1、一辈子那么长,等你几年算什么? Life is so long, wait for you a few years to calculate what?

2、不抛弃,不放弃,坚持自己的梦想! Do not abandon, do not give up, adhere to their dreams!

3、世界上最勇敢的事情是微笑着听你说你们之间的爱情。 The bravest thing in the world is to listen to your love with a smile.

4、世界让我遍体鳞伤,但伤口长出的却是翅膀。 The world makes me black and blue, but the wounds grow wings.

5、人生中充满了各种破事,但说的最多的就是没事。 Life is full of all kinds of broken things, but the most said is nothing.

6、今天的苦果,是昨天的伏笔,当下的付出,是明日的花开。 Today's bitter fruit is the foreshadowing of yesterday, and the present payment is the blooming of tomorrow.

7、你一转身,我的心就碎了。 As soon as you turn around, my heart breaks.

8、你从不拒绝,不让我走开,也没让我留下来。 You never refuse to let me go or stay.

9、你应该不爱我了吧,那再好不过了。 You should not love me, that's better.

10、你是我义无反顾撞过的南墙,也是我黄粱一梦的空欢喜一场。 You are the south wall that I hit without hesitation, and also the empty joy of my dream.

11、你最好全神贯注,因为我会全力以赴。 You'd better concentrate, because I'll do my best.

12、出门在外你掏车费,吃饭结账我往后退。 When you go out, you pay for the fare, and I'll go back after dinner.

13、努力做好一件事,它能替你解释所有的事。 Try to do one thing well, it can explain everything for you.

14、原来爱一直都没有离开,只是,我记得,你忘了。 The original love has never left, just, I remember, you forget.

15、喜欢是新鲜感,而爱是归属感。 Love is freshness, and love is belonging.

16、在人海相遇的人,终究要归还给人海的。 Those who meet in the sea of people will eventually return to the sea of people.

17、夕阳的美,是一种坠落的美,带着诗意般的浪漫。 The beauty of sunset is a kind of falling beauty with poetic romance.

18、夜深了,思念在不为人知的暗涌着,疼痛也惊天动地的撕裂着! Deep in the night, missing in the unknown surging, pain is also earth shaking tear!

19、天天看穿越小说,看的马桶都像穿越的洞。 Every day I read through novels, the toilet is like a hole.

20、天行健,君子以自强不息。 As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.

21、如果不是曾被爱伤得彻底,谁会把自己关得那么紧。 If not have been hurt thoroughly by love, who would shut themselves so tightly.

22、如果还有如果,最后结局能不能你陪我。 If there is also if, the final outcome can you accompany me.

23、守口不谈新旧事,知心难得两三人。 It's hard for two or three people to keep their mouths shut.

24、岁月无常,你不缺席,平生所求。 Time is changeable, you are not absent, what you want in your life.

25、往事若能下酒,回忆便是一场宿醉。 If the past can be drunk, memory is a hangover.

26、懒得向别人介绍你,直接说你是我的。 Don't bother to introduce you to others, just say you are mine.

27、我不是玻璃或水晶,不会让人轻易就看透。 I'm not glass or crystal. I can't be seen through easily.

28、我以为你爱*,所以我习惯一个人走。 I thought you love freedom, so I'm used to walking alone.

29、我们前世无因,来生无缘,又错过今生相见。 We have no reason in the past life, no chance in the next life, and miss meeting in this life.

30、我只是等待着像一只爱你的小狗一样躺在你的脚下。 I'm just waiting to lie at your feet like a puppy who loves you.

31、我的世界谁都不像你,你的世界谁都可以是我。 No one in my world is like you. No one in your world can be me.

32、我走在你喜欢的电影场景里,你却不在我想要的场景里。 I walk in the movie scene you like, but you are not in the scene I want.

33、有一种感觉总在夜晚失眠时,才承认是相思有一种痛。 There is a feeling always at night when insomnia, it is admitted that there is a kind of Acacia pain.

34、有梦就别怕痛,想赢就别喊停! Don't be afraid of pain if you have a dream, don't stop if you want to win!

35、未来和我结婚的那位,情人节到了,少做点对不起我的事。 The one who will marry me in the future, Valentine's Day is coming. Don't do something sorry for me.

36、每个人心中都有一个好久不见的人,也或是永生不能再见的人。 In everyone's heart, there is a person whom we haven't seen for a long time, or whom we can't see again forever.

37、每个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。 Everyone has at least one dream, there is a reason to be strong.

38、比起天黑和鬼,我更害怕你心酸皱眉。 I'm more afraid of you frowning than darkness and ghosts.

39、*风月,本无常主,闲者便是主人。 Rivers and mountains, wind and moon, the master of impermanence, leisure is the master.

40、浮生有梦三千场,穷尽千里诗酒荒。 There are three thousand dreams in floating life, and there is a shortage of poetry and wine.

41、满天星光,满屋月亮,人生何如,为什么这么悲凉。 Full of stars, full of moon, how life, why so sad.

42、生活,不是l都能满足A。但g能健康A活着已经很幸运了! Life, not everyone can be satisfied. But it's lucky to be able to live healthily!

43、神说;花瓣若所思,凋谢以路。感情或许如此。 God said: petals, if thought, wither to the road. Feelings may be so.

44、腾讯挺好啊,至少他没忘记我的生日,给我送上唯一的祝福。 Tencent is very good. At least he didn't forget my birthday and gave me the only blessing.

45、说不出来为什么爱你,但我知道你就我不爱别人的理由。 I can't say why I love you, but I know you are the reason why I don't love others.

46、诸葛亮出山前也没带过兵啊,你们凭啥要我有工作经验! Zhuge Liang didn't lead a soldier before he left the mountain. Why do you want me to have work experience!

47、谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 Whoever seizes the opportunity will succeed.

48、那段时间你是真的有喜欢过我,后来也是真的不喜欢了吧。 At that time, you really liked me, and then you really didn't like me.

49、酷一点,不是你的不要就是了。 Cool. It's not yours. Don't do it.

50、长长的时光,长长的诺言,长长的留在记忆里的少年。 Long time, long promise, long youth in memory.