1、一个孩子翻着跟头,像车轮在转,真好看! A child turns his back like a wheel. It's so beautiful!

2、一座架在水里的桥,很像一栋长长的房子。 A bridge in the water is like a long house.

3、不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。 I don't know who cuts out the fine leaves. The spring breeze in February looks like scissors.

4、人潮卷来卷去,地坝变成了露天舞台。 The tide of people came and went, and the earth dam became an open-air stage.

5、原来,蒲公英的花就像我们的手掌,可以张开、合上。 It turns out that dandelion flowers are like our palms, which can be opened and closed.

6、小姑娘的心灵像雪花一样纯洁。 The little girl's heart is as pure as snow.

7、岸边的华灯倒映在湖中,宛如颗颗宝石缀在湖面之上。 The *s on the shore are reflected in the lake, just like jewels on the lake.

8、日出的霎那间,漫天的霞光如同是倾盆而下的光雨。 In the moment of sunrise, the glow of the sky is like the light rain pouring down.

9、春天像位爱美的姑娘,让世界姹紫嫣红。 Spring is like a beautiful girl, making the world colorful.

10、春天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着。 Spring is like a little girl, full of flowers, laughing and walking.

11、春天是一个优美的舞蹈,让世界充满微笑。 Spring is a beautiful dance that makes the world smile.

12、春天是一只快乐的小鸟,让世界充满欢乐。 Spring is a happy bird, making the world full of joy.

13、春天是一首美妙的乐曲,让世界充满音符。 Spring is a wonderful music, let the world full of notes.

14、春天是位魔法师,她融化了冰雪,让小草破土而出。 Spring is a magician. She melted the ice and snow and let the grass break through the earth.

15、春雨,像春姑娘纺出的线。 Spring rain, like the thread spun by spring girl.

16、松树的尾巴好像一把伞。 The tail of the pine tree is like an umbrella.

17、树上的苹果像灯笼似的又大又红。 The apples on the tree are big and red like *s.

18、树叶绿得像一块无瑕的翡翠。 The leaves are as green as a flawless emerald.

19、母亲像参天的大树,让我感觉凉爽。 Mother is like a towering tree, which makes me feel cool.

20、母亲像明亮的太阳,让我看到了光明。 Mother like the bright sun, let me see the light.

21、母亲像温暖的阳光,让我满怀期望。 My mother, like the warm sunshine, makes me full of expectation.

22、母亲像点燃的蜡烛,让我看到光明。 Mother is like a lighted candle, let me see the light.

23、母亲像鼓起航帆,让我顺利的到达彼岸。 Mother is like a sail, let me get to the other side smoothly.

24、母亲是不熄的篝火,一直温暖着我们的家。 My mother is a bonfire that keeps us warm all the time.

25、母亲是和平的信使,给邻里之间带来了和睦。 Mother is the messenger of peace, bringing peace to the neighborhood.

26、母亲是大地,我就是小草。 Mother is the earth, I am the grass.

27、母亲是天边的启明星,总是早早地起来忙碌。 Mother is the star in the sky, always get up early and busy.

28、母亲是威严的老师,让我学会了怎样做人。 Mother is a dignified teacher, let me learn how to behave.

29、母亲是御寒的冬衣,时刻给我温暖。 My mother is a winter coat that keeps me warm all the time.

30、母亲是我的闹钟,天天准时把我唤醒。 My mother is my alarm clock. She wakes me up on time every day.

31、母亲是绿叶,我就是鲜花。 Mother is a green leaf, I am a flower.

32、母亲是遮风挡雨的纸伞,呵护着我幼小的生命。 My mother is a paper umbrella to protect my young life.

33、母亲是避风的港湾,让归航的我不再漂泊。 My mother is a harbor to avoid the wind, so that I will not drift back.

34、母亲是金色的灯塔,时刻指明我前进的方向。 Mother is the golden lighthouse, always indicating the direction of my progress.

35、母亲是陈年的老酒,让我深刻感受到浓烈的甘醇。 My mother is an old wine, which makes me deeply feel the strong glycol.

36、母亲是默默的老黄牛,忍辱负重,从不叫苦。 The mother is a silent old ox, who bears the humiliation and never cries.

37、河面闪着阳光笑,小河就像长长的锦缎。 The river is shining with sunshine. The river is like a long brocade.

38、秋天像是一缕清香,把香味中的甘甜吸进了五脏六腑。 Autumn is like a wisp of fragrance, which absorbs the sweetness of the fragrance into the viscera.

39、秋天像是一首歌,谱写了生命的不朽。 Autumn is like a song, composing the immortality of life.

40、秋天像晚归的渔船,满载喜悦的笑容。 Autumn is like a fishing boat returning late, full of happy smiles.

41、秋天就像一幅金色的图画,到处是丰收的景象。 Autumn is like a golden picture, full of harvest.

42、秋天,枫叶一个个落地,像一个红红的地毯。 In autumn, maple leaves fall one by one, like a red carpet.

43、美丽的彩虹就像一座七彩的桥一样高挂在雨后的天空。 The beautiful rainbow is like a colorful bridge high in the sky after the rain.

44、走在田野里,秋风中麦子像海浪一样时起彼伏。 Walking in the fields, wheat in the autumn wind rises and falls like the waves.

45、那些棉花糖似的云,叫积云。 Those marshmallow clouds are called cumulus clouds.

46、阳光像金子,洒遍田野、高山和小河。 The sun, like gold, spreads over fields, mountains and rivers.

47、雨中的桃林,没有尘埃,没有鸣噪,幽静得像是仙境。 Peach forest in the rain, no dust, no noise, quiet as a fairyland.