1、一生一代一双人,争教两处销魂。 One generation by one, two people, two for teaching soul.

2、不想和你看同一个月亮了,只想和你一同看月亮。 I don't want to see the same moon with you, just want to see the moon with you.

3、不知道什么是想念,只知道,闭上眼便是你。 I don't know what I miss, just know, close your eyes and you.

4、不联系的日子里,你都在干什么。 What are you doing in the days when you don't have a connection.

5、不见面不等于不思念,不联络只是为了掩饰我对你眷恋。 Not meeting is not equal to missing, not contact just to cover up my attachment to you.

6、今天的风好舒服,我吹一下风,会飞到你那里去吧。 Today, the wind is very comfortable. I will blow it and fly to you.

7、众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 Looking for him in the crowd, suddenly looking back, the man is in the dim light.

8、你一定不知道,你寂寞的时候,我也在寂寞的想着你。 You must not know, when you are lonely, I am also lonely thinking about you.

9、你思念我,是不是像我思念你一样。 Do you miss me as much as I miss you.

10、你所在之处,是我不得不思念的天涯海角。 Where you are, is the end of the world that I have to miss.

11、你把位置发给我,看看我的心跑哪去了。 You send me the position and see where my heart is running.

12、你是我藏在笔墨里的思念,总在不经意的时候出现。 You are my missing in the ink and calligraphy, always appear when I don't care.

13、你没有如期归来,而这正是离别的意义。 You didn't return as scheduled, and that's what it means to leave.

14、你的名字,我的心事。 Your name, my heart.

15、你的思念如此浓烈,我的情绪却如此纠结。 Your thoughts are so strong, but my emotions are so tangled.

16、偶尔想你,经常偶尔。 I miss you occasionally, often occasionally.

17、关山魂梦长,鱼雁音尘少。两鬓可冷青,只为相思老。 Guanshan soul dream long, fish and geese sound dust less. The temples can be cold and green, only for the old love.

18、其实我不太懂喜欢,可我想走向你。 Actually, I don't know how to like it, but I want to go to you.

19、可我确实是在这样的日昔日暮中,盼着夜觅夜念的你。 But I am indeed in such a day and the past, looking forward to the night to read you.

20、堆积的思念涌上心口,一时之间竟哽咽了喉。 The accumulated thoughts poured into my heart, and choked my throat for a while.

21、夏天,是一个想念的季节,思念的心像花一般绽放。 Summer, is a season of missing, miss the heart like flowers bloom.

22、多想跨过山和大海,去拥抱你,而不是拿着手机说想你。 Want to cross the mountains and the sea, to embrace you, not to say miss you with your mobile phone.

23、天不老,情难绝,心似双丝网,中有千千结。 The sky is not old, the feeling is difficult, the heart is like a double screen, there are thousands of knots.

24、失眠的夜晚,那些绵羊长成了你的样子。 On the night of insomnia, those sheep have grown into your appearance.

25、如果我莫名其妙地笑了,那一定是我想你了。 If I laugh inexplicably, it must be that I miss you.

26、孤单时,仍要守护心中的思念,有阴影的地方,必定有光。 Lonely, still to protect the heart of missing, there is a shadow of the place, there must be light.

27、宁愿你给我最致命的伤,我也不要像现在这样思念你。 I would rather you give me the most lethal injury, I do not miss you as I am now.

28、幸好思念无声,否则你已震耳欲聋。 Fortunately, I miss you silently, or you will be deafening.

29、心事这东西,你捂着嘴,它就会从眼睛里跑出来。 Mind this thing, you cover your mouth, it will run out of the eyes.

30、怕相思,已相思,轮到相思没处辞,眉间露一丝。 Afraid of Acacia, already Acacia, it is time to Acacia no place to say, eyebrows reveal a bit.

31、思君令人老,轩车缘何迟。 Sijun is old, why is Xuan car late.

32、思念如白马,自别离,未停蹄。 Miss like a white horse, from separation, not stop.

33、思念涌上心头时,想要越过方寸的屏幕拥抱你。 Miss the rush to the heart, want to cross the square screen to hug you.

34、思念的日历没有首页,没有尾页。 Missing calendar has no home page, no end page.

35、思念这种东西,捂住嘴巴,它还会从眼睛里逃出来。 Miss this thing, cover your mouth, it will escape from the eyes.

36、思念,是如水的柔情,又如晨曦中缕缕漂浮的雾。 Miss, is like the soft feeling of water, and like the mist floating in the morning.

37、思念,若诗般深情,若水般清澈,若画般美好。 Miss, if poem like deep love, if water clear, if painting as beautiful.

38、总有那么一瞬间,半夜醒来,想起你,然后摇头苦笑。 There is always a moment, wake up in the middle of the night, think of you, and shake your head and smile bitterly.

39、情人怨遥夜,竟夕起相思。 Lovers complain far away at night, but they miss each other in the evening.

40、想一个人有多想念,那又是文字失效瞬间。 Think how much a person miss, that is the moment of text failure.

41、想你时有些幸福,幸福的有些难过。 I think you have some happiness, some sad happiness.

42、想念如果有声音,恐怕你早已震耳欲聋。 If you miss a voice, I'm afraid you're already deafening.

43、我以为酒可以灌死思念,谁知道思念学会了游泳。 I think wine can drink dead miss, who knows Miss learned to swim.

44、我只是难过不能陪你一起到老,再也看不到你的笑。 I just sad can not accompany you to old, no longer see your smile.

45、我好想你,到头来却只能欺骗自己。 I miss you so much that I can only cheat myself in the end.

46、我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。 I send my heart of sorrow and the moon, and follow you until the night Lang Xi.

47、我已经等不到夏天了,就算拨开人群,也想去见你。 I can't wait for summer. Even if I get rid of the crowd, I want to see you.

48、我想你,就像老鼠想大米! I miss you, like mice want rice!

49、我想你,让精彩的诗歌继续,让优美的歌曲延续。 I think you, let the wonderful poetry continue, let the beautiful song continue.

50、我想让时间倒流,回到那年我们感情最初的时候。 I want time to flow backwards, back to the first time we felt that year.

51、我曾踏月而来,只因你在山中。 I came by the moon, only because you were in the mountains.

52、我现在最大的想法,就是我想见你。 My biggest idea now is that I want to see you.

53、我行走于远方,夜夜思量,你的模样。 I walk far away, thinking about it at night, how you look.

54、无言的往事,微笑的容颜。满脑的回忆,空余悲叹声。 The past without words, the smiling face. Full of memories, empty laments.

55、旧城里看不见阳光你和我一个梦长得好像。 You and I have a dream that looks like you can't see the sunshine in the old city.

56、时间是爱情的陪葬品,大声告诉你一件事,我想你了? Time is the burial product of love. Tell you something loudly. I miss you?

57、晚风捎信,说我想你。 The evening wind sent a message saying I miss you.

58、曾经以为,拥有是不容易的;后来才知道,舍弃更难。 Once thought, owning is not easy; Later, I learned that it was harder to abandon.

59、有思念你的人在的地方,就是你的归处。 Where there are people who miss you, you are.

60、有时候血流尽了,伤口也不会愈合的。 Sometimes the blood flow is exhausted and the wound will not heal.

61、欲寄彩签兼尺素,山长水阔知何处。 If you want to send a color sign and ruler, you can know where you are.

62、每当夜深人静的时候,空气中更加弥漫了思念的气息。 When the night is still, the air is filled with the breath of missing.

63、毫无征兆的想你,是我不可告人的秘密。 It's my secret to miss you without warning.

64、永不打扰,相忘于人海,是对你最后的思念! Never disturb, forget in the sea of people, is the last missing for you!

65、深夜是一个人心灵最脆弱的时候,也是想念最疯狂的时候。 Late night is the most vulnerable time of a person's heart, and also the most crazy time to miss.

66、爱上你,似乎瞎子又重见了光明。 Love you, it seems that blind people see light again.

67、爱你的人东南西北都顺路,想你的人白天黑夜都不忙。 Love you people are all along the way, think of you people are not busy day and night.

68、玫瑰到了花期,我很想你。 The rose is in the bloom. I miss you very much.

69、能让我开心快乐,悲伤的就只有想你。 Can make me happy and happy, sad only miss you.

70、被酒莫惊春睡重,赌书消得泼茶香,当时只道是寻常。 When wine is not startled, sleep heavily, gambling books are sprinkled with tea, and only the way is ordinary.

71、西风多少恨,吹不散眉弯。 How much hate the west wind, can not disperse eyebrow bend.

72、还是习惯一个人、坐着公交车独自欣赏窗外的风景。 Still used to a person, sitting on the bus alone to enjoy the scenery outside the window.

73、这个世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。 The most beautiful thing in the world is the smile that comes out of tears.

74、这城市那么空,回忆那么痛,眉头那么重,思念那么浓。 The city is so empty, memories so painful, eyebrows so heavy, miss so thick.

75、那些反复叠加的思念,最终都变成了拿不出台面的暗恋。 Those repeated overlapping thoughts, eventually become the secret love that can not take out the table.

76、那些让人心碎的会面,可不可以不要再遇见。 Those heartbreaking meetings can't be met again.

77、那些说不出口的思念,最后都熬成了黑眼圈。 Those who say that can not export the missing, finally all become black eye circle.

78、那天车窗起雾,我写的是你的名字。 The window was foggy that day. I wrote your name.

79、除了你的名字,再没有其他温暖的字眼能打动我。 There are no warm words that can move me except your name.

80、龙应当藏在云里,你应当藏在心里。 Dragon should be hidden in the cloud, you should hide in the heart.