1、一枚枚凝聚着深情的邮票,一封封散发着温馨的信笺,一张张表达真挚问候的贺卡,都是这笔财富的内容。 YiMeiMei embodies the deep feeling of stamps, a letter circulated a warm letterhead, one by one to express sincere greeting cards, are the contents of this wealth.

2、不是因为寂寞才想你,而是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为想得太深。 I miss you not because of my loneliness, but I feel lonely when I miss you. The reason why I feel so lonely is only because I think too deeply.

3、也正是因为有了思念,才有了久别重逢的欢畅,才有了意外邂逅的惊喜,才有了亲友相聚时的举杯庆贺。 It is also because of the missing, there is joy after being apart a long time, unexpected surprise encounter, only the relatives and friends gather to celebrate the. Into the wind, the details swirling in the air, afraid to gaze into your eyes, ask the breeze, dear friends, you may read my thoughts?

4、从一个湿漉漉的记忆里,拧出一个灰蒙蒙的雨季,窗外飘着的雨,那是我思念的泪滴。 From a wet memory, wring out a gray rainy season, the rain floating outside the window, that is the tears I miss.

5、你的嘴角泛起一丝的颦或笑,都被我收入档案 Your mouth with a faint frown or smile, I have been missing in income files, folders, and you want to love you a password.

6、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Do you know the feeling of missing someone? It's like drinking a big cup of ice water, and then it takes a long and long time to turn into hot tears.

7、你走了,留给我的是无尽的思念。但,即使再不能见到你,有这份真情伴我也就够了。 You left, leaving me endless yearning. But even if I can't see you, it's enough for me to have the true love.

8、做一艘小船,让它载着我思念的心,划向远方的你,送上我温柔的吻,解开你眉间的忧,赶走你心中的愁。 Do a boat carrying it, I miss the heart, paddling away you send my gentle kiss, untie your brow worry, drive away your sorrow in the heart.

9、别离太久,思念太深,常常失落于无边的期待;冬夜的灯下,过去的故事,总撩起我无尽的幽思。 Departure time is too long, miss too much, often lost in endless expectation; winter light, the story of the past, always lifted my endless thoughts.

10、哦,这思念之河,是一条永不枯竭的河!它日夜地流,不停地流,都流向你的心田,都流向爱的大海! Oh, the river of yearning is a river that never dries up! It flows day and night, flows continuously, flows to your heart, all flows toward the love sea!

11、在某一时间,想念一段时光的掌纹;躲在某一地点,想念一个让我牵挂的人。 In a certain time, miss the palmprint of a period of time; hide in a certain place, miss a person that makes me worried.

12、多么希望,时间停住它的脚步,让我们重温过去;多么希望,还能与你在一起,共叙你我之友情。 How I wish time, stop its steps, let us revisit the past; hope, but also with you together, you and I talked about the friendship.

13、天鹅湖边鸟飞绝,良无一点双人行。双木非林心相连,您若无心先自飞。 Swan Lake, birds flying, good no double line. Double wood Lin Xin is if you inadvertently first fly.

14、好想踩着月光,走进你的月夜里,让你轻轻的呼吸声接我走进你的梦。多少个夜晚,望着星空就会想起你。 Want to step on the moonlight, walk into your moonlit night, let your gently breathing sound pick me into your dream. How many nights, looking at the stars will think of you.

15、如此想你,在我的世界里,寒夜因你而温暖,冷风旖旎而多情,细雨因你而温柔,飞雪因你而缠绵。 Miss you so, in my world, because you are cold and warm, cold romantic and sentimental, and because of your gentle rain, snow and lingering for you.

16、如此想你,在我的心灵中,泪水因你而快乐,意外因你而狂喜,惰性为你而雀跃,宁静因你而丰富。 Miss you so much, in my heart, tears are happy for you, ecstasy for you, laziness for you, and peace for you.

17、寒流冷却不了我的热爱,飓风吹不走我的思念,喧哗掩不了我的心声,黑夜盖不了我的深情,我真的好想你! The cold wind can not cool my love, the hurricane can not blow away my yearning, the noise can not cover my voice, the night can not cover my deep feeling, I really miss you!

18、尽管很长时间未和你见面说话,有时回想在学校的那段日子,不经意就想到了你。 Although I haven't talked to you for a long time, sometimes I think of you in my school days.

19、山川河流可以使人与人互相阻隔,却无法将心与心阻隔,无论你走到天涯海角。我的心永远陪伴着你。 Mountains and rivers can make people and people obstruct each other, but can not be separated from the heart and heart, whether you go to the ends of the earth. My heart is always with you. 

20、岁月如梭,带走了多少快乐,悲伤,带不走的只是记忆,于无声处淡淡的清香。 Time flies away, how happy, sad, do not go with just memory, silent faint fragrance.

21、岁月流逝,真情依在;百里之隔,隔却不断;长夜漫漫,星光闪闪;真心祈祷,左右陪伴。 The passage of time, in accordance with the truth; a hundred miles away, has been separated; the sparkling stars; really livelong night, pray about company.

22、当星河都在变迁,你我却仍天各一边。但请相信,纵使万水千山,日日夜夜对你的思念从未曾改变。 When the stars are changing, you and I are still on each side. But please believe that, even if the trials of a long journey, day and night miss you never change.

23、心总停留在你的路口,好似其他人无法把它带走,我在用各种理由说服自己,希望自己快乐的生活。 Heart always stays at your intersection, as other people can not take it away, I am using various reasons to convince myself, I hope my happy life.

24、思念穿过千山万水扣响你的门窗,你可发现窗前的花瓣多了颗晶莹的泪珠。 Miss through numerous hills and streams knocking at your door, you can find the window more petals glittering tears.

25、想你想得很悲戚很无力,想你的感觉原来也那么的心力交瘁,究竟是幸福还是负累,早已分辨不清晰。 Miss you very sad very weak, you want to feel the original is so what is happiness or negative mentally and physically exhausted, tired, had no clear resolution.

26、想你是痛苦的,那是在我寂寞时想你,想你是甜蜜的,那是在我开心时想你。 Miss you is painful, that is in my lonely time miss you, miss you is sweet, that is when I am happy to miss you.

27、想你的时候,好想紧紧抱着我,感受你的力量,寻望四周却是空空,失落的仍是寂寂孤身。 When thinking of you, I want to hug me, to feel your strength, looking around is empty, lost is lonely alone.

28、想你的时候,我会仰望天空,那白白的云,那蓝蓝的天,那空中的飞鸟都会带去我对你的眷恋。 When I think of you, I will look up to the sky, the white clouds, the blue sky, the birds flying in the sky will bring my attachment to you.

29、想你的时候,我会坐在桌旁,拿起笔轻轻写着长长的文章,字字都是对你的思念。 When thinking of you, I will sit at the table, picked up a pen to write a long article gently, every word is missing for you.

30、想你,从嘴到心,从早到晚,无时没有,无处不在,我在想念你!一种欲望无比强烈,想要和你在一起! Think of you, from mouth to heart, from morning till night, everywhere, everywhere, I miss you! A desire is so strong that you want to be with you!

31、想你,在天空飘洒一路的泪后,此刻,心海竟是如此的奔涌,一发不可收拾。 Think of you in the sky down a road of tears, at the moment, the sea was so flush, a get out of hand.

32、想你,拥有奋斗和存在的勇气,因为有你的牵引激励,懂得生命的意义。 Think of you, have the courage to struggle and to exist, because you have the traction, motivation, understand the meaning of life.

33、想你,记忆里全部都是你,因为是你跟随我的足迹,走过点点滴滴。 Think of you, memories are all you, because you follow my footsteps, walked through dribs and drabs.

34、想再躺在你怀里,想再让你为我擦干眼泪,想再让你抱紧我,想再吻你的脸,想要你说声爱我! Want to lie in your arms again, want you to dry my tears, want to let you hold me, want to kiss your face, want you to say love me!

35、想再躺在你怀里,想再让你为我擦干眼泪,想再让你抱紧我,想再吻你的脸,想要你说声爱我! Want to lie in your arms again, want you to dry my tears, want to let you holdme, want to kiss your face, want you to say love me!

36、想念你的微笑,想念你的美貌,想念你高贵气质和迷人的味道。记忆中你柔情似水的感觉我难以忘掉! Miss your smile, miss your beauty, miss your noble temperament and charming taste. It's hard for you to forget the feeling of tenderness in your memory!

37、想着你的感觉,有如风的缠绻,吹乱我的日夜,吹也吹不走你的容颜。 Think about how you feel, with the wind blowing my entangled if, day and night, it could not be blown away your face.

38、我会用一万次回眸换取与你的一次相遇,再用我如莲的心,在某个遥远的角落静静地想你。 I will use ten thousand times to look back in exchange for a meeting with you, and then I like lotus heart, in a remote corner of the quiet miss you.


40、我想你,在末日余晖的孤寂里,等红光点燃那惆怅,丝丝浸入冰冷身体,才记起我在想你。 I miss you, in the afterglow of the solitude and red light the slightest melancholy, immersed in cold body, I want you to remember.

41、我想你,在这漆黑暗涌的夜里,用心跳拨起那温柔,轻轻漾起水花涟漪。 I want you, in this paint dark night, with heart beat up the gentle, gently rippling ripples.

42、我想你,我的相思就像缠树的青藤一样,在春日的雨露中飞长,而你,就是我心中那棵常春树。 I miss you, my love like Ivy wrapped around the tree in the spring rain fly long, and you, my heart tree often haruki.

43、我走了千万里,才找到一个你,我不由欢天喜地;汗流了千万滴,才找到一颗心,我决心寸步不离。 I walked for miles, to find a you, I don't sweat by full of joy; millions of drops, to find a heart, I am determined to closely.

44、日日思君不见君,君可知我一片心,见君心中倍感亲,和君投缘若比邻,思念之心常来侵,赋诗一首为君吟! Do you think Japan and Japan, do you know what I see you a piece of my heart, heart feel close, and you hit it off if the neighbor, the thoughts of the heart to invade, compose a poem for Yin jun!

45、日日思君不见君,君可知我一片心,见君心中倍感亲,和君投缘若比邻,思念之心常来侵,赋诗一首为君吟。 Do you think Japan and Japan, do you know what I see you a piece of my heart, heart feel close, and you hit it off if the neighbor, the thoughts of the heart to invade, compose a poem for Yin Jun.

46、时常站在爱情的左岸,想你。一颗为你跳动的心,徘徊在你的诗行间,感受着你蓬勃的心脉。 Always standing on the left bank of love, thinking of you. A heart beating for you, wandering between your poems, feeling your vigorous heart.

47、时间冲不淡真情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手。想你,直到地老天荒,直到永久。 Time does not light the wine of truth; distance cannot hold the hands of longing. Miss you, until forever The end of life.

48、春水四泽是你的爱恋,夏云绕峰是你的缠绵,秋月扬辉是你的温柔,冬梅喜雪是你的情缘。 Spring four Ze is loving you, you are the cloud around the peak summer autumn lingering, Yang Hui is your gentle, is the love you chionophilous dongmei.

49、昨晚又梦见了你,起始很清晰而亲切,但最后是模糊而疏远。难道梦中真的会呈现现实的场景吗? Last night, I dreamed of you again. The beginning was clear and kind, but in the end it was vague and distant. Does it really present a realistic scene in dreams?

50、是那个粗心的酒保,把无奈和牵挂调在一起,叫我醉不倒也醒不了,莫非这滋味,就是想你的时候。 Is that careless bartender, the helpless and worry tune together, call me drunk can not wake up, can this taste, just think of you.上一页12下一页

51、爱上你我人生最大的幸福;想念你我生活最甜蜜的折磨;拥有你我一生最宝贵的财富;守护你我今生最的事业。 Fall in love with you, my life is the biggest happiness; miss you, my life is the most sweet torment; have you, my life's most valuable wealth; protect you, my life's most career.

52、离开之后,我想你不要忘记一件事:不要忘记想念我。想念我的时候,不要忘记我也在想念你。 After leaving, I don't want you to forget one thing: don't forget to miss me. When you miss me, don't forget that I miss you too.

53、笑容多一点,哭泣少一点;爱我多一点,骂我少一点;亲我多一点,打我少一点;我是你的小甜甜。 Smile a little more, cry less; love me more, scold me a little; kiss me a little more; beat me a little; I'm your Britney Spears.

54、缘分让我遇见你,感觉让我喜欢你,时间让我爱上你,思念让我记住你,心痛让我想起你。 Fate let me meet you, I feel like you, time makes me fall in love with you, miss Let me remember you, heartache reminds me of you.

55、蓝天碧海终有涯,你我之情无时尽,我将浓浓长思念,化作期盼与祝福。 The blue sky and the blue sea are bound to last. You and I are in love. I will miss you long and turn into hope and blessing.

56、认识你一种玄妙的缘,思恋是一杯苦咖啡,不是寂寞而想你,而是想你才寂寞,寂寞的心在孤独的午夜想你。 You know a mysterious fate, love is a cup of bitter coffee, not lonely, think of you, but you want to be lonely, lonely heart to you in the lonely night.

57、走进风里,细节在空气中纷飞,不敢凝望你的眼,问轻风,亲爱的朋友,你可能读懂我的思念?I only hope I can always think of you quietly, a lot of time, so quietly think of a person, in fact, is a kind of happiness, a kind of ji.

58、轻描淡写的一句想念,承载着多少的心酸与幸福,抱一抱才会有温暖。 Understatement of a miss, carrying the number of sad and happy, holding a hug will be warm.

59、远方的你可要好好照顾自己,不要感冒了流鼻涕,偶尔也可以打几个喷嚏,那是代表我在想你! You shouldtake good care of yourself in the distance. Don't catch cold, runny nose, and occasionally sneeze. That's what I'm thinking about you!
