1、从始到终深情一直在而你却不知 From the beginning to the end of love has been and you do not know

2、他心有她 He has her heart, let me a place.

3、何必等待一]有Y果德等待 Why wait for a result without waiting

4、你从没发现我一直在默默地爱着你 You never found me in love with you

5、你太低估你在我心中的位置了。 You underestimate your place in my heart.

6、你好爱她 看得我好羡慕 You love her, I envy

7、你就这样闯入我不设防的心脏 That's how you broke into my defenseless heart

8、你是太阳,让我不敢触碰 You are the sun, I dare not touch

9、你是我想要的阳光.我却无力夺得 You are my sunshine, but I can't take it

10、你是我的城,我却不是你的海。 You are my city, but I am not your sea.

11、你有新欢了,可我连旧爱都不是 You have love, but I am not even an old one

12、你永远不知道暗恋者有多难受 You'll never know how hard it hurts

13、你的呼吸,让我感到如此的着迷 Your breath makes me so fascinated

14、假装不爱一个人比分手还痛苦。 Pretending not to love a person is more painful than breaking up.

15、做不能坦白的朋友是辛苦的 It's hard to be a friend who can't be honest

16、入不了你心我能怪谁 I can't blame you

17、原谅我只敢在这里跟你表白 Forgive me for being here with you

18、原谅我只能以妹妹的身份伴你。 Forgive me for being with my sister.

19、原谅我爱你好深 却一声不吭 Forgive me for loving you deeply is silent.

20、原谅我面无表情爱你好深I love to think you can love

21、在玫氖澜缋铮我只是个配角。 In your world, I'm just a supporting role.

22、好久不打扰你 你应该很好吧 Long time no bother you, you should be very good

23、好想成为你的特别关心。 I want to be your special concern.

24、如此情深,却难以启齿。 So love, cannot.

25、就这样远远看着你就足够。 So far enough to look at you.

26、我一直在,可是在你眼里我隐身! I have been, but in your eyes I stealth!

27、我不想以朋友身份关心你 I don't want to care about you as a friend

28、我以哥哥的身份爱了你两年 I love you as a brother for two years

29、我以妹妹的身份,做你的爱人 I'm your sister, your lover


31、我喜欢你,你却不知道。 I like you, but you don't know.

32、我喜欢你,虽然你不可能看到。 I like you, though you can't see.

33、我在等我的少年 I'm waiting for my boy

34、我爱他,可是没有勇气来告白 I love him, but I don't have the courage to confess

35、我爱你 我瞒住所有人在爱你 I love you, I love you all

36、我爱你啊,可是你什么都不知道 I love you, but you don't know anything

37、我用一辈子,换你一个转身。 I use a lifetime, for you a turn.

38、我真的很爱他,他不知道 I really love him, he does not know

39、我还是一厢情愿 尽管你记不深刻 I am wishful thinking, even if you do not remember

40、我还是不够资格和你耳鬓嘶摩。 I was not eligible and your ear head was rubbing.

41、所有深爱都是秘密。 All love is secret. I love you, I know it.上一页12下一页 Forgive me for loving you

42、打一开始,你的未来中就没有我 At the beginning, there is no me in your future

43、暗恋你的味道,你不会知晓! Love your taste, you will not know!

44、暗恋是场重感冒. Unrequited love is a bad cold

45、有谁能够知道我一直都爱着你 Who can know that I always love you

46、浅浅的爱是傻傻的等待。 Shallow love is silly wait.

47、爱你太多却留在心底说不出口 Love you too much but stay in the bottom of my heart

48、看到她我却不敢向前拥抱着她! When I saw her, I didn't dare to hug her!

49、看着你的背影都是幸福的 Look at your back are happy

50、知道你爱晚睡 但却不用我陪 Know you love late but not with me

51、蓝颜你知道吗我不敢追你。 When you know I can't catch up with you.
