1、一个人在角落里,祝自己生日快乐。 A person in the corner, I wish myself a happy birthday.

2、一觉醒来就觉得自己老了,原来今天我生日。 I wake up feeling old. Today is my birthday.

3、不负光阴不负自己,不负被爱不负所爱。 Live up to time, live up to yourself, live up to being loved, live up to what you love.

4、与世界交手18年,我依旧光彩,依旧兴致盎然。 After 18 years of fighting with the world, I am still brilliant and full of interest.

5、与其在别人的生活里跑龙套,不如精彩做自己。 It's better to be yourself than to run in other people's lives.

6、为自己祈祷,愿自己一生一世更好。 Pray for yourself and wish you a better life.

7、人生不易,学会心疼自己。 Life is not easy, learn to love yourself.

8、人生人山人海人来人往,自己自尊自爱*自在,生日快乐! Life is full of people, people come and go, self-esteem, self love, freedom, happy birthday!

9、人生短暂活成自己喜欢的样子,生日快乐,我对自己说。 Life is short, live as you like, happy birthday, I said to myself.

10、今夜星光为贺,明朝暖日相伴。 Stars tonight, warm days in the Ming Dynasty.

11、你会上当,不是因为别人太狡猾,而是因为自己太贪婪。 You will be deceived, not because others are too cunning, but because you are too greedy.

12、你好,我的十八周岁,不要跟自己较劲,活着就要开心啦! Hello, my 18 years old, don't compete with yourself, live to be happy!

13、值得纪念的日子,世界因为有了你而更加美好,生日快乐! Memorable day, the world because of you and more beautiful, happy birthday!

14、做个少女永远怀春诗装在心里奶油抹在脸上。 To be a young girl, always keep spring poems in your heart and cream on your face.

15、十八岁,不负青春,励志前行! 18 years old, live up to the youth, inspirational forward!

16、十八岁,充满蓬勃,充满希望。 Eighteen years old, full of vigor and hope.

17、十八岁,我收获一份成熟,我会好好珍惜的。 Eighteen years old, I harvest a mature, I will cherish.

18、十八岁,随心所欲的年龄,任意地挥洒年轻的笑容和眼泪。 Eighteen years old, the age of arbitrary, arbitrary to sprinkle young smile and tears.

19、又一年,我一定会越来越好,祝自己生日快乐! Another year, I will be better and better. Happy birthday!

20、又一次回到原点,我希望自己永远是个小仙女! Once again back to the origin, I hope I will always be a fairy!

21、又到了和妈妈相遇的纪念日了,祝自己生日快乐。 It's the anniversary of meeting my mother again. Happy birthday.

22、只愿自己能够活在当下,不忆过去,不畏将来。 I only wish I could live in the present, not remember the past, not afraid of the future.

23、可怜又无助,眼睁睁看着自己老了一岁。 Poor and helpless, I watched myself grow old by one year.

24、后来我一直把我们分手的日期,作为我生日的日期。 Later, I always took the date of our breakup as the date of my birthday.

25、命运压不垮一个人,只会使人坚强起来。 Fate can't crush a person, it can only make a person strong.

26、和你在一起的所有时光,都灿烂耀眼。 All the time with you is brilliant.

27、处事不必求功,无过便是功。为人不必感德,无怨便是德。 You don't have to strive for success in dealing with things. If you have no fault, you will get success. People don't have to feel virtue. No resentment is virtue.

28、多反思自己,少责怪别人。 Think more about yourself and less about others.

29、天凉了,记得添衣,要照顾好自己! When it's cold, remember to add clothes and take care of yourself!

30、奋斗路上没有容易二字,坚持就是胜利! There is no easy word on the road of struggle, persistence is victory!

31、岁月不饶人!又是一年过去,希望自己以后会更好。 Time does not spare! Another year has passed. I hope I will be better in the future.

32、希望以后的日子里,眼里是阳光,笑里是坦荡。 Hope that in the future, the eyes are sunshine, smile is magnanimous.

33、希望以后的生活,全是惊喜没有意外,祝自己生日快乐。 I hope the future life is full of surprises. Happy birthday.

34、度过十八岁,就要进入大学,走入另一个人生。 Over the age of 18, we have to enter the University, into another life.

35、往事无忧,未来何惧。新岁渐长,无忧无虑。 No worries in the past, no fears in the future. The new year is getting older and carefree.

36、忘掉过去,把最好的都留给自己。 Forget the past and leave the best for yourself.

37、想要你和我一辈子,祝自己生日快乐。 I want you and me all my life. Happy birthday.

38、愿上帝永远站在你的身后,我也会。 May God always stand behind you, and I will.

39、愿你内心平静而强大,活得恣意潇洒。 May your heart be calm and strong, and live freely.

40、愿你,往后路途,深情不再枉付。 May you, on the way back, never pay in vain.

41、愿夜晚有星,亲人不散。 May there be stars at night, and my family will not leave.

42、愿心情愉悦,笑容甜甜! Happy mood and sweet smile!

43、愿我浮华遍身,初心未曾更改,致自己生日快乐。 I wish you a happy birthday with all my flashiness and unchanged original intention.

44、愿我眼中写满故事,脸上却不见风霜。 I wish my eyes were full of stories, but my face was not.

45、愿我能忠于自己,笑也沉醉,走也潇洒。 I wish I could be loyal to myself, smile and walk freely.

46、愿日子清静,抬头遇见的都是柔情。 May the day be quiet, and all you meet are tender feelings.

47、愿时光能缓,故人不散。 May time slow down and old friends stay.

48、愿春暖花开来临时,一切又如往日平静。 May everything be as calm as ever when spring comes.

49、我们都跑不过时间,我们只能跑过昨天的自己。 We can't run the time, we can only run past ourselves yesterday.

50、我的生日,我很开心,祝我自己的明天更辉煌! My birthday, I am very happy, I wish my own more brilliant tomorrow!

51、承蒙时光不弃,又长大一岁,祝我年少有为。 Thank you for your time and growing up for another year. Wish me a bright future in my youth.

52、拼搏,就一个理由,想要得到想要的东西。 Struggle, just for one reason, want to get what you want.

53、时间过得真快,转眼我已人过十七。 How time flies! In the twinkling of an eye, I'm over seventeen.

54、星星一眨眼,我就出生啦。 I was born in the twinkling of a star.

55、昨天生日,竟然忘记祝一下自己了,比往年低调了一些。 Yesterday's birthday, I forgot to wish myself. It's a little more low-key than usual.

56、曾经沧海无限感慨,唯愿往事随风。 Having experienced the vicissitudes of life, I wish the past would go with the wind.

57、未来,请与我纵马杨帆,以笔代戈,一起争霸天下! In the future, please stand with me and win the world together!

58、此生三愿:家人平安,岁月静好,天真依然。 Three wishes in this life: family safety, years of quiet good, naive still.

59、比去年又大一岁,所以更加散发光芒! One year older than last year, so more shine!

60、现在我依然这样讲,祝自己生日快乐。 Now I still say, happy birthday to myself.

61、现在我还是一个十八岁的处男,但是只要过了今晚。 Now I'm still an 18-year-old virgin, but only after tonight.

62、生日快乐我的仙女,永远爱你。 Happy birthday, my fairy. I love you forever.

63、生日快乐,我对自己说。蜡烛点了,寂寞亮了。 Happy birthday, I said to myself. The candle is on, the loneliness is on.

64、生日快乐,每天都要快乐。 Happy birthday, happy every day.

65、生活明朗,万物可爱,祝自己生日快乐! Happy birthday to you!

66、生病才知道自己很脆弱,没有想象中那么坚强。 Sick to know that they are very vulnerable, not as strong as imagined.

67、生而*,爱而无畏,共度岁月丰年。 Born free, love fearless, spend the years together.

68、祝自己十八岁生日快乐!算是进入人生的另一个阶段了。 Happy 18th birthday! It's entering another stage of life.

69、祝自己十八岁生日快乐,感谢一路走来感谢陪伴。 I wish myself a happy 18th birthday and thank you for your company along the way.

70、祝自己生日快乐!虽然是自己一个人过,但我很快乐! Happy birthday to myself! Although I live alone, I am very happy!

71、祝自己生活美满,情谊永存! I wish you a happy life and friendship forever!

72、祝这个世界依旧热闹。祝我仍是我。 I wish the world is still lively. I wish I was still me.

73、第一次18岁,请多多指教,祝自己生日快乐! The first time I was 18 years old, please give me more advice and wish me a happy birthday!

74、简简单单发个日期,懂的人自然懂。 Simply send a date, people who understand naturally understand.

75、给昨天的自己补上一句生日快乐!默默许个愿! Happy birthday to you yesterday! Make a wish in silence!

76、自信的人即使看不见远方,但他心中有远方的模样。 A confident person can't see the distance, but he has the appearance of the distance in his heart.

77、让一让,让一让过生日了。 Let's just let's have a birthday.

78、许愿:狂吃不胖,不劳而获,熬夜不长痘,住自己生日快乐。 Wish: eat not fat, gain without effort, stay up late without acne, live your own happy birthday.

79、路是自己选的,就不怕走远;情是自己珍惜的,就不怕付出。 If you choose your own road, you are not afraid to go far; Love is cherished, not afraid to pay.

80、轻轻的舒一口气,祝福自己生日快乐! I wish you a happy birthday!

81、这一岁,要遇见生命里,最美妙的光。 This year, to meet life, the most wonderful light.

82、这几年,我知道了,日久不一定生情,但一定能够见人心。 Over the past few years, I have learned that a long time may not lead to love, but it must be able to see people's hearts.

83、这是我第一次十八岁,没什么经验,但会努力表现的好一点。 This is my first time to be 18 years old. I don't have much experience, but I will try to be better.

84、长得漂亮是优势,活得漂亮是本事! Being beautiful is an advantage, and being beautiful is a skill!

85、除夕又长一岁,愿每一岁都奔走在热爱里 New year's Eve is another year long. I hope every year will be filled with love