1、“想”要壮志凌云,“干”要脚踏实地。 "Want" to be ambitious, "do" to be down-to-earth.
2、一马当先,全员举绩,梅开二度,业绩保底。 Second, first, first.
3、今天比昨天做得好,明天比今天做得更好。 Today is better than yesterday, tomorrow is better than today.
4、今天种下口号努力,明天收获成绩。 Plant slogans today, work hard, and reap achievements tomorrow.
5、低调做人,一次比一次稳健,高调做事,一次比一次优秀。 Low key life, more and more stable, high-profile work, more and more excellent.
6、你思考、我动脑,改善问题难不到。 If you think and I use my brain, it's hard to improve the problem.
7、使用一流的人才,创办一流的机构。 Use first-class talents and set up first-class institutions.
8、共同追求,客户满意,员工幸福,企业发展。 Common pursuit, customer satisfaction, employee happiness, enterprise development.
9、分数铸就辉煌,汗水凝聚实力。 Scores create brilliance, sweat condenses strength.
10、创意是金钱,策划显业绩,思考才致富。 Creativity is money. Planning shows performance. Thinking makes you rich.
11、创新改变世界,齐心改变未来。 Innovation will change the world and work together to change the future.
12、创新突破稳定品质,落实管理提高效率。 Innovate, break through, stabilize quality, implement management and improve efficiency.
13、刻苦学习,团结一心。奋勇拼搏,披荆斩棘。 Study hard and unite as one. Fight bravely and overcome all difficulties.
14、勤是甘泉水,学似聚宝盆。 Diligence is a sweet spring, learning is like a cornucopia.
15、品质观念把握好,成品出货不苦恼。 Grasp the concept of quality, finished product delivery is not distressed.
16、唱响教院,你最闪亮! Sing the Academy, you are the brightest!
17、团结一致,所向披靡。 United, invincible.
18、团队共作战,人人出业绩。 Team work together, everyone makes achievements.
19、在动态中探索,在快乐中求知,在情感中展现。 Explore in the dynamic, seek knowledge in happiness and show in emotion.
20、在风雨中坚强,在彩虹中微笑。 Strong in the wind and rain, smile in the rainbow.
21、增员求生存,增组求发展。 Increasing the number of staff for survival and increasing the number of groups for development.
22、多点沟通,少点抱怨,多点理解,少点争执。 More understanding, less dispute.
23、大事讲原则,小事讲风格。 The principle of big things and the style of small things.
24、学军人之风采,强自身之素质。 Learn from the style of soldiers and strengthen their own quality.
25、志存高远,勇争第一! Aim high and strive for the first!
26、志存高远,细微做起。 Aim high and start small.
27、志强智达,言行行果。 Ambition is strong, wisdom is great, words and deeds are fruitful.
28、态度决定一切,习惯成就未来。 Attitude decides everything, habit makes the future.
29、思路决定思路,行动决定结果。 Thought decides thought, action decides result.
30、悉心引领,解惑答疑。 Guide carefully and answer questions.
31、感动生活,安居长远。 Moving life and living in peace for a long time.
32、我要时常微笑,面对周边一切。 I will always smile and face everything around me.
33、执着热爱,持之以恒。 Persistent love, perseverance.
34、技巧提升,业绩攀升。 Skills and performance are improved.
35、挑战自我,团队协作,追求卓越,共创辉煌。 Challenge yourself, team work, pursue excellence and create brilliance together.
36、捍卫荣耀,成就王者。 Defend the glory and make the king.
37、改变赢市场,创新赢未来。 Change wins the market, innovation wins the future.
38、时不我待,努力举绩。 Time does not wait for me, and strive for success.
39、有条理:轻重缓急,有条不紊。 Organized: priority, order.
40、现实和理想之间,不变的是跋涉,暗淡与辉煌之间,不变的是开拓。 Between reality and ideal, the constant is trekking, between dim and brilliant, the constant is development.
41、生无所息,斗无所止。 There is no rest in life, no end in struggle.
42、百尽竿头,更进一步。 One hundred to one, one step further.
43、相信自己,相信伙伴。把握先机,容易成功。 Believe in yourself, believe in your partner. It is easy to succeed if we grasp the opportunity.
44、真正的强者,不是流泪的人,而是含泪奔跑的人。 The real strong man is not the one who tears, but the one who runs with tears.
45、破浪迎晨曦,聚将战沙场。 Breaking the waves to meet the dawn, gathering generals to fight on the battlefield.
46、神马当先,处处领先。 Shenma takes the lead and leads everywhere.
47、秀出自信,展现自我,非比寻常,xx最强。 Show self-confidence, show yourself, extraordinary, XX is the strongest.
48、纳失败成功,搏今天明天。 Failure and success, today and tomorrow.
49、能上能下,能进能出,唯才是举,唯能是用。 To be able to go up and down, to go in and out, to be able to do things only, to be able to use.
50、自强不息同心,厚德载物共赢。 Strive for self-improvement and win-win situation.
51、超越、蝶变、升华。 Transcendence, change and sublimation.
52、追求卓越,挑战自我。 Pursue excellence and challenge yourself.
53、追求客户满意,是你我的责任。 Pursuing customer satisfaction is our responsibility.
54、锲而不舍,存义精思。 Persevere, keep righteousness and think carefully.
55、长风破浪终有时,质量效益兴鸿业。 At the end of a long period of time, quality and efficiency prosper Hongye.
56、青春力量,放飞梦想。 The power of youth, flying dream.
57、青春无畏,梦想可贵。 Fearless youth, precious dreams.
58、青春飞翔,活力张扬。 Youth flying, vitality.
59、高起点,严要求,抓质量,保安全,促进度,争一流。 High starting point, strict requirements, quality, safety, promotion and first class.
60、黄河源头水,泰山顶上松,心中有信念,一定能成功。 The source of the Yellow River and the top of Mount Tai are pines. If you have faith in your heart, you will succeed.