1、一定要做好两件事:努力和爱自己。 There are two things to do: to work hard and to love yourself.

2、不为别离肠已断,泪痕也满旧衫青。 Not to leave the gut has broken, tears are also full of old shirt green.

3、不可思议,思你。不思进取,思你。 Incredible, miss you. Don't think of being aggressive, think about you.

4、不怕千万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。 Not afraid of the tens of millions of people to block, just afraid of their surrender.

5、为谁独自立斜阳,兰影遥对杏花天。 For who alone set up the slanting sun, the blue shadow distant to apricot flower sky.

6、事越烦,越要耐烦。天底下没有不烦的事。 The more annoying things are, the more impatient they are. There is nothing in the world that is not bothering.

7、人不见,烟已昏,击筑弹铗与谁论。 People are gone, smoke is faint, and who to talk about who to build a clip.

8、他一语,醉心,一生思绪为之沦陷。 He was drunk and lost in his whole life.

9、他生莫作有情痴,人间无地着相思。 He was born not to be infatuated, and there was no love in the world.

10、令伯支离晚读书,岂知词赋称相如。 When he was told that he would read later, he knew that the words were named like this.

11、佛前寻答卜算一卦,青灯古卷瘦了谁。 Buddha to find a divination, who is thin in the ancient volume of green light.

12、你从未属于过我,我又何必强求你留下。 You have never belonged to me, why should I ask you to stay.

13、你是我,未能触及的倾城温暖。 You are me, the warm city that can not be touched.

14、借来最大的勇气,全都用来拥抱你。 Take the greatest courage to embrace you.

15、倾我半世流离,换你笑靥如花。 I am exiled for half a lifetime, for you smile like flowers.

16、入骨疼痛知不值?忘忧散下无前世。 Does the pain of bone enter know value? Forget the worries and leave the past.

17、兰生幽谷无人识,客种东轩遗我香。 The valley of Lansheng is unknown, and the guests plant the fragrance of Dongxuan.

18、别后悠悠君莫问,无限事,不言中。 Don't ask after you, infinite things, no words.

19、半死梧桐老病身,重泉一念一伤神。 Half dead Wutong, old and sick, heavy spring, one mind and one mind.

20、只要是喜剧收尾,过程你让我怎么哭都行。 As long as it's the end of the comedy, you can make me cry.

21、只要有你在,我就无所不能。 I can do everything if I have you.

22、可怜身上衣正单,心忧炭贱愿天寒? Poor body jacket is simple, heart worry carbon base wish the cold?

23、君可知,我这满头白发都是应你当年情话。 You know, I have white hair all in response to your love words.

24、咽了多少苦,只有自己知道。 How much pain I swallow, only I know.

25、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望。 Where someone likes to be alone, but not disappointed.

26、回得了过去,回不了当初。 Can not return to the past, can not return to the original.

27、天津桥上无人识,独倚栏干看落晖。 No one knows on Tianjin bridge, and looks at the falling sun by leaning on the fence.

28、天街曾醉美人畔,凉枝移插乌巾。 Tianjie once drunk beauty side, cold branch moved into black towel.

29、如果换我先开口,日子是否还一样细水长流。 If I open my mouth first, whether the day is still as thin as the current.

30、如果生命只剩一秒,我愿投靠死在你怀抱。 If life is only one second, I will die in your arms.

31、安得故人生羽翼,飞来相伴醉如泥。 So the life of the wings, flying to accompany drunk like mud.

32、对你,终是情根深重,忘不了,放不下。 To you, the root of the love is deep, can not forget, can not put down.

33、寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。 Searching, desolate, miserable.

34、少年回头望,笑我还不快跟上。 The boy looked back and laughed at me, but I didn't catch up.

35、就是要拉着你一起撞进夏天的晚风里。 It's just to pull you into the summer evening wind.

36、幸福它总是虚晃一招,让你不停产生幻觉。 Happiness always makes you illusion by a trick.

37、当你找到你爱的那个人,就像想到了希望。 When you find the person you love, it's like you think of hope.

38、影响一个人成长的关键两个字,借口。 The key words that affect a person's growth are excuses.

39、忆昔年,新妆初成贴花钿,对镜青丝绾。 Remember the past, the new makeup became a decorative mother of pearl, on the mirror blue silk cord.

40、悔教夫婿觅封侯,我已心猿意马。 I have been eager to find a prince by repenting my husband.

41、想对全世界说晚安,恰好你就是全世界。 To say good night to the world, you are the world.

42、想得家中夜深坐,还应说著远行人。 If you want to sit at home late at night, you should also talk about walking far away.

43、愿此间山有木兮卿有意,昨夜星辰恰似你。 May the mountain have a sense of wood, and the stars last night are like you.

44、我一见到你,我就变得不像我自己。 I don't look like myself as soon as I see you.

45、我对冬天最美好的憧憬,是和你走到白头。 My best vision for winter is to walk with you to the white head.

46、我想念着你,就像夏天的时候想念着冬天。 I miss you, like in summer, I miss winter.

47、我想送你一封情书,三言两语,一生倾诉。 I want to send you a love letter, three words and two words, and talk about it all my life.

48、我是地狱的魔鬼,也是爱你的淘气鬼。 I am the devil of hell, and I love you naughty.

49、我爱这世间,但这世间不如你。 I love this world, but it's not as good as you.

50、我终生的等待,换不来你刹那的凝眸。 I wait for life, can not change your eyes.

51、日日花前常病酒,不辞镜里朱颜瘦。 Day before flower often sick wine, do not say mirror in the thin Zhu Yan.

52、春暖洞房鸳被叠,柔情蜜意交相。 The yuan in the warm spring chamber is stacked, and the sweetness of the love is in touch.

53、曾与谁人西窗语,至今未知。空留琵琶曲。 Who was once with the west window language, so far unknown. Empty pipa.

54、望章台路杳,金鞍游荡,有盈盈泪。 Looking at the road of zhangtai, the Golden Saddle wanders, and tears are full of tears.

55、未来难预测,我们只坚持当下的选择。 The future is difficult to predict. We only insist on the current choice.

56、朱楼崩塌,最痛不过是阁中你仍作新画。 Zhu Lou collapsed, the most painful is that you still make new paintings in the pavilion.

57、永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。 Always young, always tears.

58、海内风尘诸弟隔,天涯涕泪一身遥。 The wind and dust in the sea are separated, and the end of the world tears are far away.

59、渐渐的淡出了,或许这样会更好。 Gradually fade out, maybe it will be better.

60、爱你的人,已星夜兼程走在来路。 Love you, have been starry and night in the way.

61、爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出? Love is hard to put in, but once it is put in, it is harder to get out?

62、物转星移山河不改,你还是你我亦还是我。 You are still you and I am still me.

63、生掌天地之气,死握地狱之魂。 Life holds the spirit of heaven and earth, and holds the soul of hell.

64、相信自己,只要有爱,幸福就一定会存在。 Believe in yourself, as long as there is love, happiness will exist.

65、相思本是无凭语,莫向花笺费泪行。 Acacia is without words, do not pay tears to the flower paper.

66、睡个好觉,明天睁开眼睛你就会看到我了。 Sleep well, open your eyes tomorrow and you will see me.

67、知事省事忍事为高,敬人让人容人是福。 It is a blessing to respect people and let others look after others.

68、秦女含颦向烟月,愁红带露空迢迢。 Qin woman with the frown to smoke month, sorrow red belt open sky.

69、红妆带绾同心结,碧树花开并蒂莲。 Red makeup belt tie, Bi tree flowers open and tillan.

70、纵使浮华三千,不及你一笑展颜。 Even if the float 3000, you can not smile to show face.

71、绿杨芳草几时休,泪眼愁肠先已断。 When the green poplar grass is off, tears and sorrows have been broken first.

72、若事事勤思善问,何患不一日千里? If everything is always thoughtful and ask, why not suffer in a day?

73、蜡烛有心还惜别,替人垂泪到天明。 The candle has the heart to say goodbye, weeping till dawn.

74、要没点自我安慰的本事,还真活不到现在。 I can't live until now without the ability to comfort myself.

75、读一本好书,就像交了一个益友。 Reading a good book is like making a friend.

76、谁应了谁的劫,谁又变成了谁的执念? Who should have taken the robbery, who became who thought?

77、谁道地裂天崩,也要相同,即使只有一程。 Who is the same as the earth, even if only one way.

78、谁都有千言万语,谁都又欲哭无泪。 Everyone has thousands of words, and everyone wants to cry without tears.

79、还有多少凝视,就这样,沉积了,封存了。 How much gaze, so, deposited, sealed.

80、青山处处埋忠骨,何须马革裹尸还。 Green mountain is full of loyal bones. Why do you need to return the corpse of horse revolution.

81、青青一树伤心色,曾入几人离恨中。 Green tree sad color, once into a few people away from hate.

82、默默无话,不语不过难敌你的利齿伶牙。 Silent, not speaking is hard to enemy your teeth.