1、一万个美丽的未来,抵不上一个温暖的现在。 Ten thousand beautiful futures are not worth a warm present.

2、一个承诺在最需要的时候没有兑现,那就是出卖。 A promise is not fulfilled when it is most needed, that is to sell.

3、一切终会离去,只有岁月如约而来,生死不离。 Everything will eventually leave, only time as promised, life and death.

4、一天有这么多时间,能不能空出一秒来想我一下。 With so much time in a day, can you spare one second to think about me.

5、一定要做个自律的人,活好自己的孤单和简单。 Be a self disciplined person and live your loneliness and simplicity.

6、一笑而过,不喜烟愁。穷极一生,钟情一人。 A smile, not smoke worry. I love one person all my life.

7、下辈子我要做你的心脏,我难受了,疼的是你。 Next life I want to be your heart, I feel bad, the pain is you.

8、不会说动听的情话,只想把你留在身边。 I don't want to say sweet love words, I just want to keep you by my side.

9、不再热情似火,也懒得幽默。 No longer enthusiastic, also lazy humor.

10、不懂我,就不要乱评论我。 Don't comment on me if you don't understand me.

11、不撞南墙不回头,撞了南墙吧,抢到又被众人推。 If you don't hit the south wall, don't look back. If you hit the south wall, you will be pushed again.

12、不管是哪种感情,都是那么不堪一击。 No matter what kind of feelings, are so vulnerable.

13、不管过去还是未来,我要你的时间只为我停止。 Whether in the past or in the future, I want your time to stop just for me.

14、不被了解的时候,相信自己值得。 When you are not understood, believe that you are worth it.

15、世界是真的,付出都是值得的。 The world is real. It's worth the effort.

16、临水照花人,曾经花不如人,如今人不如花。 Water according to flower people, once flowers than people, now people are not like flowers.

17、也许他只是暧昧成瘾,而你却走了心。 Maybe he's just addicted to ambiguity, but you're gone.

18、买下一张永久车票,登上一列永无终点的火车。 Buy a permanent ticket and board a train that never ends.

19、人生不是被注定好的,谁都有资格创造人生。 Life is not destined to be good, everyone is qualified to create life.

20、人生充满着期待,梦想连接着未来。 Life is full of expectations, dreams connect with the future.

21、人生只有走出来的精彩,没有等出来的辉煌。 Life is only wonderful, not brilliant.

22、人的一生就是体道,悟道,最后得道的过程。 A person's life is a process of experiencing, understanding and finally gaining Tao.

23、人间有风,有雨,有阳光,还有一个不错的你。 There is wind, rain, sunshine, and a good you.

24、人间正道,一声嗷啸。一腔热血男儿自强任逍遥。 The right way in the world, a whine. A warm-blooded man is self-improvement and free.

25、什么叫快乐?就是掩饰自己的悲伤对每个人微笑。 What is happiness? Is to cover up their sadness and smile at everyone.

26、什么时候你的岁数是我的两倍了,我就不爱了 When you are twice my age, I will not love you

27、什么时候开始,变得如此胆小和没有安全感。 When did you start to be so timid and insecure.

28、今晚,我不想和你谈人生,我想和你谈恋爱。 Tonight, I don't want to talk about life with you. I want to fall in love with you.

29、付出的那么多,换来的却是冷漠的对待和无视。 Pay so much, in exchange for cold treatment and ignore.

30、以前为你不顾一切,但现在我想选择快乐。 I used to be desperate for you, but now I want to choose happiness.

31、优异的成绩是勤奋、意志和智慧三者的结晶。 Excellent results are the crystallization of diligence, will and wisdom.

32、会不会有那么一个人,单独把我放在一个分组里。 Will there be such a person, put me in a group alone.

33、伤口就是,你以为它愈合了,阴天时就会疼。 The wound is, you think it's healed, and it hurts when it's cloudy.

34、你一幅不缺我的样子,让我怎么在你身边停留。 You don't lack me. How can I stay with you.

35、你一直摇头,说着分手没理由。 You keep shaking your head and saying there's no reason to break up.

36、你不先对自己狠心,全世界就会对你狠心。 If you don't be cruel to yourself first, the world will be cruel to you.

37、你不是恒星,没有谁是永远绕着你转的。 You are not a star, no one is always around you.

38、你不能拼爹的时候,你就只能去拼命! When you can't fight for your father, you have to fight for it!

39、你像是一首唱到嘶哑,却偏爱的情歌。 You are like a love song with hoarseness but preference.

40、你像风一样就此别过,我是骆驼渡不出沙漠。 You're like the wind. I can't get out of the desert.

41、你先快乐吧,至于我,与你无关了。 Be happy first. As for me, it's none of your business.

42、你发来的分手只是几秒,而我却输掉了余生。 The breakup you sent is just a few seconds, but I lost the rest of my life.

43、你只能爱我,我只能是你的公主殿下。 You can only love me, I can only be your princess.

44、你只顾着喜欢一个人,却忘了不合适。 You just like a person, but forget not suitable.

45、你可以输给任何人,但不能输给自己。 You can lose to anyone, but not to yourself.

46、你就像空气一样,少了你,我会活不下去。 You're like the air. I can't live without you.

47、你感觉孤独,恐怕不是没人陪,而是没人懂。 You feel lonely, I'm afraid it's not no one to accompany, but no one to understand.

48、你既然撩动了我的心,怎么不*我一辈子。 Since you have touched my heart, why don't you harm me all my life.

49、你来我家,你睡沙发,我去你家,还是你睡沙发。 You come to my house, you sleep on the sofa, I go to your house, or you sleep on the sofa.

50、你的前半生没有我,那么就让我陪你走完后半生。 You don't have me in the first half of your life, so let me accompany you to finish the second half of your life.

51、你的前面有阴影,别怕那是因为你背后有阳光。 There is shadow in front of you, don't be afraid, it is because there is sunshine behind you.

52、你的微笑是我开心的燃料。 Your smile is the fuel of my happiness.

53、你的狗仗人势,真是让人讨厌。 It's really annoying of you to stand up for others.

54、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我不想错过。 I don't have time to participate in your past, and I don't want to miss your future.

55、你眨一下眼,温驯的小鹿跳动一下。 You blink, the gentle deer beat.

56、你自认为懂我,应何不知错过便了然。 If you think you know me, why don't you miss it.

57、你要分开,我有一千种理由也留不住。 If you want to separate, I have a thousand reasons.

58、你隔岸观火,为何不救我。 Why don't you save me.

59、借口什么的,别说了,要走就走吧,我不会拦你。 Excuse, don't say it. If you want to leave, I won't stop you.

60、做一个干净洒脱的人,往事不记,后事不提。 Be a clean and free person, don't remember the past, don't mention the future.

61、做不到让谁为我心疼,我只能一个人学着残忍。 Can't let who love for me, I can only learn cruel.

62、做人不能这样,缺狗粮才知道来找我? You can't be like this. You don't know how to come to me until you're short of dog food?

63、像个爷们一样,去承受命运给你的每一个巴掌! Like a man, to bear the fate of each slap you!

64、其实你明白,这个年龄谁都不会是谁的一生。 In fact, you know, at this age, no one will be their life.

65、再也没有那么好的相遇,连别离都那么美丽。 No longer so good meet, even parting are so beautiful.

66、再励志的话不去行动都是屁。 No matter how inspirational you are, it's nothing if you don't take action.

67、凭什么我受了委屈,还得假装大度。 Why do I have to pretend to be generous when I am wronged.

68、分手了不能做朋友,看多了还是想拥有。 Break up can't be friends, see more or want to have.

69、别人都问我飞的高不高,只有你问我飞的累不累。 Others ask me whether I fly high, only you ask me whether I am tired of flying.

70、别对我好奇,友情和爱情你都不配与我为敌。 Don't be curious about me. You don't deserve to be my enemy in friendship and love.

71、加油吧,我知道一切靠自己。 Come on, I know it's all on my own.

72、勇于接受别人的批评,正好可以调整人生感悟。 The courage to accept other people's criticism, just can adjust the perception of life.

73、勤在寒窗苦读时,乐在金榜题名后。 When I study hard in the cold window, I am happy after the golden list.

74、北有孤岛,南有鲸落。 There are islands in the north and whales in the south.

75、十里山河不如你,万般野心只为你。 Ten li mountains and rivers are not as good as you. All ambition is for you.

76、原来容忍,不需要天分,只要爱错一个人。 The original tolerance, do not need talent, as long as love the wrong person.

77、原谅你的那一刻,我否定了自己。 Forgive you that moment, I denied myself.

78、双手空空的人,才能懂得尽情奔跑的快乐。 Only those with empty hands can understand the joy of running.

79、只有正视自己的无知,才能扩大自己的知识。 Only when we face up to our ignorance can we expand our knowledge.

80、只有活好每一个今天,一辈子才能活好。 Only live well today, can we live well all our life.

81、只要哥哥长得好,一句宝贝,鱼塘我自己跳。 As long as my brother grows well, I'll jump in the fish pond myself.

82、只要我们勇敢去追求,所有的梦想都会实现。 As long as we pursue bravely, all our dreams will come true.

83、只要有想见的人,就不再是孤身一人了。 As long as there are people who want to see, they are no longer alone.

84、只要生命没停止,就要幽默的活下去! As long as life doesn't stop, we have to live with humor!

85、后来我们没有说再见,只是很默契的互不打扰。 Later, we didn't say goodbye, but we didn't disturb each other.

86、听着,优雅歌曲的悠扬旋律而沉醉。 Listen to the melodious melody of elegant songs.

87、告诉桃花,不必再开了。 Tell the peach blossom that it doesn't have to bloom any more.

88、和你在一起,我不想给任何人机会! With you, I don't want to give anyone a chance!

89、哪有什么伤心事,一定是你不读书还想太多。 What's sad? You must think too much if you don't read.

90、哪里有人喜欢孤独,其实就是没钱出去玩罢了。 Where people like loneliness, it's just that they have no money to go out and play.

91、喜欢如果这么容易说得清原因,就不叫喜欢。 Like if it's so easy to explain why, it's not like.

92、回忆是一座桥,却是通往寂寞的牢。 Memory is a bridge, but a * leading to loneliness.

93、回忆是巨大的漩涡,让人无可奈何又身不由己。 Memory is a huge whirlpool, which makes people helpless and helpless.

94、回忆绑住了我们的时间,时间扯断了我们的回忆。 Memories bind our time, time tears our memories.

95、因为太晚相遇,所以所有人都变得不幸。 Because it's too late to meet, so everyone becomes unfortunate.

96、因为没人会哄你,所以你别闹脾气。 Don't be angry because no one will coax you.

97、因为爱,所以在乎,因为重要,所以爱。 Because of love, so care, because important, so love.

98、在乎一个人,当如他所是,而非你所想。 Care about a person, when he is, rather than you think.

99、在某一刻,你有没有很想,回到某年某月的某天。 At a certain moment, do you really want to go back to a certain day, a certain month, a certain year.

100、在爱里等你,像在热带等雨停。 Waiting for you in love is like waiting for the rain to stop in the tropics.

101、在逆境中,智者知难而进,愚者消沉不前。 In adversity, the wise advance in the face of adversity, while the fool is depressed.

102、坚持到底,成功降临;半途而废,希望破灭。 Stick to the end, success comes; give up halfway, hope is shattered.

103、坚持的理由只有一个,就算不能赢,也绝不能输。 There is only one reason to insist. Even if you can't win, you can't lose.

104、夜深人静的时候,突然觉得寂寞深入骨髓。 In the dead of night, I suddenly feel lonely.

105、天上的每一朵云,都飘成了你的样子。 Every cloud in the sky has become what you look like.

106、太容易动感情的人,都会将自己的感情埋得很深。 People who are too emotional will bury their feelings deeply.

107、失去故土的花朵,回不去,却也离不开。 Lost flowers, can not go back, but also inseparable.

108、失恋了,抬起头,漫天都是小泡泡。 Lovelorn, raised his head, all over the sky are small bubbles.

109、失望是钝器会慢慢磨掉爱你的心。 Disappointment is a blunt instrument that will slowly wear away the heart that loves you.

110、失败时郁郁寡欢,这是懦夫的表现。 It's a coward to be depressed when you fail.

111、套路我是学来的,想撩你是认真的。 I learned the routine. I want to tease you seriously.

112、套路的话别记太久,撩你的人别放心上。 Don't remember the routine for too long. Don't trust the person who teases you.

113、好习惯的养成,在于不受坏习惯的诱惑。 The formation of good habits lies in not being tempted by bad habits.

114、好像,忘掉你要比爱上你用的时间长吧。 It seems that it takes longer to forget you than to fall in love with you.

115、好几天没吃饭了,看谁都像烙饼。 I haven't eaten for several days. Everyone looks like a pancake.

116、好的木材并不在顺境中生长,风越强,树越壮。 Good wood doesn't grow in good times. The stronger the wind, the stronger the tree.

117、如果你不能保护自己,那就让我来保护你。 If you can't protect yourself, let me protect you.

118、如果努力就可以做到的事情,为什么不去做。 If you can do something with hard work, why not do it.

119、如果我的未来有你在,那其他的什么我都不怕了。 If I have you in my future, I'm not afraid of anything else.

120、如果生命只剩一秒,我愿投靠死在你怀抱。 If there is only one second left in my life, I will die in your arms.

121、姑娘我生来坚强,只要没死就能笑的猖狂。 Girl, I was born strong, as long as I didn't die, I could laugh wildly.

122、学会坚强,做一只沙漠中永不哭泣的骆驼! Learn to be strong and never cry in the desert!

123、对自己说声对不起,曾为了一个男人折磨自己。 Say sorry to oneself, once tortured oneself for a man.

124、小时候微笑是一种心情,长大了微笑是一种表情。 When I was a child, smile is a kind of mood. When I grow up, smile is an expression.

125、就像他们说的,后来我遇上的每个人都像你。 As they said, everyone I met was like you.

126、山无棱,天地合,才敢同君绝。 Mountain without edge, heaven and earth together, only dare with Jun Jue.

127、已在谷底,怎么走都是向上。 It's already at the bottom of the valley. It's all up.

128、希望我所拼命争取的,最后都能如我所愿。 I hope what I strive for can be as I wish in the end.

129、希望所有珍惜,都不需要靠失去才懂得。 Hope that all treasure, do not need to rely on the loss to understand.

130、带不走的是忧伤,看不透永远是真相。 What can't be taken away is sadness, and what can't be seen through is always the truth.

131、常求有利别人,不求有利自己。 Always seek to benefit others, not yourself.

132、幸福,是用来感觉的,而不是用来比较的。 Happiness is for feeling, not for comparison.

133、当你被失败拥抱时,成功可能正在一边等着吻你。 When you are hugged by failure, success may be waiting to kiss you.

134、待遇优,加班少;穿美衣,心情好。 Good pay, less overtime; wearing beautiful clothes, good mood.

135、很多时候,我不是真的要坚强,我是*在坚强。 Many times, I don't really want to be strong, I am forced to be strong.

136、很多时候,糊涂的睡着好过明白的醒着。 A lot of times, it's better to fall asleep in a muddle headed way than to wake up in a clear way.

137、很高兴梦里全是你,很难过你只在梦里。 I'm glad you're all in my dream. I'm sorry you're only in my dream.

138、心之所向,非你莫属,一颗心只为你跳动! The direction of the heart, not you, a heart just beat for you!

139、心志要坚,意趣要乐。 The mind must be strong, the interest must be happy.

140、心是我的,可里面装的全是你。 My heart is mine, but it's full of you.

141、心有多大,世界就有多大! How big the heart is, how big the world is!

142、心碎过多少次,只是没说出来罢了。 Heartbreak how many times, just did not say it.

143、必须在奋斗中求生存,求发展。 We must strive for survival and development.

144、忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。 If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

145、怀才就像怀孕,时间久了才会让人看出来。 It's like being pregnant. It takes a long time for people to see it.

146、态度决定高度,习惯主宰人生。 Attitude determines height, habit dominates life.

147、态度是小事,但能造成很大区别。 Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

148、怕无归期,怕空欢喜,怕来者不是你。 Fear of no return, fear of empty joy, fear of coming is not you.

149、惯眺望远方,不肯凝视身旁。 Used to look at the distance, unwilling to gaze at the side.

150、想停下来好好吃一顿饭,重新爱一个人。 I want to stop for a good meal and love someone again.

151、想要所谓的好:就请放下那所谓的面子。 Want the so-called good: please put down the so-called face.

152、愿以云翳,装点黄昏。 May clouds decorate the evening.

153、愿我的故事细水长流,敬你的孤独择日而终。 I wish my story a long way to go, to your loneliness, to choose the day to end.

154、成为情侣的那一刻,就永远退不回朋友。 The moment you become a couple, you will never return to your friends.

155、成年人脆弱的表现,动不动就想回家。 Adults are vulnerable and always want to go home.

156、成熟不是心变老,而是装逼的次数越来越少。 Maturity does not mean that the heart is getting old, but that the number of forced actions is getting less and less.

157、我不会一昧的去珍惜了,毕竟谁都有烂脾气。 I will not be ignorant to cherish, after all, everyone has bad temper.

158、我不会等你太久,太阳落山我就走。 I won't wait for you too long. I'll leave when the sun sets.

159、我习惯做一个旁观者,在自己A世界看别人的戏。 I'm used to being a bystander, watching other people's plays in my own world.

160、我仅有的一颗心,不是让你用来伤的。 My only heart is not for you to hurt.

161、我们轻视时间,最终总会被时间碾压。 We despise time and will be crushed by it in the end.

162、我们都向前走,别回头,就当未曾爱过。 We all go forward, don't look back, as never loved.

163、我便是桃花有心开,也要你枝繁叶茂足够担当。 I am a peach blossom, but also want you to bear enough.

164、我可以饮下烈酒,亦可以熬过寒冬。 I can drink strong wine, or I can live through the cold winter.

165、我哪有什么好脾气,我的好脾气都是因为我爱你。 I have no good temper, my good temper is because I love you.

166、我喜欢现在的自己,却怀念过去的我们。 I like myself now, but miss us in the past.

167、我对你来说,不重要,重不重要都不重要。 I don't matter to you. It doesn't matter whether it's important or not.

168、我常常和我的孤独翻脸,然后又坐下来哭着和好。 I often turn against my loneliness, and then sit down and cry and make up.

169、我并没感到难过,只是很失望,仅此而已。 I didn't feel sad, just disappointed, that's all.

170、我当然不会去摘月亮,我要它向我奔来。 Of course I won't pick the moon. I want it to come to me.

171、我很累,我也不知道我在累什么。 I'm tired, and I don't know what I'm tired of.

172、我得了穷癌,只有钱能治好我。 I have poor cancer. Only money can cure me.

173、我想和你谈一场不分手的恋爱。 I want to have a love affair with you.

174、我想放下你,始终放不下。 I want to put you down, but I can't.

175、我想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀。 I want to hold your hand, from heart to rare.

176、我愿做你最后一个爱人,陪你每个清晨到黄昏。 I would like to be your last lover, accompany you every morning to dusk.

177、我承认我还爱着,但是不会回头了。 I admit that I still love, but I won't look back.

178、我放弃你了,这次,我没熬夜也没喝酒。 I gave up on you. This time, I didn't stay up late or drink.

179、我是一个隐形富豪,所以至今还没找到自己的钱。 I'm an invisible rich man, so I haven't found my own money yet.

180、我曾以为你是我的光,却没想到你成我的伤。 I thought you were my light, but I didn't expect you to be my injury.

181、我本以为,余生无悲欢,哪曾想到,有你便是喜。 I thought that there would be no joys and sorrows for the rest of my life. I never thought that having you would be joy.

182、我没有在等他,等的是以前的我。 I'm not waiting for him. I'm waiting for me.

183、我活得也不容易,没必要讨你开心。 I don't have to make you happy.

184、我的泪,落在残花上,摔得粉碎。 My tears, fall on the residual flowers, fall to pieces.

185、我的猫很皮,可不可以帮我管它。 My cat is very skinny. Can you take care of it for me.

186、我终生的等待,换不来你刹那的凝眸。 I wait all my life, but I can't change your eyes.

187、我要稳稳的幸福,能用生命作长度。 I want stable happiness, can use life as the length.

188、我觉得最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。 I think the most romantic thing is to grow old with you.

189、或许有天再提到你的名字,我会笑着说不认识。 Maybe one day when I mention your name again, I will smile and say I don't know you.

190、所有的爱都可以生生掐掉,只要你足够绝望。 All love can be pinched off as long as you are desperate enough.

191、所谓孤独,就是有的人无话可说,有的话无人可说。 The so-called loneliness means that some people have nothing to say and others have nothing to say.

192、承载了太多期待的目光,怎敢轻易辜负。 Bearing too much expectation, how dare you fail easily.

193、抱最大的盼望,为最大的尽力,做最坏的盘算。 Hope for the best, do the best, and do the worst.

194、挫折是弱者的绊脚石,是强者的垫脚石。 Frustration is a stumbling block for the weak and a stepping stone for the strong.

195、无人走进我的心,无人懂我此时此刻的心有多痛。 No one comes into my heart, no one understands how painful my heart is at this moment.

196、无论在哪里遇到你,我都会喜欢你的。 No matter where I meet you, I will like you.

197、既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。 Now that I have chosen to be far away, I only care about wind and rain.

198、早恋不会影响学习,影响学习的是暗恋和失恋。 Puppy love does not affect learning, but secret love and lovelorn.

199、时间会帮你攒够失望,并告诉你不用谢。 Time will help you save enough disappointment and tell you not to thank you.

200、时间冲淡了爱情的颜色、但回忆还记得我们爱过。 Time diluted the color of love, but memories still remember that we loved.

201、明明和你就不是陌生人,却比陌生人还要陌生人。 Clearly and you are not strangers, but stranger than strangers.

202、明月楼高休独倚。酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。 Moon tower high rest alone. Wine into the sad, into Acacia tears.

203、昔日的甜蜜已遥不可及,现实的悲哀却寸步不离。 The sweetness of the past is far away, but the sorrow of reality is inseparable.

204、星星是月亮一眨眼的温柔。 Stars are the tenderness of the moon in the blink of an eye.

205、是你的,就是你的。不是你的,不必强求。 It's yours. It's yours. It's not yours. Don't force it.

206、是悲是喜生活都要过,何必不快乐。 It's sad or happy to live. Why not be happy.

207、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。 A wise man asks for himself and a fool for others.

208、曾那么近的温柔,如今那么陌生的距离。 Once so close gentle, now so strange distance.

209、有些东西只有失去了,才知道当初就不该珍惜。 Some things only lost, just know at the beginning should not cherish.

210、有些人就是不知足,有了双下巴还想要双眼皮。 Some people are just not satisfied, with a double chin also want double eyelids.

211、有志者自有千方百计,无志者只感千难万难。 Those who have a will will will do everything possible, while those who have no will will only feel the difficulties.

212、有时候,成长并不是一个过程,而是在刹那间。 Sometimes, growth is not a process, but in an instant.

213、有没有爱不要慌,未来很长。 Don't panic if you have love. The future is very long.

214、某些时候在忙也要停下来,好好疼爱自己一下。 Sometimes you have to stop when you are busy and love yourself.

215、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 This situation has no plan to eliminate, only under the brow, but on the heart.

216、每一个雨天,都是思念的泪眼。 Every rainy day is the tears of missing.

217、每一段回忆就像一根刺,一点一点堆成一个恨字。 Every memory is like a thorn, piled up into a hate word bit by bit.

218、每次都是自己一味的付出,却忘记他在不在乎。 Every time is their own blindly pay, but forget that he does not care.

219、比一个人吃火锅更孤单的,是一个人深夜吃烧烤。 More lonely than a person eating hot pot is a person eating barbecue late at night.

220、比等待更难受的是,你连自己在等什么都不知道。 Worse than waiting, you don't even know what you're waiting for.

221、永远不要以粗心为借口原谅自我。 Never use carelessness as an excuse to forgive yourself.

222、没什么事不要找我,有事更不用找我。 Don't ask me if you have nothing to do, let alone if you have something to do.

223、没什么事是放不下的,痛了,你自然就会放下。 Nothing can't be put down. If it hurts, you will put it down naturally.

224、没什么特长,就是喜欢的你的时间特长。 Nothing special, just like your time special.

225、没有不刻意的去忘记,只有不经意的去回忆。 Not deliberately to forget, only inadvertently to recall.

226、没有人愿意等,那么我是否也关闭所有灯。 No one is willing to wait, so I also turn off all the lights.

227、没有别的什么特别的事,只想听听你的声音。 Nothing special, just want to hear your voice.

228、没有办法喜欢上别人,所以选择高冷。 There is no way to like others, so choose high cold.

229、没有卑微的爱,只有深爱的人。 There is no humble love, only people who love deeply.

230、没有期待就避免失落,我的淡漠诚实的很稳妥。 No expectations to avoid loss, my indifference and honesty is very safe.

231、海底月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。 The moon on the bottom of the sea is the moon on the sky, and the person in front of you is the one you love.

232、爱可以燃烧,也可以永恒,但两者不能共存。 Love can burn or last, but the two cannot coexist.

233、爱已欠费,情已停机,恋爱不再服务区。 Love is in arrears, love is out of service.

234、爱情和谋杀一样,总是要暴露的。 Love, like murder, is always exposed.

235、爱情如同野兽,吞没现实的我们。 Love is like a beast, swallowing the reality of us.

236、爱情里谁先开口谁先死,所以你不言我不语。 In love, who speaks first and who dies first, so you don't speak and I don't speak.

237、爱情里,你的进攻漫不经心,我的防守不堪一击。 In love, your attack is careless, and my defense is vulnerable.

238、爱我者必定暴富,不爱我者必搬砖。 He who loves me must be rich, and he who does not love me must move bricks.

239、爱,不是一个人的独角戏,而是两个人的对手戏! Love is not one person's one-man play, but two people's opponent play!

240、猝不及防梦到你,我连醒都不敢醒。 I can't even wake up when I dream of you.

241、生命在于内心的丰盛,而不在于外在的拥有。 Life lies in Inner abundance, not in external possession.

242、生无所息,斗无所止。 There is no rest in life, no end in struggle.

243、生活就像心电图,一帆风顺就证明你挂了。 Life is like an electrocardiogram. Plain sailing proves that you are dead.

244、留下触不到的可惜,陨落下了我们的回忆。 It's a pity that we can't touch them. They fall into our memories.

245、相信你行,你就活力无穷。 Believe that you can, you will be full of vitality.

246、相逢,不是恨晚,便是恨早。 Meet, not hate late, hate early.

247、相遇视而不见,余光却看百遍。 Meet and turn a blind eye, but I see it a hundred times.

248、看淡得失,你才能找到生命的最佳平衡状态。 If you look down on gain and loss, you can find the best balance of life.

249、知人勿点透,责人勿说尽。 Don't tell people what they know, and don't tell them what they are responsible for.

250、知道你血糖低,我这就来跟你说几句甜蜜的话。 Knowing that your blood sugar is low, I'll say a few sweet words to you.

251、空吟几句声声慢,仍望故人步步远。 Empty chant a few words, sound slow, still look at the old man step by step.

252、空气是你呼吸过的空气,路是你走过的路。 The air is the air you breathe, the road is the road you walk.

253、突然记不起你的样子,让我心慌了好一阵子。 Suddenly can't remember your appearance, let me panic for a while.

254、站在你身后、只能看别人牵你的手。 Standing behind you, you can only see others holding your hand.

255、笑看人生风起云落,孤独寂寞能奈我何! Laugh at the rise and fall of life wind, loneliness can Nai me!

256、笑看苍生,不问生落寞,傲视群雄,不问路凶吉。 Laugh at the common people, do not ask the lonely students, proud of the heroes, do not ask the way ominous.

257、笨人的可怕之处不在其本,而在其自作聪明。 The dread of a fool lies not in his origin, but in his own cleverness.

258、等熬过了所有的苦,就会遇见所有的好。 After all the hardships, we will meet all the good people.

259、终于明白,生命必须有裂缝,阳光才照得进来。 Finally understand that life must have cracks, the sun can shine in.

260、美貌是种罪孽,暴雪也无法掩埋。 Beauty is a sin, and Blizzard cannot bury it.

261、脚踏实地,不要着急,你想要的生活都会给你。 Down to earth, do not worry, you want life will give you.

262、自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,其实别人早以忘记。 In fact, other people have long forgotten memories that they think are unforgettable.

263、自己的热情,终究还是烫伤了自己。 His enthusiasm, after all, scalded himself.

264、自己选择的路,再苦,跪着也要把它走完。 No matter how hard the road you choose is, kneel down and finish it.

265、舍掉分量,得到质量,这就是所谓的舍得。 Give up the weight and get the quality. This is called giving up.

266、莫名其妙的情绪上来然后莫名其妙的难过好久。 Inexplicable emotions come up, and then inexplicably sad for a long time.

267、行路难,不在山不在水,只在人情反复间。 It's hard to travel, not in the mountains, not in the water, only in the repeated human feelings.

268、要想不被别人践踏在脚下,就要自己活得有骨气。 If you want to avoid being trampled on by others, you have to live with backbone.

269、要抹去懊悔,终究只有继续不断努力。 To erase regret, we have to continue to work hard after all.

270、让彼此都难受,这就是你爱我的方式? Make each other feel bad, that's how you love me?

271、记住,你不勇敢,没人替你坚强。 Remember, you are not brave, no one is strong for you.

272、请不要假装对我好,我很傻,会假装当真的。 Please don't pretend to be nice to me. I'm stupid. I'll pretend to be serious.

273、谁会懂烟花散尽后,那难过有多痛。 Who will know how painful it is when the fireworks are gone.

274、谁都有美好的往事,那也是不堪的回忆。 Everyone has a good past, it is also unbearable memories.

275、谁都没有真正的爱情,而只有一见钟情。 No one has real love, but love at first sight.

276、走了这么久,发现唯一靠的住的还是自己。 After walking for so long, I found that the only thing I could rely on was myself.

277、越是别人不相信我时,我就应该越要相信自己。 The more people don't believe me, the more I should believe in myself.

278、过分修剪的青春,长不成郁郁葱葱的树林。 Over pruned youth cannot grow into a lush forest.

279、过客已经够多了,下一个可不可以一辈子。 There are enough passers-by. Can the next one last forever.

280、这个冬天没有我在你身边,我怕你会异常的冷。 This winter without me by your side, I am afraid you will be extremely cold.

281、这么热的天,我们拥抱吧,因为心近自然凉哦。 On such a hot day, let's embrace, because our heart is close to nature.

282、这年头猪都涨价,凭什么你不能涨价? Nowadays, the price of pigs rises. Why can't you?

283、这座城市,风很大,孤独的人,却总是晚回家。 This city, windy, lonely people, but always late home.

284、迩每个小小的心愿,我都想要去兑现。 You every little wish, I want to fulfill.

285、迷迭香的记忆已经褪色,四叶草的幸福被谁追逐。 The memory of rosemary has faded. Who is chasing the happiness of clover.

286、遇见你之前是青春,遇见你之后是余生。 Before meeting you is youth, after meeting you is the rest of life.

287、遇见你,是我最美丽意外。 Meeting you is my most beautiful surprise.

288、那些伤心的曾经只是曾经,现在的我只在乎现在。 Those sad once only once, now I only care about now.

289、那些曾经把我击倒的人,谢谢你们,躺着真舒服。 Those who have knocked me down, thank you. It's so comfortable to lie down.

290、那后来我彻底懂了,什么叫爱而不得,痛而不语。 Later, I completely understood, what is not love, pain without words.

291、那首关于我们的歌,你把结局唱给了谁听。 Who did you sing the ending of that song about us.

292、铁马冰河入梦来,铁马是你,冰河也是你。 Iron horse glacier dream, iron horse is you, ice is you.

293、阅人间烟火气,暖城中故人心。 The fire and smoke of the readers warm the heart of the city.

294、阳光很好,温暖到让你觉得一生的时间太过漫长。 The sunshine is very good, warm enough to make you feel that life is too long.

295、陪你走过的路,是我一生一次的认真。 Accompany you through the road, is my once in a lifetime serious.

296、雨还下着,你和她打着一把伞,而我在为你淋雨。 The rain is still falling, you and she are holding an umbrella, and I am in the rain for you.

297、青年是学习智慧的时期,老年是付诸实践的时期。 Youth is the time to learn wisdom, and old age is the time to put it into practice.

298、青春太过于轻狂与骄傲,泪水太过于稚嫩于无悔。 Youth is too frivolous and proud, tears are too young to regret.

299、青梅枯萎,竹马老去,从此我爱上的人都像你。 The green plum withers and the bamboo and horse grow old. From then on, all the people I love are like you.

300、风平浪静,训练不出良好的水手。 A good sailor cannot be trained in calm weather.