1、一别两宽,各生欢喜。 One is different from the other, and two are broad.

2、一张说爱的嘴,无数个不爱的细节。 A mouth of love, countless details of not love.

3、下雨天不适合哭泣,我不喜欢泪没痕迹。 Rainy day is not suitable for crying, I don't like tears without traces.

4、你做错了一件事,就很难再让人记起你曾经的好。 If you do something wrong, it's hard for people to remember your good life.

5、你施舍的寂寞,让我比一无所有更难过。 The loneliness of your charity makes me more sad than nothing.

6、佳人曲、潇然、此曲已青涩、语已多、情未了。 Beautiful song, Xiaoran, this song has been green, language has been more, love has not.

7、只是爱已不在,我们所期待的,已灰飞烟灭。 It's just that love is gone, and what we're looking forward to is gone.

8、听说今天有狗粮吃了? I heard there's dog food today?

9、听闻爱情,十有九悲,听闻过往,十忆九伤。 Hearing about love, there are nine sorrows in ten. Hearing about the past, there are nine wounds in ten memories.

10、哪有人喜欢孤独,不过是受够了失望。 No one likes loneliness, but is fed up with disappointment.

11、因为不知道永远是多远,命运的轮回便是终点。 Because I don't know how far forever is, the fate of reincarnation is the end.

12、固执对我是种虐待、越爱的深越难抛开。 Obstinacy is a kind of abuse to me. The more I love it, the harder it is to let go.

13、在逃,一直在逃开这无情的世界。 At large, has been escaping from this merciless world.

14、她笑着说她要放弃了,说完就哭了好久。 She said with a smile that she would give up and cried for a long time.

15、如果我变成回忆,退出了这场生命。 If I become a memory and quit this life.

16、就算世界荒芜总有一个人他会是你的信徒。 Even if the world were deserted, there would be a man, after all, adherent to you.

17、幸福的天堂,总得经历过死亡才能到达。 The paradise of happiness can only be reached through death.

18、思念就像关不紧的门,空气里有幸福的灰尘。 Missing is like a door that can't be closed tightly. There is happiness dust in the air.

19、愿倾我所有,为得你一笑。 I'd like to give all I have for your smile.

20、愿漂泊的人都有酒喝,愿孤独的人都能放歌。 May the wandering have wine, and the lonely sing.

21、愿笑皆由忠而发,不再强颜欢笑。 May all smiles come from loyalty, and no longer be forced to smile.

22、我不怕输,只怕我压上所有赌注他却中途退出。 I'm not afraid to lose. I'm afraid I'll take all my bets and he'll quit.

23、我以为自己可以忘了你,可是我无能为力。 I thought I could forget you, but there's nothing I can do.

24、我们的聊天记录,都是我厚颜无耻的问候。 Our chat records are all my shameless greetings.

25、我再也没有离开你的力气了。 I don't have the strength to leave you anymore.

26、我努力的笑、只是为了掩饰那一丝丝的痛。 I try to smile, just to cover up the pain.

27、我就这一辈子,只有跟你在一起,才不算浪费。 I'll be with you all my life. It's not a waste.

28、我已经什么都没有了,只有我们的回忆了。 I have nothing left, only our memories.

29、我心里永远都有你,如果你不嫌挤的话。 I always have you in my heart, if you are not too crowded.

30、我怕我对你的坚持,会被你的无情一点点吞噬。 I'm afraid my persistence to you will be swallowed up by your ruthlessness.

31、我愿等你三生世缘,你可否愿等我三世春秋。 I'd like to wait for you for three generations. Can you wait for me for three generations.

32、我用一世情真换一身伤痕,你猜我后悔吗? I use a real world for a scar, you guess I regret it?

33、我的心思,从来没有人看透过,包括我娘。 My mind has never been seen through, including my mother.

34、我脸上有多少笑容,背后就有多少故事。 How many smiles I have on my face, how many stories I have behind me.

35、我讨厌梦里梦到你,醒来只有空荡荡的房子。 I hate to dream about you in my dreams and wake up with an empty house.

36、抛弃别人的人,永远都不可能得到爱。 Those who abandon others will never get love.

37、既然已经分开,那么我会勇敢的面对。 Now that I have separated, I will face it bravely.

38、浓烈地爱过,撕心裂肺地疼过。 Strong love, heartbreaking pain.

39、烦躁,苦愁,不好受。还能有谁比我更懂我? Irritability, bitterness, discomfort. Who else can understand me better than me?

40、爱与恨我一样认真,热与冷碰了心都会疼。 Love and hate me as serious, hot and cold touch the heart will hurt.

41、爱笑的人一旦哭起来,比任何人都撕心裂肺。 Once a man who loves to laugh starts to cry, he is more heartbroken than anyone else.

42、老子是个好东西,希望你也有。 Laozi is a good thing. I hope you have it, too.

43、脸上无论有多少笑容,都抵不过心中的泪水。 No matter how many smiles you have on your face, you can't resist the tears in your heart.

44、艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停浊酒杯。 It's hard to hate the heavy frost temples, and it's poor to stop the turbid wine cup.

45、让所有人都知道你,但别让人了解你。 Let everyone know you, but don't let anyone know you.

46、谁的寂寞覆我华裳、谁的华裳覆我肩膀。 Whose loneliness covers my clothes, whose clothes cover my shoulders.

47、谁给的掌声,让我为誓言愚蠢的守到终老。 Who give the applause, let me for the oath stupid keep to the end.

48、这个一无所知的世界,只有走下去,才有惊喜。 In this ignorant world, only when we go on can we have surprise.

49、这份爱情已经透支了,颤抖着双手却无法开支票。 This love has been overdrawn, shaking hands but unable to write a check.

50、那么一刹那,我有众叛亲离的感觉。 For a moment, I felt betrayed.