Lingering in the fingertips of the temperature, the end of the season of mildew.

43、被爱久了,就会把以前的坚强忘得一干二净。 Be loved for a long time, will forget the previous strong completely.

44、记忆,遗忘在街角。忘记,只是借口。 Memory, forgotten in the corner. Forget, just an excuse.

45、说多了就厌了,演多了就假了,爱多了就滥了。 If you talk too much, you are tired; if you act too much, you are fake; if you love too much, you are overused.

46、请你一定要比我幸福,才不枉费我狼狈退出。 Please be happier than me, so that I can quit in vain.

47、这条路,太远,太长,会累。 This road, too far, too long, will be tired.

48、那般春天的美丽,你竟遗忘了我的霸气。 The beauty of spring, you forget my domineering.

49、都不是孩子了,何必计较那么多。 I'm not a child anymore. Why bother so much.

50、默默的看着你,而你却不知道我多想告诉你我爱你。 Silently looking at you, but you don't know how much I want to tell you I love you.