1、不必过于在意人与人之间一些表面的情绪。 Don't worry too much about some superficial emotions between people.
2、不是游戏,而是珍惜。 Not a game, but a treasure.
3、不离不弃的,才是真感情。 It is the true feelings that never give up.
4、为你成功而记恨的,是小人。 It is the villain who hates your success.
5、于患难风豪杰。 A hero in need.
6、亲爱的朋友,愿您幸福。 Dear friend, I wish you happiness.
7、人生相遇,无言心温暖。 Life meet, silent heart warm.
8、人生结交在终始,莫为升沉中路分。 Make friends at the end of life, not for the ups and downs in the road.
9、你在这头,我在那头。 You're at this end, I'm at that end.
10、你忧心忡忡,谁总安慰心疼。 You are worried, who always comforts the heartache.
11、劝君更进一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。 I advise you to have a glass of wine, and you will have no old friends when you come out of Yangguan in the West.
12、去日不可追,来日犹可期。 You can't chase the past day, but you can still wait for the future.
13、又有多少主动,过多的被视为是自作多情。 How much initiative, too much is regarded as self indulgence.
14、友情一旦玩真的,比爱情更刻骨。 Once the friendship is real, it is more incisive than love.
15、友情如茶,香而清纯。 Friendship is like tea, fragrant and pure.
16、友情如酒,烈而沁心。 Friendship is like wine, strong and refreshing.
17、友情是生命,没有它就意味着死亡。 Friendship is life. Without it, it means death.
18、友情,就好比一条简单的线。 Friendship is like a simple line.
19、友谊使欢乐倍增,悲痛锐减。 Friendship multiplies joys and lessens grief.
20、友谊依存,祝福常在。 Friendship depends on, blessing always exists.
21、友谊只可共青春,不足以共沧桑。 Friendship can only share youth, not enough vicissitudes.
22、友谊如花,友谊如河。 Friendship is like a flower, friendship is like a river.
23、友谊长存,真诚永远。 Friendship lasts forever, sincerity forever.
24、只有在患难的时候,才能看到朋友的真心。 Only in times of adversity can we see the sincerity of a friend.
25、只要他有,二话不说就给你。 As long as he has it, I'll give it to you without saying a word.
26、和大学说再见,却不跟青春道别。 Say goodbye to university, but don't say goodbye to youth.
27、品情不要品随行,患难才见真情。 Do not go with friends, you will see the truth in adversity.
28、在你需要时,没有搪塞的借口。 There is no excuse to prevaricate when you need it.
29、大吃大喝,一如从前。 Eat and drink like before.
30、天黑时,陪你一起等天亮。 When it's dark, I'll wait for dawn with you.
31、好友不是歌,它比歌变动听。 A friend is not a song. It is more beautiful than a song.
32、好好过生活,好好对自己。 Live a good life and treat yourself well.
33、好的友谊从不是为彼此停留,而是同步成长。 Good friendship is never for each other to stay, but to grow together.
34、如果你从未见我哭过,请坐下。 If you've never seen me cry, please sit down.
35、姐妹成对,快乐加倍。 Sisters in pairs, double happiness.
36、愿您平安,愿您幸福。 Wish you peace and happiness.
37、愿您快乐,愿您健康。 May you be happy and healthy.
38、愿所有的吉星,呵护着你。 May all the lucky stars take care of you.
39、愿所有的好梦,依偕着你。 May all the good dreams be with you.
40、戏言,不能伤敌但能伤友。 Joking can't hurt an enemy, but it can hurt a friend.
41、成了朋友,能陪一生。 Become a friend, can accompany life.
42、我们不是秋日限定,我们是来日方长。 We are not limited to autumn. We have a long way to go.
43、我们各奔东西,然后,更高处见。 We'll go our separate ways, and then we'll see you at a higher level.
44、我们各自攀登,然后顶峰相会。 We climb each other and meet at the top.
45、我们的相识,是一场蓄谋已久的意外。 Our acquaintance is an accident that has been planned for a long time.
46、我有,完美无缺的我,和缺一不可的你们。 I have, perfect me, and indispensable you.
47、所有的寂寞,都抵不过没有朋友的寂寞。 All the loneliness, but no friends of loneliness.
48、承诺是永说模地长地久的。 The promise is eternal, the land is long.
49、时间,才是最好的过滤器。 Time is the best filter.
50、最美是过程,最难是相知。 The most beautiful is the process, the most difficult is to know each other.
51、有你陪伴,永不感孤独。 With you, I will never feel lonely.
52、有种友情,时过境迁,依然淳朴。 There is a kind of friendship, which has changed with time and is still simple.
53、朋友不分高矮,聊得来就行。 Friends, regardless of height, can chat.
54、朋友分两种,你和其他人! There are two kinds of friends, you and others!
55、朋友就是把你看透了,还能喜欢你的人。 A friend is someone who can see through you and like you.
56、朋友是我自己选的,没有血缘的亲人。 Friends are my own choice, no blood relatives.
57、朋友间需要彼此相辉映。 Friends need to shine on each other.
58、死皮赖脸中破涕为笑,心甘情愿中不厌其烦。 In the face of death, tears into a smile, willing to take the trouble.
59、每个人,拥有界限感,友谊才能长存。 Everyone, with a sense of boundaries, friendship can last forever.
60、洗去忧伤,留下快乐。 Wash away sorrow and leave happiness.
61、浓浓的真情,传递我诚挚的祝愿。 My sincere wishes to you.
62、深情的问候,平淡却真挚。 Affectionate greetings, plain but sincere.
63、渐渐都有新朋友,多久没有并肩走。 Gradually there are new friends, how long did not walk side by side.
64、漫漫红尘,温暖相伴。 The world is full of warmth.
65、生命中有很多缘分,都是可遇而不可求的。 There are a lot of fate in life, which can be met but not sought.
66、相知是情,相识是缘。 Acquaintance is love, acquaintance is fate.
67、相逢是缘,相处不易。 Meeting is fate, getting along is not easy.
68、相遇是缘,友谊共存! Meeting is fate, friendship coexists!
69、真友情,懂心入心,更暖心。 True friendship, understand the heart into the heart, more warm heart.
70、真心朋友,友谊长存,永远不离不弃。 True friends, friendship forever, never abandon.
71、真情谊,永远风雨同行! True friendship, always wind and rain!
72、真正的朋友,无须想起,因为从未忘记。 True friends, do not need to remember, because never forget.
73、真诚友谊,不语心相知。 Sincere friendship, not words and heart know each other.
74、真诚,是增进友x的纯酒。 Sincerity is the pure wine of friendship.
75、祝愿我的朋友,永远幸福快乐。 Wish my friends happiness forever.
76、缓缓飘来,似水长流。 Floating slowly, like a long stream.
77、缘分万万千千,不如真友情一份。 It's better to have a true friendship than fate.
78、肝胆相照,才叫友情。 Friendship is what we call friendship.
79、能珍惜你的,不说珍惜,也会一直在。 Can cherish you, do not say treasure, will always be.
80、舍不得,就留着。 If you can't bear it, you can keep it.
81、莫愁前路无知已,天下谁人不识君。 Don't worry about the road ahead. You don't know who you are.
82、认识你,是我一生一世最幸福的事。 Knowing you is the happiest thing in my life.
83、近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 You become who you spend your time with.
84、迷失的人迷失了,相逢的人会再相逢。 Lost people lost, meet people will meet again.
85、遇见你们,是我最美丽的意外。 Meeting you is my most beautiful accident.
86、靠的住的友谊是今生最温暖的外套。 Reliable friendship is the warmest coat in this life.
87、高山流水,千里共知己。 High mountains and rivers, a thousand miles of friends.
88、鲜花要靠水灌溉,友谊要靠人珍爱。 Flowers depend on water to irrigate, and friendship to be cherished.