1、不患父不慈,子贤亲自乐。 The father is not merciful, the son is virtuous.

2、不看穿,不看戴,单看男方人实在。 Don't see through, don't look at wear, just look at men's reality.

3、不要金玉重重重,但愿儿孙都成人。 Don't be heavy with gold and jade. I hope children and grandchildren will grow up.

4、乌鸦反哺,马不欺母。 The crow feeds back, but the horse does not deceive the mother.

5、人大分家,树大分枝。 People divide families, and trees have big branches.

6、从小不知老娘亲,育儿才知报娘恩。 When you are young, you don't know your mother's parents, but when you raise your children, you will know how to repay your mother's kindness.

7、做庄稼怕误了节气,嫁姑娘怕选错女婿。 I'm afraid I'll miss the solar term when I'm making crops. I'm afraid I'll choose the wrong son-in-law when I marry a girl.

8、儿女亲,辈辈亲,打断胳膊连着筋。 Children, generations, broken arm and tendon.

9、儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙作马牛。 Children and grandchildren have their own good fortune. Don't make horses and oxen for their children and grandchildren.

10、儿行千里母担忧。 Children travel thousands of miles, mother worried.

11、兄弟和气金不换,妯娌和气家不散。 Brothers and gas do not change, sister-in-law and gas family do not disperse.

12、再甜的甘蔗不如糖,再亲的婶子不如娘。 No matter how sweet the sugarcane is, the sweetest one is not as good as the sugar.

13、只要婚姻合,铁棒打不脱。 As long as we get married, we can't get rid of the iron bar.

14、吵闹多的家庭,酱油也是苦的。 Soy sauce is also bitter in noisy families.

15、天上下雨地上流,两口子打仗不记仇。 The rain in the sky and the upper class on the ground make the couple fight without vengeance.

16、姐妹连肝胆,兄弟同骨肉。 Sisters with liver and gall, brothers with flesh and blood.

17、宁可爹娘羡儿女,切莫儿女羡爹娘。 It is better for parents to envy their children than for their children.

18、宁拆三座庙,不破一家婚。 It is better to tear down three temples than to marry one family.

19、家不和时被人欺。 Be bullied when the family is at odds.

20、家书抵万金。 A letter from home is worth a thousand dollars.

21、家和贫也好,不义富如何。 It's better to be poor than to be unjust and rich.

22、家有千口,主事一人。 There are a thousand people in the family, and one person is in charge.

23、巷里娶个好嫂嫂,大姑小姑都学好。 If you marry a good sister-in-law in the lane, you can learn it well.

24、弟兄闹分家,邻居会钻空子。 When brothers split up, neighbors will take advantage of it.

25、快纺无好纱,快嫁无好家。 There is no good yarn in spinning, no good home in marriage.

26、新婚之夜甜如蜜,日久天长喜变忧。 The wedding night is as sweet as honey.

27、早养儿早得济,早娶媳妇早受气。 Early to raise children, early to get help, early to marry a daughter-in-law, early to get angry.

28、有情何怕隔年期。 Love is not afraid of the next year.

29、有理媳妇道得婆。 A reasonable daughter-in-law is a good woman.

30、朋友面前不说假,夫妻面前要说真。 Don't tell the truth in front of friends, but tell the truth in front of husband and wife.

31、爱子当教子。 Love your son and be your Godson.

32、爱情用钱买,终久两不爱。 Love is bought with money, but in the end two do not love.

33、爹娘做主,一生受苦。 Father and mother are the masters and suffer all their lives.

34、牛要耕,马要骑,孩子不教就调皮。 Cattle to farm, horses to ride, children do not teach mischievous.

35、男儿无妻不成家。 A man without a wife does not have a family.

36、穿破才是衣,到老方是妻。 Wear is the clothing, to the old Fang is the wife.

37、米面夫妻不到头。 There is no end to rice and noodles.

38、红颜多薄命,福在丑人边。 The beauty of life, happiness in the ugly side.

39、苗好米好,娘好女好。 Good seedlings, good rice, good mother and good girl.

40、贤女敬夫,痴男怕妇。 A good woman respects her husband, but a foolish man is afraid of her wife.