1、你把心门打开,我的祝福会随着风儿飘进来。 You open the door of your heart, my blessing will float in with the wind.

2、天寒雪大室内玩,保你冬季健康伴。 Play indoors in cold and snowy days to keep you healthy in winter.

3、希望你与幸运撞个满怀,不论去哪儿,沿途都是风景。 I hope you are full of luck, no matter where you go, there are scenery along the way.

4、希望整个苍穹,都是你的。 I hope the whole sky is yours.

5、幸福花儿盛开,愿你天天愉快! Happy flowers in full bloom, wish you a happy day!

6、弱者才会一蹶不振,我要逆风翻盘。 The weak will never recover. I will turn against the wind.

7、愿你人生路上平安,快乐,健康,顺畅! Wish you a safe, happy, healthy and smooth life!

8、愿你人生鹏举高飞,展万里。 May your life soar and spread far and wide.

9、愿你健康相伴、快乐相随。 Wish you health and happiness.

10、愿你夜里有灯,梦里有人,平安喜乐,得偿所愿。 May you have a lamp at night and someone in your dream, peace and joy, and fulfill your wish.

11、愿你天天健康幸福、时时快乐开心! Wish you every day health and happiness, always happy!

12、愿你天天装着幸福与快乐,少装忧伤与烦恼。 Wish you every day with happiness and happiness, less sad and worry.

13、愿你好运不断,好事成片。 Wish you good luck and good luck.

14、愿你好运常伴,快乐幸福! Wish you good luck and happiness!

15、愿你心情无比灿烂,生活舒心无忧烦! Wish you a splendid mood and a happy life!

16、愿你心想事成达心愿,万事如意皆顺心! I wish you all the best and everything goes well!

17、愿你遇良人,予你欢喜城,长歌暖浮生。 May you meet a loved one and give you a happy city and a long song to warm your life.

18、愿你野蛮生长,最终璀N生光。 May you grow wild and shine in the end.

19、愿友谊天长地久,愿你幸福万事顺利! May friendship last forever. May you be happy and everything goes smoothly!

20、愿君生活安康,心情舒畅! Wish you a happy life and a happy mood!

21、愿时光能缓,你的理想得以坚持。 May time be slow and your ideal can be upheld.

22、愿此情感动天地,祝福你快乐笑容最灿烂。 May this sentiment move the world and wish you a happy smile.

23、愿美妙的生活,伴你度过美好的一天! Wish you a wonderful life and have a wonderful day with you!

24、愿阳光鲜花幸福吉祥,洒满你人生旅程! May sunshine, flowers, happiness and auspiciousness fill your life journey!

25、愿,人生的美好属于你,快快乐乐每一天! Wish, the beauty of life belongs to you, happy every day!

26、愿,大家都能婚姻美满。 Wish you all a happy marriage.

27、愿,早日扣开幸福的大门。 Wish to open the door of happiness as soon as possible.

28、我愿意轻轻地把你拖起,一如托起生活的一切重担。 I am willing to gently pull you up, as if to lift all the burden of life.

29、我的祝福及时到达你心底,一天的好运及时缠绕你身体。 My blessing reaches your heart in time, and the good luck of the day winds around your body in time.

30、把期望降低,把依赖变少,你会过得很好。 Lower your expectations, reduce your dependence, and you'll be fine.

31、春云飘动创业天,你我同多赚钱。 Spring clouds flutter, you and I make more money.

32、朋友,愿你多努力,人生总如意! Friends, I wish you more efforts, life is always the best!

33、真诚的问候,遥寄给你,温馨的祝福陪伴你! Sincere greetings, sent to you from afar, warm wishes to accompany you!

34、祝你工作顺利!心想事成! Wish everything goes well with your work! May all your wishes come true!

35、祝你平安吉祥,开心幸福。 I wish you peace and happiness.

36、祝你幸福,健康,好运来。 I wish you happiness, health and good luck.

37、祝你开心快乐,幸福安康。 I wish you happiness and happiness.

38、祝你心情更美好,健康永不老。 I wish you a better mood and good health.

39、祝你热火朝天又一年,好心情一直都在! I wish you a happy year and a good mood all the time!

40、祝你生活幸福,快乐永远在身旁。 I wish you a happy life. Happiness is always around you.

41、祝你生活美满耀,万事如意福满堂! I wish you a happy life and all the best!

42、祝你,事业丰硕职位高。 Wish you a good career and a high position.

43、祝你,幸运不断霉运跑。 Good luck and bad luck.

44、祝你,朋友相伴不孤独。 I wish you, friends, not alone.

45、祝你,财运亨通钱包饱。 I wish you good fortune and plenty of money.

46、祝友友愿快乐永远,幸福长留。 I wish you happiness and happiness forever.

47、祝幸福永远伴随你,万事时时顺着你! May happiness always be with you and everything will follow you!

48、祝朋友一切顺利,幸福开心! I wish you all the best and happiness!

49、祝朋友开心快乐!夏日安康! Wish friends happy! Good summer!

50、秋风送喜,喜上眉梢又一季。 The autumn wind sends happiness, happy eyebrows and another season.

51、秋风送爽,爽心爽意爽一生。 Cool autumn wind, refreshing heart, refreshing life.

52、秋高气爽,希善自为乐。 The autumn is clear, and I hope to be happy.

53、美丽的早晨,健康的你,美好的一天在等你。 Beautiful morning, healthy you and a beautiful day are waiting for you.

54、莹莹夏天,愿你快乐布满心田,清爽度过每一天。 Yingying summer, wish you happy full of heart, fresh spend every day.

55、该努力时努力,该开怀时开怀。 Try hard when you should, and be happy when you should be happy.

56、送你一颗幸运星,福星高照喜临门! Send you a lucky star, the lucky star shines on your door!

57、道一串深深的祝福,分分秒秒都是平安吉祥。 Tao a string of deep blessing, every minute is safe and auspicious.

58、问候抵眼前,愿展开心颜。 Greetings to the present, willing to show happy face.

59、阳春三月,燕语雕梁,相比心旷神怡! Spring in March, Yan language carving beam, compared to relaxed!

60、面朝新的一年,笑容依旧灿烂。 Facing the new year, the smile is still bright.