1、*in 'crowd, there are a few sincere people.

2、一个不喜欢自己的人,我怎么等得起? How can I afford to wait for someone who doesn't like himself?

3、一个以为不会走,一个以为会挽留。 One thought he would not go, the other thought he would stay.

4、不会说多醉人的情话,我只想带你回家。 I don't want to say too much. I just want to take you home.

5、世界上每一个人都有属于自己的影子。 Everyone in the world has his own shadow.

6、两个人沿着街一直走,谁也不许再停留。 Two people go down the street, no one is allowed to stop.

7、从此千山万水,我也只能祝你一路顺风。 From then on, I can only wish you a pleasant journey.

8、仓山负雪,浮生尽歇。 Cangshan is full of snow.

9、你回到了这个城市,但我们却再也不联系。 You're back in the city, but we don't get in touch anymore.

10、你是前度,何必听我吠。 You are QianDu. Why listen to me.

11、你的存在、是我唯一想要的等待。 Your existence is the only waiting I want.

12、再烫的水也会凉,不合适的人终会散场。 No matter how hot the water is, it will be cool, and the unsuitable person will end up.

13、别在没我的地方哭,我怕没人给你擦眼泪。 Don't cry without me, I'm afraid no one will wipe your tears.

14、只要你要,只要我有,尽我所能,全部给你。 As long as you want, as long as I have, do my best to give it all to you.

15、喜欢谈论你的,往往是那些不了解你的人。 People who like to talk about you are often those who don't know you.

16、在人生的道路上,每个人都是孤独的旅客。 On the road of life, everyone is a lonely traveler.

17、在这个操蛋的人群里,真诚的人能有几个。 In this

18、夏天我洗澡的时候,都觉得是在帮蚊子洗菜。 When I take a bath in summer, I feel like I'm helping mosquitoes wash their vegetables.

19、多么可惜,我们见面,却只能向朋友一般。 It's a pity that when we meet, we can only be friends.

20、宁愿孤独也不愿让任何人敷衍我。 I'd rather be lonely than let anyone perfunctory me.

21、宁愿糜烂在自己的世界,也勿让人进入。 I would rather rot in my own world than let others in.

22、害怕与你重逢,又渴望与你相见。 Afraid to meet you again, and eager to meet you.

23、对不起,你喜欢的样子我都没有。 I'm sorry, I don't have the way you like.

24、我不喝雪碧,因为我怕透心凉。 I don't drink Sprite because I'm afraid it's too cold.

25、我也想浪荡一生,却不小心钟情了一个人。 I want to be a vagrant all my life, but I fall in love with someone by accident.

26、我做过最可怕的梦,就是你的离开。 The most terrible dream I ever had was your leaving.

27、我奋不顾身爱的人最后都成了别人的爱人。 The people I love, regardless of myself, become the lovers of others in the end.

28、我来到你生活的城市,走过你来的路。 I came to the city where you live and walked the way you came.

29、我没有停止爱你,只是决定不再表现出来。 I didn't stop loving you, I just decided not to show it.

30、我的孤独,是这个世界的绝症。 My loneliness, is the world's incurable disease.

31、我看不见、触碰不到的,是我对你深深的爱。 What I can't see and touch is my deep love for you.

32、我还没来得及去沾花惹草,就被人拔光了。 Before I had time to get involved, I was pulled out.

33、找不到你的时候我宁愿一个人。 I'd rather be alone when I can't find you.

34、擎一伞落红似雨,倾一世芳华初现。 Holding an umbrella, falling red like rain, pouring out a lifetime of youth.

35、明明不是陌生人,却装得比陌生人还陌生。 Obviously not a stranger, but pretend to be stranger than a stranger.

36、曾经的深信不疑,如今的物是人非。 Once believed, now things are right and people are wrong.

37、最终你成为了过客,喜怒哀乐都不再为我。 Finally you become a passer-by, no longer for me.

38、有些事,不得不懂,有些人,不得不遇。 Some things, have to understand, some people, have to meet.

39、有些事,有些人,一转身就是一辈子。 Some things, some people, turn around is a lifetime.

40、有种骨气叫做,无聊到死都不做作业。 There is a kind of backbone called, bored to death do not do homework.

41、每一个微笑的表情,都有它藏匿的忧伤。 Every smile has its hidden sadness.

42、没有了爱的语言,所有的文字都是乏味的。 Without the language of love, all the words are boring.

43、爱得不够,才借口多多。 Love is not enough, there are many excuses.

44、爱总是使人哭泣,使人感到不满足。 Love always makes people cry, makes people feel unsatisfied.

45、独自一人的孤独,只有黑夜能明白。 Loneliness alone, only the night can understand.

46、百口难辩的时候,才懂得人言可畏。 When it's hard for a hundred people to argue, they know that words are formidable.

47、眼泪滑落,幸福走了。从此以后,各自天涯。 Tears fall, happiness goes. From then on, their respective ends of the world.

48、笑,如此不堪的过去。 Smile, such a miserable past.

49、莪A签名为而改,而永远不会懂。 My signature is changed for you, and you will never understand.

50、觉得不想去打扰你,又不想违背自己的心。 I don't want to disturb you, and I don't want to go against my heart.

51、遇见都是个错误,结果也可想而知吧。 Meet is a mistake, the result also can imagine.