1、亲爱的朋友,清明时节,愿你万事顺顺,未来亮锃锃! Dear friends, Qingming season, I wish you all the best and bright future!

2、又是一年的清明雨上,清明的天是阴的清明的雨是涩的! Another year's Qingming rain, Qingming Day is overcast, Qingming rain is astringent!

3、只愿逝去的亲人安息,只愿健在的亲人安康。 I only wish the dead relatives rest in peace and the living ones are in good health.

4、天阴阴泪汪汪,同悲伤感祭亡灵。 The sky is overcast and full of tears.

5、心里默默的祈祷,希望远在天堂的亲人们幸福安康! I pray silently in my heart, hoping that the relatives far away in heaven will be happy and healthy!

6、思切切意浓浓,故人恩德不忘怀。 He is deeply thoughtful and never forgets his old friend's kindness.

7、情深深雨纷纷,人间有情天有情。 Deep love rain, there is love in the world, there is love in the sky.

8、春花灿烂送祝福,愿你平安添福寿。 I wish you peace and longevity.

9、清明到来心欢畅,走出户外享春光。 When Qingming Festival comes, I feel happy and go out to enjoy spring.

10、清明小长假到,快乐紧紧来拥抱。 Qingming holiday, happy to embrace.

11、清明快到了,点一盏心灯,愿天堂的亲人不再孤冷。 Qingming is coming, light a heart lamp, wish the relatives in heaven no longer lonely cold.

12、清明时节雨纷纷,上班辛劳欲断魂。 During the Qingming Festival, it rained one after another, and I had to go to work.

13、清明时节雨纷纷,回家祭祖情意长。 During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and it's a long time to go home to worship our ancestors.

14、清明时节雨纷纷,愿你心在悸动着,人生依旧快乐着! Qingming season rain, wish your heart is throbbing, life is still happy!

15、清明时节雨纷纷,黄花杨柳风含悲。 Qingming season rain, yellow willow wind sad.

16、清明时节雨蒙蒙,祭祖人群众纷纷。 During the Qingming Festival, it rained heavily, and people worshipped their ancestors in succession.

17、清明烟雨总销魂,黯然路上行人。 Qingming misty rain always ecstatic, sad pedestrians on the road.

18、清明节到了,愿逝者安息。 Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. May the dead rest in peace.

19、清明节来临,愿你忘却烦恼无忧愁。 Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. May you forget your troubles and have no worries.


21、清明节送上祝福,祝生活永远美满! Wish you a happy life on Tomb Sweeping Day!

22、清明节里好踏青,愿你带上幸福的包袱,顺着快乐出发。 Qingming Festival, a good outing, I hope you take the burden of happiness, along the happy start.

23、清明节,愿君快乐无忧! On Tomb Sweeping Day, may you be happy and carefree!

24、清明节,祝愿你,平安快乐心情爽! Qingming Festival, I wish you peace, happiness and good mood!

25、清明,愿你拥有好心情! Qingming, wish you have a good mood!

26、清明,愿身边人健康,祈福未来。 Qingming, wish the people around you healthy and pray for the future.

27、祝清明节好运挡不住、幸福无尽头。 I wish the Qingming Festival good luck and endless happiness.

28、赠你明珠明灯明镜,愿明眸明晰明艳! Give you the Pearl, the lamp and the mirror, wish your eyes bright and bright! The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. Willow green is in the mood of spring. The outing is just right.

29、雨幕渺渺,鲜花诉说着哀悼。 The rain is dim and the flowers are mourning.

30、风清清,雨明明,风雨清明平安行。 The wind is clear, the rain is clear, and the wind and rain are clear and bright.