1、一开始在一起,最后还不是要曲终人散。 In the beginning, we are together, but in the end, we don't want to end up together.

2、不哭不闹,我只翻书睡觉。 No crying, no noise, I just read and sleep.

3、不需要整天去追随着太阳,你也可以做到自己发光。 You can shine without following the sun all day.

4、也许我回来是为了在家乡埋一滴眼泪,好让我这一生也有乡愁。 Maybe I came back to bury a tear in my hometown, so that I can have homesickness in my life.

5、人人都是自顾不暇的泥菩萨,别指望谁能帮你渡过现实这条河。 Everyone is a clay Bodhisattva who can't spare himself. Don't expect anyone to help you cross the river of reality.

6、人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 The establishment of great achievements in life lies not in knowing, but in doing.

7、人生就是一场戏,吹吹打打的开幕,却有一个无人知晓的落幕。 Life is a play, blowing the opening, but there is an unknown ending.

8、人生的每一个清晨,都该努力,不能拖延。 Every morning of life, we should work hard and not delay.

9、你一定要坚强,即使受过伤,流过泪,也要咬牙走下去。 You must be strong, even if injured, shed tears, but also to bite your teeth to go on.

10、你总是能让我带着每天的晚安,把梦做到最感动。 You always let me take every night, the dream to do the most moving.

11、你突然对别人笑一下,我就不屑一顾又嫉妒如怒火。 When you suddenly smile at others, I'll be dismissive and jealous.

12、你要明白,你跟这个人已经没有以后了。这辈子,都没法有了。 You have to understand that you have no future with this person. This life, can't have.

13、你走的倒是洒脱,让我狠话难说。 You walk is free and easy, let me hard to say.

14、你越在意什么,什么越会折磨你。 The more you care about something, the more it will torment you.

15、听说你过得不错,搬了家,换了电话,忘了我。 I heard you had a good time. You moved, you changed your phone, you forgot me.

16、墙壁留下岁月的鞭痕,曲折地道尽动荡的年代。 The wall leaves the mark of years, twists and turns the turbulent times.

17、天亮之前,有一个时间是非常暗的,星也没有,月亮也没有。 Before dawn, there was a time when it was very dark. There were no stars and no moon.

18、如果你特无聊,我们就一起聊。 If you're bored, we'll talk.

19、始终在做着重复的两件事爱他以及守护。 Always doing the same two things, loving him and guarding him.

20、年轻就是这样,有错过有遗憾,最后才会学着珍惜。 Young is like this, there are missed regret, the last will learn to cherish.

21、当你对我说出,你不了解她时,你有没有想过你又了解了我多少? When you tell me that you don't know her, have you ever thought how much you know about me?

22、往事洪流是你的罪,你的孽,你的对方,你的假想敌。 The flood of the past is your sin, your sin, your opponent, your imaginary enemy.

23、愉悦其实真的狠简单,有你有事做,有所期盼。 In fact, pleasure is really cruel and simple. You have something to do and something to look forward to.

24、成熟不是心在变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。 Maturity is not that the heart is getting old, it's that tears can still smile.

25、我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。 I don't want to think whether I can succeed or not. Since I have chosen to be far away, I only care about the wind and rain.

26、我以为我能坚强地面对,眼泪却出卖了,说要忘掉你的一切。 I thought I could face it strongly, but tears betrayed me, saying that I would forget everything about you.

27、我并不是一个坚强的人,但我知道在该坚强的时候一定要坚强。 I am not a strong person, but I know that when I should be strong, I must be strong.

28、我想在你的心房里猖狂的住一辈子。 I want to live in your heart for a lifetime.

29、我的心常下雪,不管天气如何。它总是突然的冻结,无法商量。 My heart often snows, no matter what the weather is. It's always frozen suddenly, it's not negotiable.

30、我的心脏,你的模样。 My heart, what you look like.

31、我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踏着七彩祥云娶别人。 My lover is a hero of the world. One day he will step on the colorful clouds and marry someone else.

32、或许爱笑的人是在用最美的方式难受。 Maybe people who love to laugh are suffering in the most beautiful way.

33、故事花开花败,都有人去猜。可惜两人相爱,总会有无奈。 The story is full of flowers and failures, and some people have to guess. Unfortunately, when two people fall in love, there will always be helplessness.

34、故事还长别失望,有没有爱都别慌。 The story is still long, don't be disappointed, don't panic with or without love.

35、既然懂得这个世间人心凉薄,就不要固执地想要寻求温暖。 Since you know that people in this world are cold and thin, don't stubbornly want to seek warmth.

36、有人三句不离酒,有人句句不离愁。 Some people never leave wine, others never leave sorrow.

37、有点醉、醉的好悲微,原来,爱上你,有一点点心碎。 A little drunk, drunk good sad micro, originally, fell in love with you, a little heartbroken.

38、有的离开是蓄谋已久的,而我的离开是日积月累的失望。 Some of them leave deliberately for a long time, but my leave is accumulated disappointment.

39、未知的明天,让我今夜难安。 The unknown tomorrow makes me uneasy tonight.

40、每一个荣辱不惊的人,曾经都有一个狼狈的过去。 Everyone who is not surprised by honor or disgrace has a troubled past.

41、没有漂亮的外表,谁会去关注你的内心,这就叫现实。 No beautiful appearance, who will pay attention to your heart, this is called reality.

42、爱就像拔河一个人放掉,另一个人就会受伤。 Love is like tug of war, one person let go, another person will be hurt.

43、爱是靠自己争取的,学会付出。 Love is to strive for by oneself, learn to pay.

44、生气,就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。原谅别人,就是放过自己。 To be angry is to punish yourself for the mistakes of others. To forgive others is to let yourself go.

45、生活不是电影,没有那么多不期而遇。 Life is not a movie. There are not so many unexpected encounters.

46、知不知道饮酒和饮水有什么区别?酒越饮越暖,水越喝越寒。 Do you know the difference between drinking and drinking? The warmer the wine, the colder the water.

47、精诚所至,金石为开。 Sincerity is the key to success.

48、脑海里有一座*,关着自己想不通的一切。 There is a * in my mind, closed all I can't think of.

49、苍天有束光可偷,我也偷来,予他做个冠带。 Heaven has a beam of light to steal, and I steal it to make him a crown.

50、这世界就是个巨大的娃娃机,我站在橱窗旁边,只想要你。 This world is a huge doll machine, I stand by the window, just want you.