1、一场冬雪一场寒,一声问候一声暖。 A winter snow, a cold, a greeting, a warm.

2、一条藤径绿,万点雪峰晴。 A vine path green, ten thousand snow peak clear.

3、一腊天频雪,千山梅未花。 A day of frequent snow, a thousand mountains of plum blossom.

4、三春白雪归青冢,万里黄河绕黑山。 Three spring snow to Qingzhong, Wanli Yellow River around Heishan.

5、下第一场雪的那天,告白吧。 On the day of the first snow, tell me.

6、下雪了,来我怀里吧。 It's snowing. Come to my arms.

7、以雪洗身,杂念全无。 Wash one's body with snow.

8、你顺手挽住火焰,化作漫天大雪。 You hold the flame in your hand and turn into snow.

9、冬天早晨的雪很美,不信,请看。 Winter morning snow is very beautiful, do not believe, please see.

10、冬天的被窝,是偷耳机的贼。 The quilt in winter is a thief who steals earphones.

11、冬天穿棉袄,下雪不摔倒。 Winter wear cotton padded jacket, snow do not fall.

12、冬宜密雪,有碎玉声。 Winter should be dense snow, broken jade sound.

13、北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。 Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.

14、千里冰封,万里雪飘。 Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.

15、只见白茫茫一片旷野,并无一人。 There was no one in the white field.

16、听雪超尘,问雪落几许。 Listen to the snow dust, ask how much snow fell.

17、地白风色寒,雪花大如手。 The ground is white, the wind is cold, and the snowflakes are as big as hands.

18、城里夕阳城外雪,相将十里异阴晴。 The sun is setting in the city and the snow is outside the city.

19、夜深知雪重,时闻折竹声。 The snow is heavy at night, and the sound of bamboo folding is heard.

20、大雪到,雪花飘,幸福飘扬忧伤跑。 Heavy snow to, snowflakes floating, happiness flying, sad running.

21、大雪在风中飘,卷走种种烦忧。 The heavy snow is floating in the wind, taking away all kinds of worries.

22、大雪已纷飞,你人在哪里? Where are you when the snow is flying?

23、大雪飘飘展笑颜,片片晶莹快乐飞。 Snow floating smile, pieces of crystal happy fly.

24、天亮之前,一定要下一场雪。 There must be a snow before dawn.

25、孤飞一片雪,百里见秋毫。 Lonely fly a piece of snow, a hundred miles to see autumn hair.

26、寒色孤村幕,悲风四野闻。 Cold lonely village curtain, sad wind heard everywhere.

27、小雪封地,大雪封河。 The land is sealed with light snow and the river is blocked by heavy snow.

28、应是天仙狂醉,乱把白云揉碎。 It should be the immortals who are drunk and crush the white clouds.

29、愿,雪花捎去我的思念。 May the snowflakes carry my thoughts.

30、昔去雪如花,今来花似雪。 In the past, snow is like flowers, but now flowers are like snow.

31、晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无。 If you come late, it's snowy. You can have a drink.

32、晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无? Can you drink a glass of snow?

33、晴天适合相见,雪天适合思念。 Sunny day is suitable for meeting, snowy day is suitable for missing.

34、晴天适合见面,雪天适合想念。 Sunny day is suitable for meeting, snowy day is suitable for missing.

35、有雪的时间,更加浪漫。 Snow time, more romantic.

36、有雪的温暖,伴你永远。 The warmth of snow, with you forever.

37、有雪的瞬间,纯净非凡。 Snow moment, pure and extraordinary.

38、杨花落满头,也算到白首。 The head is full of poplars.

39、梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香。 Mei Xuxun snow three points white, but the snow lost a section of plum fragrance.

40、溪深古雪在,石断寒泉流。 Stream deep, ancient snow in, stone break cold spring flow.

41、溪深难受雪,山冻不流云。 The deep stream is hard to snow, and the mountain is frozen without flowing clouds.

42、玉骨那愁瘴雾,冰姿自有仙风。 Jade bone that worry miasma fog, ice posture has its own fairy wind.

43、白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。 Snow is too late for spring, so the trees in the courtyard are flying flowers.

44、看雪在手中融化,城市变白。 Watch the snow melt in your hands and the city turns white.

45、祝愿你雪洗尽烦恼,幸福乐淘淘。 I wish you snow wash away trouble, happy Taotao.

46、穿暖吃饱不怕冻,幸福健康身体好。 Wear warm food not afraid of cold, happiness and health, good health.

47、肮脏的心灵,被洁白的雪覆盖住了。 Dirty soul, covered by white snow.

48、行人与我玩幽境,北风切切吹衣冷。 Passers-by and I play in the secluded land, the north wind cut, blowing clothes cold.

49、让我帮你升温,陪你过冬天。 Let me help you warm up and spend the winter with you.

50、起风了,下雪了,你没了。 It's windy, it's snowing, you're gone.

51、路出寒云外,人归暮雪时。 Road out of the cold clouds, people return to the evening snow.

52、雪下的那么深,下的那么认真! It's snowing so deep, so serious!

53、雪是晶莹的,照亮你前行的道路。 Snow is crystal clear, illuminating your way forward.

54、雪是飘逸的,带走你无奈的痛苦。 Snow is elegant, take away your helpless pain.

55、雪花飘落,世界都变得柔软了。 Snowflakes falling, the world has become soft.

56、雪,至白至简,洁净无暇。 Snow, white to simple, clean.

57、霭霭夜,皎皎月,你是心中雪。 Misty night, bright moon, you are the snow in your heart.

58、青山原不老,为雪白头。 Green mountains are not old, but snow white.

59、风雪吹满头,也算到白首。 Wind and snow blowing all over the head, also count as white head.

60、飘落的雪,带着思念的伤。 Falling snow, with missing injury.