1、**按其本性来说就是排他的。 Sex,by its very nature, is exclusive.

2、一饭之恩一世情,一夜夫妻百日恩。 One meal of grace, one night of husband and wife, one hundred days of grace.

3、不求情意浓,但愿情长久。 I do not want to be sentimental, but I wish for a long time.

4、世界上没有未完的故事,只有未死的心。 There are no endless stories in the world, only the hearts of the dead.

5、为了爱情,无钱结婚,夜来欢娱,白天悔恨。 For love, no money to marry, night to entertain, day to regret.

6、什么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。 Nothing can be concealed from a lover's eyes.

7、其爱愈深,其言愈寡。 The deeper his love is, the less he speaks.


9、坚固的爱情不会顷刻忘怀。 Strong love will not be forgotten in an instant.

10、孤独从一开始就注定要用一生去承担,无人能懂。 Loneliness is destined to take on for a lifetime from the beginning, and no one can understand it.

11、宁为房上鸟,不作屋里妾。 Better a bird in the house than a concubine in the house.上一页12下一页 It doesn't work in love.

12、山高不如男人的志气高,水深不如女人的爱情深。 The mountain is not as high as the man's ambition, and the water is not as deep as the woman's love.

13、巧媳妇难为无米之炊。 A skillful daughter-in-law can hardly cook without rice.

14、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。 Love is not a charity, so you can't give generously.

15、情人眼里出西施。 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

16、情绵绵,爱无边。 Love is endless.

17、我们只能用心中的爱去做一切事情。 We can only do everything with love in our hearts.

18、我们可以忘记这世间一切,可爱情却是例外的。 We can forget everything in the world, but love is the exception.

19、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。 It's better to meet once than never.

20、最甜美的是爱情,最苦涩的也是爱情。 The sweetest is love, and the bitterest is love.

21、有爱情必有妒忌。 Where there is love, there is jealousy.

22、有钱,爱情就能长久。 If you have money, love will last forever.

23、没有爱情的人生叫受罪。 Life without love is suffering.

24、爱上的猴子也觉标致,看中的狗熊也漂亮。 The monkeys in love are also beautiful, and the bears in sight are beautiful.

25、爱情不分贫贱与高贵。 Love knows no difference between poverty and nobility.

26、爱情不是用眼睛,而是用心灵看着的。 Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.

27、爱情不能强求。 Love cannot be forced.

28、爱情不能用常识衡量。 Love cannot be measured by common sense.

29、爱情不过是一种疯。 Love is just a madness.

30、爱情和智慧,二者不可兼得。 Love and wisdom cannot be both.

31、爱情和谋杀一样,总是要暴露的。 Love, like murder, is always exposed.

32、爱情往往开始于见面的头一眼。 Love often begins at the first glance of an encounter.

33、爱情所要求的比友谊要少得多。 Love requires much less than friendship.

34、爱情无需言作媒,全在心领神会。 Love need not be matched by words, but by heart.

35、爱情是一位伟大的导师,她教我们重新做人。 Love is a great teacher. She teaches us to be human again.

36、爱情是可爱的虐政,情人们甘受它痛苦的折磨。 Love is a lovely tyranny. Lovers are willing to suffer from it.

37、爱情是无邪的,神圣的。 Love is innocent and sacred.

38、爱情是美德的试金石。 Love is the touchstone of virtue.

39、爱情献出了一切,却依然富有。 Love gives everything, but it is still rich.

40、爱情的基本要素就是相信爱情本身是不朽的。 The basic element of love is to believe that love itself is immortal.

41、爱情的意义在于帮助对方提高,同时也提高自己。 The meaning of love is to help each other improve, but also to improve themselves.

42、爱情,一只脆弱华丽的蝴蝶。 Love, a fragile and gorgeous butterfly.

43、爱情,你的话是我的食粮,你的气息是我的醇酒。 Love, your words are my food, your breath is my wine.

44、爱是和弦,不是独奏曲。 Love is a chord, not a solo.

45、爱神奏出无声旋律,远比乐器奏出的悦耳动听。 Love plays a silent melody, far more pleasant than an instrument.

46、爱神能征服一切,我们还是向爱神屈服吧。 Love can conquer everything. Let's give in to love.

47、*的爱情总是绝不会持久的。 Fanatical love will never last.

48、相信爱情,即使它给你带来悲哀也要相信爱情。 Believe in love, even if it brings you sorrow, also believe in love.

49、真正恋爱过的心永不遗忘。 The heart that truly loved never forgets.

50、真正的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。 The road to true love will never be smooth.

51、真正的爱情越久越不生锈。 The longer true love lasts, the less rusty it becomes.

52、破碎带来快乐,可以不再绝望。 Breaking brings happiness and can stop despairing.

53、离开,是*的追逐,还是她的不挽留。 Leave, is the pursuit of freedom, or she does not retain.

54、繁华落尽,如梦无痕。 Flourishing, like a dream without trace.

55、而生活,是那么轻易地就会淹没我们。 And life is so easy to drown us.

56、萝卜白菜,各有所爱。 Radish and cabbage have their own preferences.

57、要爱又兼要理性是不可能的。 It is impossible to love and reason at the same time.

58、谁按规定去爱,谁就得不到爱。 Whoever loves according to the rules will not be loved.

59、谁都没有真正的爱情,而只有一见钟情。 No one has true love, but love at first sight.

60、闲人把爱情当作正事,忙人把爱情当成消遣。 The idle regards love as a business while the busy regards love as a pastime.
