1、不准对我不好,更不准你离开我。 Don't be bad to me, let alone leave me.

2、不开心我会想太多,想太多我会不开心。 Not happy I will think too much, think too much I will not happy.

3、不知道什么时候开始,我已学会依赖。 I don't know when to start, I have learned to rely on.

4、与其违心赔笑,不如一人安静。 It's better to be quiet than to laugh against your heart.

5、你不懂的,我又何必解释。 If you don't understand, why should I explain.

6、你曾说过的地老天荒,我已不再向往。 You said the end of time, I no longer yearn.

7、兜兜转转,原来得不到的,终究是得不到。 After all, what we can't get is not.

8、初见动了心,再见痛了心。 The first sight moved my heart. Goodbye hurt my heart.

9、别人再好,与我无关,你再不好,我都喜欢。 No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me. No matter how bad you are, I like them.

10、别说你不爱我了,因为你从来都没爱过我。 Don't say you don't love me, because you never love me.

11、千山万水都是你的模样,而我始终在路过。 Thousands of mountains and rivers are like you, and I always pass by.

12、即使吵架冷战的时候,也忍不住偷偷看你。 Even in the cold war, I can't help looking at you secretly.

13、原来天长地久,不过谎言一场。 Originally forever, but a lie.

14、听说你的世界下了雨,我却不能为你打伞。 It's said that it's raining in your world, but I can't take an umbrella for you.

15、夜深人静的时候,突然觉得寂寞深入骨髓。 In the dead of night, I suddenly feel lonely.

16、天空下雨了可以打伞,心下雨了该怎么办呢? If it rains, you can take an umbrella. If it rains, what should you do?

17、孤单年少岁月长,暮色沉沉晚风凉。 Lonely young years long, the dusk is heavy, the evening wind is cool.

18、幸福,是用来感觉的,而不是用来比较的。 Happiness is for feeling, not for comparison.

19、总以为自己付出很多,只不过是在漠视蹉跎。 Always think that they pay a lot, just ignore the waste.

20、感情让我难过,生活一样没放过我。 Feelings make me sad, life did not let me go.

21、我不是话少,只是没必要对每个人都有说有笑。 I don't mean to talk less, I just don't have to laugh at everyone.

22、我们从没有走远,一直在你身边,别怕! We have never been far away, always by your side, don't be afraid!

23、我们的青春如此无奈,太多的回忆变成了伤怀。 Our youth so helpless, too many memories become sad.

24、我哭并不代表我伤心,只是发泄不满而已。 I cry doesn't mean I'm sad, just to vent my dissatisfaction.

25、我在退缩,我在彷徨,我不想再次受伤。 I'm shrinking, I'm hesitating, I don't want to get hurt again.

26、我希望有一个人会懂我,即使我什么都没说。 I hope someone will understand me, even if I don't say anything.

27、我想消失,让你们都找不到我。 I want to disappear so that you can't find me.

28、我深知我留不住你,所以我不言不语。 I know I can't keep you, so I don't say a word.

29、我的执着,永远得不到你的一次心疼。 My persistence, you will never get a heartache.

30、我经常会想,要是不分手我们会是什么样子。 I often wonder what we would be like if we didn't break up.

31、所谓朋友,不过也是物是人非的代名词。 The so-called friend, but also a synonym for the right and the wrong.

32、把你看得过于简单,最终使我彻底入迷。 I think you are too simple, and eventually I am completely fascinated.

33、明媚阳光瞬间熄灭,悲伤弥漫整个世界。 The bright sunshine goes out in an instant, and sadness permeates the whole world.

34、最怂的就是明知自己是备胎,却还舍不得离开。 The worst thing is knowing that you are a spare tire, but you are still reluctant to leave.

35、有些人明知道不可能,还是忍不住的爱上了。 Some people know it's impossible, but they can't help falling in love.

36、有的人,曾经无话不说,最后,却无话可说。 Some people, once had nothing to say, but in the end, had nothing to say.

37、木讷这事,如果干得好,叫深沉。 If you do a good job, it's called deep.

38、未言心相醉,不再接杯酒。 If you don't say you're drunk, you won't take a cup of wine.

39、每天发好多微博,得到的回应却很少。 I post a lot of microblogs every day, but I get few responses.

40、没有你我的心情写给谁看我的签名为谁而换。 Without you, I am in the mood to write to whom to see my signature for whom.

41、海上月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。 The moon on the sea is the moon in the sky, and the man in front of you is the one you love.

42、爱情的道路越走越长,而心却越来越凉。 The road of love is longer and longer, but the heart is colder and colder.

43、相互都勇敢一点,或许结局就不一样了。 Be brave to each other, maybe the ending will be different.

44、离开的人越来越多,留下的人越来越重要。 More and more people leave, and more and more important are those who stay.

45、累了就窝在我怀里,没有人敢动你。 Tired nest in my arms, no one dares to move you.

46、终不能与你相匹配,你太优秀,我太累。 I can't match you in the end, you are too good, I am too tired.

47、老死不相往来,这或许是我给你最后的深情。 Old age and death do not communicate with each other, this may be the last deep feeling I give you.

48、行走在冬夜的冷风中,飘散的踩碎的都是梦。 Walking in the cold wind of winter night, the scattered and crushed are dreams.

49、这无法重来的一生,请好好爱自己。 This can not be a new life, please love yourself.

50、除了忙就是烦。除了累还是累。 In addition to busy is boring. In addition to tired or tired.