1、一生那么长,等你十年又何妨。 Life is so long. Why don't you wait ten years.

2、不能为之事,求遍万般亦是空。 If you can't do something, it's empty to ask for everything.

3、世界这么大,很高兴与你相遇。 The world is so big. I'm glad to meet you.

4、人们总在失去后才懂得珍惜。 People always know how to cherish after losing.

5、人生没有假设,当下即是全部。 There is no hypothesis in life. The present is all.

6、人生辽阔,不要只活在爱恨里。 Life is vast, don't just live in love and hate.

7、人,长得漂亮不如活的漂亮。 People, it's better to be beautiful than to live.

8、今夜我不关心人类,我只想你。 I don't care about human beings tonight. I just miss you.

9、从此,倾心暖爱,九月,倾情。 Since then, warm love, September, love.

10、伤心莫问前朝事,重上越王台。 Don't ask about the previous dynasty when you are sad. Go back to the king's platform.

11、你不是别人的,我就很开心。 I'm happy you're not someone else's.

12、你不用改变,让我来习惯你。 You don't have to change. Let me get used to you.

13、你我山前别相见,山后别重逢。 Don't meet me in front of the mountain. Don't meet me again behind the mountain.

14、你看开了生死,我看不破情事。 You see life and death, I can't see things.

15、你眼中是江湖,我眼中是你。 Your eyes are Jianghu, my eyes are you.

16、你若不告而别,必是九州毁灭。 If you leave without saying goodbye, Kyushu will be destroyed.

17、你若活的凄凉,我定笑的猖狂。 If you live desolately, I will laugh wildly.

18、你走你的路,我也走你的路。 You go your way, I go your way.

19、信了人不如故,谁能初心不负。 Who can live up to his original heart if he believes in others.

20、免费赠送一红本,永不褪色。 A free red book will never fade.

21、共饮一杯清茶,同研一碗青砂。 Drink a cup of tea and grind a bowl of green sand.

22、判你无期徒刑,在我身边执行。 Sentence you to life im*ment and execute it by my side.

23、半壁横江矗起,一舟载雨孤行。 Half of the river rises, and a boat carries rain alone.

24、半山腰太挤了,要去山顶看看。 The hillside is too crowded. I want to go to the top of the mountain.

25、原来天长地久,只是误会一场。 It's just a misunderstanding.

26、只做第一个我,不做第二个谁。 Just be the first me, not the second one.

27、可惜,遗憾总和年轻绑在一起。 Unfortunately, regret is always tied to youth.

28、君作画眉张敞,卿为举案孟光。 You make a thrush, Zhang Chang, Qing raises a case, Meng Guang.

29、喵!起驾!带朕出宫微服私访。 Meow! Let's go! Take me out of the palace for a private visit.

30、士为知己者死,女为悦己者容。 A scholar dies for a bosom friend, and a woman is allowed to please herself.

31、外面好冷,我想住在你心里。 It's cold outside. I want to live in your heart.

32、大丈夫,宁鸣而死,不默而生。 The eldest husband would rather die than live in silence.

33、天气突然变凉,故事也该翻篇。 The weather suddenly turned cold and the story should be turned over.

34、宁可孤独,也不违心的将就。 I'd rather be alone than make do with it against my heart.

35、寻了半生的春天你一笑便是了。 After looking for half a lifetime of spring, you smile.

36、小城市的夜晚,安逸又幸福。 The night in a small city is comfortable and happy.

37、岁月江河日下,青春如鲠在喉。 As time goes by, youth is stuck in the throat.

38、待到繁花落尽,与你细水长流。 When the flowers fall, I will flow with you.

39、待我了无牵挂,许你浪迹天涯。 If you don't care about me, you can wander around the world.

40、很想联系你阿,就是缺个身份。 I really want to contact you. I just lack an identity.

41、得知月之将至,天空满脸羞红。 Knowing that the moon was coming, the sky was blushing.

42、心事散在酒里,喝酒就胃疼。 Worry is scattered in wine, and drinking makes your stomach ache.

43、心是我的,可里面装的全是你。 My heart is mine, but it's full of you.

44、惯眺望远方,不肯凝视身旁。 Used to look into the distance, unwilling to stare at the side.

45、成为更好的人,这是新的约定。 To be a better person is a new agreement.

46、我喜欢你,漫山遍野的喜欢。 I like you, all over the mountains.

47、我,抚尔秀颈,挡你此生风雨。 I, caress Er Xiu's neck, block the wind and rain of your life.

48、散场是难免的,尽兴而归就好。 It's inevitable to leave. Just have fun and come back.

49、断送一生憔悴,只消几个黄昏。 It takes only a few dusks to end a life of haggard.

50、暗教愁损兰成,可怜夜夜关情。 Dark religion worries about LAN Cheng and pitifully closes love every night.

51、最穷的是无才,最贱的是无志。 The poorest is incompetent, and the cheapest is indomitable.

52、最终鸟倦归栖,你我终年不遇。 Finally, the birds return home tired, and we don't see each other all year round.

53、月是人间散客,卿是人间绝色。 The moon is an individual in the world, and Qing is the most beautiful in the world.

54、有你在我身边,哪里都是晴天! With you by my side, it's sunny everywhere!

55、某日你我相遇,尘缘早已注定。 One day you and I met, fate has long been doomed.

56、每天都在等候和失望中度过。 Every day is spent in waiting and disappointment.

57、泼墨三千烟火,许你一世迷离。 Splash ink 3000 fireworks, let you be blurred all your life.

58、海底月捞不起,心上人不可及。 I can't afford to fish the moon at the bottom of the sea, which is beyond the reach of my sweetheart.

59、渴不饮盗泉水,热不息恶木荫。 Thirst does not steal spring water, heat does not rest, evil tree shade.

60、爱你,最是那一低头的温柔。 Love you is the tenderness of bowing your head.

61、现在事,现在心,随缘即可。 Now things, now heart, just follow fate.

62、用我三生烟火,换你一世迷离。 Use my three fireworks for your life.

63、秋风凉,秋风忘,今夜别思量。 Autumn wind is cool, autumn wind forget, don't think about it tonight.

64、管他谁的天下,我要带你回家! Whoever it is, I'll take you home!

65、纤柔之指,点开了花宵的云梦。 The delicate finger points to the cloud dream of the flower night.

66、纵是千千晚星,不敌灼灼月光。 Even thousands of evening stars are invincible to the burning moonlight.

67、能力不在脸上,本事不在嘴上。 Ability is not in the face, ability is not in the mouth.

68、能遇见是福气,能错过也是。 It's a blessing to meet, and it's a blessing to miss.

69、自己爱自己,比谁爱你都靠谱。 I love myself more than anyone who loves you.

70、被你宠着,惯着也是种幸福。 Being spoiled by you is also a kind of happiness.

71、许你十里桃花,愿君不忘此生。 I wish you ten miles of peach blossom, and I hope you will not forget this life.

72、谁也不能救谁的,人必须自救。 No one can save anyone. People must save themselves.

73、跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角。 Follow your footsteps and go all over the world.

74、路的尽头,总会有温柔和月光。 At the end of the road, there will always be tenderness and moonlight.

75、这千万朵玫瑰,我只看到了你。 These thousands of roses, I only see you.

76、醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营。 Drunk in the * to see the sword, dream back to the camp.

77、长空与飞雪,曾有过一夜之情! Sky and snow, once had a one night stand!

78、阡陌红尘,轻回首,一梦千寻。 In the world of mortals, looking back, a dream is thousands of times.

79、风雨难洗心痕,沧桑不灭情殇。 The wind and rain is difficult to wash the heart mark, and the vicissitudes of life do not destroy the love war.

80、麦浪翻晴风s柳,已过伤春候。 Wheat waves turn into fine wind and willows. It's past spring.