1、一个懂你泪水的朋友,胜过一群只懂你笑容的朋友! A friend who knows your tears is better than a group of friends who only know your smile!

2、一个有雨有肉的夜晚,和你没头没尾分一瓶酒。 On a rainy night with meat, I will share a bottle of wine with you.

3、一分钟的和好抵得过一辈子的友谊。 A minute of peace is worth a lifetime of friendship.

4、不像朋友不如不做朋友,不像爱人不如坦然放手。 Unlike friends, it's better not to be friends. Unlike lovers, it's better to let go.

5、人之相知,贵相知心。怜悯你的人不是朋友,帮助你的人才可能是朋友。 People know each other, you know each other. People who pity you may not be your friends.

6、从来都不会想起,因为永远都不会忘记。 Never think of, because never forget.

7、以前我希望我有好多朋友,现在我希望我有几个真心朋友就好了,真心换真心。 I wish I had a lot of friends before, but now I wish I had a few true friends. I want to change my heart.

8、以后若是生活艰难,还靠各位名牌大学的朋友们多照顾。 If life is difficult in the future, it will be taken care of by friends from famous universities.

9、何必勉强与道不同者做朋友,阳关道,独木桥,陌路相逢,客客气气已经足够。 Why do you have to be friends with people who are different from Tao? Yangguan Road, single wooden bridge, strangers, and hospitality are enough.

10、你必须承认,身边总有一些朋友的笑声比笑话好笑。 You have to admit that there are always some friends around who laugh more than jokes.

11、你是我的骄傲,我常常再别人面前提起你,口气得意好像在夸耀我自己。 You are my pride. I often mention you in front of others. I feel proud, as if I am boasting about myself.

12、你混的再怎么惊天动地,你动我兄弟试试? You mix again how earth shaking, you move my brother to try?

13、你现在是我的闺蜜,以后是我的伴娘,未来是我孩子的干妈。 You are my best friend now, my Bridesmaid later, and my child's godmother in the future.

14、你的青春里有我,我的岁月里有你,足够! You have me in your youth, you in my years, enough!

15、你说烦了累了,我陪你。 You said tired, I accompany you.

16、兄弟就是自己受了委屈从不跟你说,但你受了委屈他第一个不答应。 Brother is that he never told you when he was wronged, but he was the first to refuse when you were wronged.

17、兄弟是干什么用的,就是在危难时能想到你的人才叫兄弟。 What does a brother do? It's a man who can think of you when he is in danger.

18、即使你只是我生命拼图的一小块,但是没有你,我的生命便不会完整。 Even if you are just a piece of my life puzzle, but without you, my life will not be complete.

19、友情这东西,一旦玩真的,比爱情还更加刻骨铭心。 Friendship, once played really, is more unforgettable than love.

20、友谊是一种和谐的平等。 Friendship is a kind of harmonious equality.

21、同样的发型和衣服,我只愿意和你撞衫。 The same hairstyle and clothes, I'm only willing to * with you.

22、在购物的时候会买相同的衣服,看起来很搭,很有风格,因为是闺蜜。 When shopping, I will buy the same clothes. They look very matching and have style, because they are my best friends.

23、好朋友就是最黑暗的时候,陪你一起等天亮的人。 A good friend is the one who accompanies you to wait for the dawn in the darkest time.

24、如果你想得到仇人,你就胜过你的朋友,如果你想获得更多的朋友,就让你的朋友胜过你。 If you want enemies, you are better than your friends. If you want more friends, let your friends be better than you.

25、幸福的时候需要忠诚的友谊,患难的时刻尤其需要。 We need loyal friendship when we are happy, especially when we are in trouble.

26、恋人不在美貌只在真心,朋友不在数量只在质量。 Lovers are not beauty, only sincerity, friends are not quantity, only quality.

27、我一直觉得一个人没什么,重新遇见你,才觉得还是两个人的时光更好。 I always think it's nothing to be alone. When I meet you again, I think it's better to be alone.

28、我们的友谊,会比新闻联播还要长久。 Our friendship will last longer than news broadcast.

29、我们说好不分离,要一直一直在一起,就算与时间为敌,就算与全世界背离。 We agreed not to separate, but to stay together all the time, even against time, even against the whole world.

30、我希望她越来越好,因为她值得洒满阳光的生活。 I hope she gets better and better, because she deserves a sunny life.

31、我有,完美无缺的我,和缺一不可的你们。 I have, perfect me, and indispensable you.

32、时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远。 Time can't dilute the wine of friendship, distance can't open the hand of missing, wish you, forever.

33、有困难的时候找朋友,绝不是一件丢人的事。 It's not a shame to find friends when you are in trouble.

34、朋友是茶,帮我过滤浮躁,储存宁静。 Friend is tea, help me filter impetuous, store quiet.

35、没有人能说清楚,友情到底是一种什么东西。 No one can say clearly what friendship is.

36、海内存知己,天涯若比邻。无为在岐路,儿女共沾巾。 A bosom friend in the sea is like a neighbor in the world. Inaction in Qi Road, children with towel.

37、相知是天意,相识是人意,相加便是友谊,有情便有意,我们能聚在一起,因为心有灵犀。 Knowing each other is God's will, knowing each other is man's will, adding up is friendship, feeling is intention, we can get together, because the heart has spirit.

38、真正的兄弟不会忽视你一点一滴的感受。 True brothers don't ignore your little feelings.

39、真正的友情,不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了还能一辈子。 True friendship is not a lifetime without quarrel, but a lifetime after quarrel.

40、真正的友谊不是形影不离般到朝朝暮暮,而是相隔天边,时过境迁却心意不变。 True friendship is not inseparable from each other all the time, but separated from the horizon, the situation has changed but the mind remains unchanged.

41、真正的朋友就是,当你蒙蔽了所有人的眼睛,也能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。 A true friend is someone who can see through your true appearance and pain when you blind everyone.

42、真正的朋友,了解你比你自己还要多一点。 A true friend, you know more than yourself.

43、真正的闺蜜可能平时不怎么联系,但是在你最需要她们的时候却总能雪中送炭般出现。 True girlfriends may not be in touch with each other, but they always appear when you need them most.

44、记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的,改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 Remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten, change what can be changed, and accept what cannot be changed.

45、跟着姐妹一起疯,跟着姐妹一起闹。等你婚纱落地,我定短裙相配。 Go crazy with your sisters and make trouble with your sisters. When your wedding dress falls, I'll order a skirt to match.

46、那些你很冒险的梦,我陪你去疯。 You are very risky dream, I accompany you to go crazy.

47、那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。 Those things that we thought we would never forget are forgotten by us in the process of our remembering.

48、那些没有义务,却依然陪在我身边的人,你们是我的心脏。 Those who have no obligation, but still accompany me, you are my heart.

49、闺蜜就是,见面就动手动脚,说话毫不留情,但你一生气就认输的姑娘。 A best friend is a girl who moves hands and feet when you meet and speaks mercilessly, but when you are angry, you give up.

50、陌生人认为我很安静,朋友们认为我很开朗,我最好的朋友知道我就是个疯子。 Strangers think I'm quiet, friends think I'm cheerful, and my best friend knows I'm crazy.