1、下雨了,我说:天哭了。降温了,心凉的透透的。 It's raining, I said: the sky is crying. It's cool. It's cool.

2、不准对我不好,更不准你离开我。 Don't be bad to me, let alone leave me.

3、为此一人,终伊一生。 For this one person, the whole life.

4、伤感的人心最悴,痛彻心扉的人情最痴。 Sad people are the most haggard, and those who hurt deeply are the most stupid.

5、伤是别人给的,也是自己找的。 The injury is given by others, but also found by oneself.

6、你不动,我也不动,两人逐渐越走越远。 You don't move, I don't move, they gradually go further and further away.

7、你可以不爱俄,但是你阻止不了俄爱你。 You can not love Russia, but you can not stop Russia love you.

8、你哪天突然想起我,会不会发现亏欠我太多? When you suddenly think of me, will you find that you owe me too much?

9、你是我隐匿多年,不愿提笔书写的旧事。 You are an old story that I have been hiding for many years.

10、你是月亮不是太阳,会发光却不暖心。 You are the moon, not the sun, will shine but not warm heart.

11、别说抱歉,你觉得抱歉的话就不会提分手。 Don't say sorry. If you feel sorry, you won't break up.

12、历经似水流年,你我都已不是少年。 After years, you and I are not teenagers.

13、只想要一个拥抱,和一个肩膀来依靠。 Just want a hug and a shoulder to lean on.

14、和你最大差别是你在天涯,我在海角。 The biggest difference with you is that you are at the end of the world and I am at the corner of the sea.

15、因为有所期待,才会失望。 Because of expectations, we will be disappointed.

16、在别人嘴里,永远不会是原本的自己。 In other people's mouth, will never be the original self.

17、多希望我也有那么一次,能成为你伤心的原因。 I wish I could be the cause of your sadness once.

18、大概是我不懂,所以你才能够真正的快乐吧! Maybe I don't understand, so you can be really happy!

19、如果爱需要语言表示,那么哑巴怎么相爱? If love needs words, how can a mute love each other?

20、少年的时候,我疯狂的喜欢,带我走这三个字。 When I was young, I was crazy about taking me.

21、当你还有得机会选择时,不妨冒险一试。 When you have a choice, take a chance.

22、心酸纵有千百种,沉默不语最难过。 There are thousands of sad, silent most sad.

23、感情很微妙,没有了爱情也不再是友情。 The feeling is very delicate, without love is no longer friendship.

24、我不敢和你开玩笑,我怕和你开不起。 I dare not joke with you. I'm afraid I can't.

25、我以为我不会难过,所以决定看着你走。 I thought I would not be sad, so I decided to watch you go.

26、我始终是没狠下心放弃你,是因为狠我爱你。 I never give up you because I love you.

27、我就像个垂死挣扎的病人,妄想回到最初。 I'm like a dying patient trying to get back to the beginning.

28、我悄悄的来悄悄的走,挥一挥匕首不留活口。 I come and go quietly, waving a dagger without leaving a living.

29、我拼命的笑,只为了掩饰那一丝丝的痛。 I desperately smile, just to cover up the pain.

30、我试过销声匿迹,最终也无人问津。 I've tried to disappear, and in the end no one cares.

31、我高姿态的退出,成全你们不要脸的幸福。 I quit with a high attitude, to complete your shameless happiness.

32、敢于接受的继续冒险。害怕失望的,中途退场! Those who dare to accept continue to take risks. Fear of disappointment, midway out!

33、无论在友情里还是爱情里,我都是没安全感的人。 No matter in friendship or love, I have no sense of security.

34、春风十里不如你,不负青春不负你。 Spring breeze ten li is inferior to you, does not disappoint the youth does not disappoint you.

35、有一种渴,只有酒才能滋润,这种渴就是孤独。 There is a thirst, only wine can nourish, this thirst is lonely.

36、每个人,都有一段悲伤,想隐藏,却在生长。 Everyone, there is a sad, want to hide, but in the growth.

37、没关系我放你走,我还有清风和酒。 It doesn't matter. I'll let you go. I still have the breeze and the wine.

38、没有内在的平静,就没有外在的安宁。 Without inner peace, there is no outer peace.

39、灿烂的烟花,绽放着来自我心的寂寞。 Brilliant fireworks, blooming loneliness from my heart.

40、独一无二的宠溺,早已灰飞湮灭。 The unique pet has long been lost.

41、男孩的疼痛是酒,女孩的苦楚是泪! Boy's pain is wine, girl's pain is tears!

42、立场简单,我的别碰。 The position is simple. Don't touch mine.

43、童话故事已结束,剩下A却只有悲伤。 The fairy tale is over, but there is only sadness left.

44、花几时开是有季节的,人几时死又有谁知道? There are seasons when flowers bloom, and who knows when people die?

45、虽然辛苦,我还是会选择那种滚烫的人生。 Although hard, I will still choose that kind of hot life.

46、那熟悉的发香,让我好怀念。 I miss the familiar fragrance.

47、闭上眼,用泪水感觉你的存在。 Close your eyes and feel your presence with tears.

48、面色红润万人倒、莫非姑娘用大宝。 The face is ruddy, ten thousand people pour, is it a girl to use big treasure.

49、默默的关怀与祝福别人,那是一种无形的布施。 Silent care and blessing for others, it is an invisible charity.