1、一个人不能永远做一个英雄,但一个人能永远做一个人。 One can't be a hero forever, but one can be a man forever.

2、一颗花种、只有付出汗水,才能浇灌出世间最美的花朵。 A flower seed, only pay sweat, can irrigate the world's most beautiful flowers.

3、不懈奋斗,生命才有辉煌;努力学习,思想才有灵光。 Only by unremitting struggle can life be brilliant; only by studying hard can thought be bright.

4、不能则学,不知则问,耻于问人,决无长进。 If you can't, you will learn. If you don't know, you will ask. If you are ashamed to ask people, you will never make progress.

5、不要抱怨和谩骂,积极起来,做能做的事。 Don't complain and abuse, be positive and do what you can.

6、世上有两件事不能等:一孝顺,二行善。 There are two things in the world that can't wait: one is filial piety, the other is doing good.

7、世界上只有一种英雄主义,那就是了解生命而且热爱生命的人。 There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, people who understand life and love it.

8、人生不容许你任性,接受现实,好好努力。 Life does not allow you to be willful, accept the reality and work hard.

9、人生最重要的不是努力,不是奋斗,而是抉择。 The most important thing in life is not hard work, not struggle, but choice.

10、人生需要时时提醒,责任需要时时敲打。 Life needs constant reminding and responsibility needs constant beating.

11、人的生命似洪水在奔流,不遇着岛屿、暗礁,难以激起美丽的浪花。 People's life is like a flood. It is difficult to stir up beautiful waves without encountering islands and reefs.

12、你必须成功,因为你不能失败。 You have to succeed because you can't fail.

13、到了山顶才发现,错误的路和正确的路就差那么几步的距离。 When we got to the top of the mountain, we found that the wrong road was only a few steps away from the right one.

14、只有自己强大,才不会被别人践踏。 Only when you are strong, you will not be trampled by others.

15、士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。 A scholar will fight against the storm without sinking, and a coward will drown in the calm.

16、天空因彩虹而绚丽,生命因拼搏而精彩。 The sky is gorgeous because of rainbow, and life is wonderful because of struggle.

17、如果你坚信石头会开花,那么开花的不仅仅是石头。 If you believe that stones will bloom, it's not just stones that bloom.

18、如果只是向往,远方依旧是远方。我还年轻,从不服输。 If only yearning, the distance is still far away. I'm young and I never admit defeat.

19、学会在学习中寻找乐趣,学会乐在其中并保持热情。 Learn to have fun in learning, learn to enjoy it and keep enthusiasm.

20、孩子不要再抑郁下去了,你要像个疯子一样活泼开朗。 Don't be depressed any more. You should be as lively and cheerful as a madman.

21、对于时间,失败者跟着小时爬,成功者跟着秒时跑。 For time, the loser climbs with the hour, and the winner runs with the second.

22、当你知道你不在是你的时候,你才是真正的你! When you know you are not you, you are the real you!

23、总想赢者必输,不怕输者必赢。 He who always wants to win will lose, and he who is not afraid to lose will win.

24、想要向前冲,就先订个美好的目标吧。 If you want to move forward, set a good goal first.

25、想要帮助自己,必须直面真正的自己。 If you want to help yourself, you have to face yourself.

26、感觉累,也许是因为你正处于人生的上坡路。 Feel tired, maybe because you are in the uphill of life.

27、愿你年少足风流,三千清诗唱不休。 May you be young enough to be romantic and keep on singing poems.

28、成功只有一个理由,失败却有一千种理由。 There is only one reason for success, but there are a thousand reasons for failure.

29、我们总是太在意别人眼中的自己,后来终于忘了自己的模样。 We always care too much about ourselves in other people's eyes, and then we finally forget what we look like.

30、把别人看得太重,结果却被别人看成什么都不是。 Take others too seriously, but they are regarded as nothing.

31、拼一年春夏秋冬,搏一生无怨无悔。 Fight for spring, summer, autumn and winter, fight for life without regrets.

32、无论你在哪里,吹过我的风都会替我拥抱你。 No matter where you are, the wind will hold you for me.

33、无论明天怎样,我们都要带着决心、快乐和勇气,去面对。 No matter what happens tomorrow, we must face it with determination, happiness and courage.

34、昨天下了雨,今天刮了风,明天太阳就出来了。 It rained yesterday, it blew today, and the sun will come out tomorrow.

35、构成我们学习最大障碍的是已知的东西,而不是未知的东西。 The biggest obstacle to our learning is what we know, not what we don't know.

36、满天繁星,有我想成为的那道光。 The sky is full of stars, there is the light I want to be.

37、热情和欲望可以突破一切难关。 Passion and desire can overcome all difficulties.

38、生活就是要把你折腾的死去活来,你要做的就是咬牙坚持下去。 Life is to toss you to death, what you have to do is to grit your teeth and stick to it.

39、用今天点燃明天,用今天的努力换取明天的辉煌。 Use today to ignite tomorrow, use today's efforts to exchange for tomorrow's glory.

40、用心观察成功者,别老是关注失败者。 Watch the winners, not the losers.

41、由于你的出现使我坚强,由于我的出现使你伟大! Because your appearance makes me strong, because my appearance makes you great!

42、男儿不展同云志,空负天生八尺躯。 Men do not show the same ambition, empty burden born eight feet body.

43、稗子享受着禾苗一样的待遇,结出的却不是谷穗。 Echinochloa crusgalli enjoys the same treatment as grass seedlings, but it does not produce ears of grain.

44、耐得住寂寞,守得住繁华! Stand loneliness, keep prosperity!

45、耕耘者最信和过自己的汗水,每一滴都孕育着一颗希望的种子。 Cultivators believe in their own sweat most, and every drop breeds a seed of hope.

46、脚跟立定后,你必须拿你自己的力量和技能奋斗。 After standing on your heels, you have to fight with your own strength and skills.

47、自己不做出点样子,人家想拉你一把都不知你的手在哪里。 If you don't do something about yourself, people don't know where your hand is when they want to give you a hand.

48、若是美好,叫做精彩。若是糟糕,叫做经历。 If it is beautiful, it is called wonderful. If it's bad, it's called experience.

49、行动的激励,方法决窍,行动知识,这三个因素是成功定律之钥。 The key to the law of success lies in the motivation of action, the know-how of method and the knowledge of action.

50、路再远也会有终点,夜再长也会有尽头,雨再大也会有停的时候。 No matter how far the road is, there will be an end. No matter how long the night is, there will be an end. No matter how heavy the rain is, there will be a time to stop.