1、一个人的日子真的好难熬,好辛苦。 A person's life is really hard, hard.

2、一直在等一个人,一个懂得珍惜缘分的人。 Have been waiting for a person, a person who knows how to cherish fate.

3、不是我们不适合、而是那么更合适。 It's not that we are not suitable, but that we are more suitable.

4、世界上所有的久处不厌,都是因为一直用心。 All the time in the world is never tired because of the heart.

5、世界还是很美好,只是我们之间不再美好了。 The world is still beautiful, but we are no longer beautiful.

6、主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃。 Active for a long time will be very tired, care for a long time will collapse.

7、习惯了久伴,怎能承受一个人的孤单! Used to a long time with, how can bear a person's loneliness!

8、于兵荒马乱中,惊鸿一瞥见你。 I'm surprised to see you in the chaos of soldiers and horses.

9、从最初不相识,到最终不相认。 From not knowing each other at first to not knowing each other at last.

10、你是我抽了一晚的烟,也是我回不去的从前。 You are the one I smoked all night, and I can't go back.

11、你是我的单曲循环,只是你别总扯我耳机。 You are my single cycle, just don't always pull my headphones.

12、你走之后,我得了一场大病,疼得我痛不欲生。 After you left, I got a serious illness, and I was in agony.

13、你走了,但我还在原地,傻傻的等你回来。 You left, but I'm still in place, waiting for you to come back.

14、决定人生的那一瞬间,绝对不能够欺骗自己。 The moment that decides life must not be enough to deceive yourself.

15、口口声声说着无所谓,深夜却哭的撕心裂肺。 It doesn't matter what you say, but you cry in the middle of the night.

16、哭出来才能解决悲伤,笑出来才能疏解心情。 Cry out to solve the sadness, laugh out to ease the mood.

17、在寂寞中爱上的人,只能在爱中各自寂寞。 Those who fall in love in loneliness can only be lonely in love.

18、失去的人那么多,唯独你离开最难过。 There are so many people lost, but you are the most sad to leave.

19、念念不忘,必有回响。 Something that stays in your mind will someday spring up in your life.

20、我两手空空,但心事重重。 I'm empty handed, but I'm preoccupied.

21、我们和好吧。这句话,越长大越说不出口。 Let's make up. The older you grow up, the more you can't say it.

22、我可以遇见世界的全部,却再也不会遇见你。 I can meet all of the world, but I will never meet you again.

23、我想我不可以走,或许再等等你就来了。 I don't think I can leave. Maybe you'll come after a while.

24、我有个好朋友,名字叫做没有人。 I have a good friend named nobody.

25、我的黑夜比白天多,不要太早离开我。 I have more night than day. Don't leave me too early.

26、我能放弃选择,但是我不能选择放弃。 I can give up the choice, but I can't choose to give up.

27、我还是会等,只不过没了当初的热情。 I'll wait, but I don't have the enthusiasm.

28、敞开心扉这种傻事,以后就不要再做了。 Don't do such stupid things as open your heart.

29、既然喜欢决绝,那就祈祷我们都干脆的彻底。 Since like to refuse, then pray that we are simply thorough.

30、时间过得真快啊,一眨眼你就喜欢上别人了。 How time flies! In the blink of an eye, you fall in love with others.

31、最坏的事情总会过去,好运正向你走来。 The worst will pass, and good luck is coming to you.

32、有的人很好不认识更好,省得最后的失望。 Some people do not know better, save the final disappointment.

33、水凉了还可以喝,心凉了连笑都寂寞。 Cold water can also drink, cold heart, even smile are lonely.

34、没有什么公不公平,只要动了心,你就别想赢。 There is no injustice, as long as the heart, you don't want to win.

35、现实用真名说假话,网络用假名说真话。 In reality, the real name is used to tell lies, while in the Internet, the pseudonym is used to tell the truth.

36、生活再恶心也得自己过,没人能够替你扛。 No matter how disgusting life is, you have to live by yourself. No one can carry it for you.

37、看见你和别人在一起,有一种莫名其妙的心痛。 See you and others together, there is a kind of inexplicable heartache.

38、知道的越少越快乐,知道的越多越难过。 The less you know, the happier you are. The more you know, the sadder you are.

39、离开你之后,我快乐不起来了。 I can't be happy after I leave you.

40、等待也许不容易,伤害却轻而易举。 It may not be easy to wait, but it is easy to hurt.

41、经不住似水流年,逃不过此间少年。 I can't escape the youth here.

42、自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人都早已忘记。 Others have long forgotten the memories they think are unforgettable.

43、若无其事,原来是最狠的报复。 If nothing happened, it turned out to be the fiercest revenge.

44、要把快乐放在外面,失落放在心里。 We should put happiness on the outside and loss on the heart.

45、谁人曾照顾过我的感受,吻过我的伤口。 Who ever took care of my feelings and kisses my wounds.

46、谁来将悲情隔离,谁来缓解这格局。 Who will isolate the sadness, who will ease the situation.

47、躲得过对酒当歌的夜,躲不过四下无人的街。 I can't avoid the night when I'm drinking, but I can't avoid the street where there is no one around.

48、还喜欢还在意,但不再渴望和你在一起了。 I still like and care, but I no longer want to be with you.

49、这样下去我们都累!长痛不如短痛分手吧。 We are all tired after this! Long pain is better than short pain.

50、长痘有什么的,那是我可爱的冒泡。 What about acne? It's my lovely bubble.