1、x穹可能是Φ模但放x癖厝皇清e德。 It may be right to choose to give up, but it must be wrong to give up.

2、一个人执着于某一件事情,总会有原因的。 There is always a reason for a person to stick to something.

3、不小心爱上了你,可最后却要保持距离。 Accidentally fell in love with you, but in the end to keep a distance.

4、不是他算的准,而是您活在他的算计之内。 It is not his calculation, but you live in his calculation.

5、不沉迷于幻想,不茫然于未来。 Do not indulge in fantasy, not at a loss in the future.

6、不索取,目前与你无关的爱与远景。 Don't ask for love and vision that have nothing to do with you at present.

7、不羞老圃秋容淡,且看寒花晚节香。 Don't be ashamed of the old nursery. Let's see the fragrance of cold flowers in the evening.

8、不要为他人而活,要为自己而活的精彩。 Don't live for others, live for yourself.

9、不要为凋谢的花惋惜;花不谢,果是结不出的。 Don't feel sorry for the withered flowers; if the flowers do not wither, the fruits will not bear.

10、与其羡慕别人,不如做好自己。 It is better to be yourself than to envy others.

11、人生苦短,就像那树叶:初春发芽,深秋飘零。 Life is short, just like the leaves: sprouting in early spring and drifting in late autumn.

12、人的一生就是体道,悟道,最后得道的过程。 One's life is the process of practicing Tao, understanding Tao and finally getting Tao.

13、人群中仿佛只有自己,无边无际的冷清! The crowd seems to have only themselves, boundless desolation!

14、人逢忠义情偏冶,事到颠危策愈全。 When people are loyal and righteous, they are inclined to rule. When things are in danger, they are more comprehensive.

15、人都太会伪装,伪装到自己也不认识自己。 People are so good at camouflage that they don't know themselves.

16、低头要有勇气,抬头要有底气,平时要有骨气。 Bow to have courage, head up to have confidence, usually have backbone.

17、你以为的好别人未必喜欢,施与受都要有底线。 You think good others may not like, give and receive have a bottom line.

18、你的经历,没经历过的人不会懂。 Your experience, people who have not experienced it will not understand.

19、你羡慕我的车,我羡慕你的房。 You envy my car, I envy your house.

20、做人纯粹点,做事才能痛快点。 Be pure, do things quickly.

21、凡事都有偶然的凑巧,结果却又如宿命的必然。 All things happen by chance, but the result is as inevitable as fate.

22、即种因,则得果,一切命中注定。 That is, the seed cause, then the fruit, all predestined.

23、只有懂得珍惜,舍得放手的人。 Only know how to cherish, willing to let go of people.

24、大胆自已地表现自已,别人无理由轻视你。 Show yourself boldly, others have no reason to despise you.

25、天将也,天不降大任,你不还是斯人吗? The day will also, the day does not drop the big responsibility, you are not still this person?

26、天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 There are unexpected storms in the sky, and people have misfortune and fortune overnight.

27、好事尽从难中得,少年勿向易中求。 Good things come from difficulties, but young people should not seek from easy things.

28、如果说工作有捷径可走,那也一定是勤奋。 If there is a shortcut to work, it must be hard work.

29、往往道理谁都懂,可情绪太难控。 Often the reason everybody understands, but the mood is too difficult to control.

30、得其志,虽死犹生,不得其志,虽生犹死。 If you get your ambition, you will still live even if you don't have it. If you don't, you will die even if you live.

31、我不是铁石心肠抵挡不了你的冷嘲热讽。 I'm not hard hearted. I can't resist your sarcasm.

32、我们不会高飞,是因为我们把自己看的太重。 We can't fly high because we think too much of ourselves.

33、我听见悲伤在说话,它说孩子你一定会长大。 I hear sadness talking. It says, baby, you will grow up.

34、我能经得住多少诋毁,就能单得起多少赞美。 How much slander I can stand, how much praise I can afford alone.

35、我这一生其实只想爱一个能爱我的人。 I just want to love someone who can love me in my life.

36、战胜自己的弱点,你就战胜了一切。 Overcome your weakness, and you will overcome everything.

37、是狼就练好你的牙,是羊就练好你的腿。 If you are a wolf, you should practice your teeth; if you are a sheep, you should practice your legs.

38、有人看风景,有人努力成为风景。 Some people look at the scenery, others try to be the scenery.

39、有时候,突然很难过,却不知道为什么。 Sometimes, suddenly very sad, but do not know why.

40、每个人都喜欢光,喜欢温暖,喜欢温柔。 Everyone likes light, warmth and tenderness.

41、水不试不知深浅,人不交不知好歹。 Water does not try to know the depth, people do not know good or bad.

42、没有经历苦水的人,不知道人间的喜怒哀乐。 Those who have not experienced bitter water do not know the joys and sorrows of the world.

43、活着就是幸福,不要抱怨苦和累。 To live is happiness. Don't complain about bitterness and tiredness.

44、生活中能让人躲避的地方,大多是阴暗的角落。 Most of the places people can avoid in life are dark corners.

45、生活总是越过越累,越来越看不到希望。 Life is always over the more tired, more and more can not see hope.

46、痛经如此多娇,疼得美人尽折腰! Dysmenorrhea so many Jiao, the pain of the beauty to bend down!

47、真知灼见,学而不厌;好事善举,行之不倦。 He who has profound insight is never tired of learning.

48、累点别怕,累说明在走上坡了! Don't be afraid if you are tired. It means you are going uphill!

49、能成就伟业者,必不为千金所动。 He who can accomplish great things will not be moved by thousands of gold.

50、自私自利之心,是立人达人之障。 Selfishness is the obstacle to success.

51、莪无法忘却迩A笑脸,更无法摆脱记忆A纠缠。 I can't forget your smile, but also can't get rid of the entanglement of memory.

52、要想成功,必须学会面对失败。 If you want to succeed, you must learn to face failure.

53、该释怀的就释怀,该放下的不负担。 Let go of what should be released, and no burden that should be put down.

54、说的太多不如沉默,想的太多我会难过。 Say too much is better than silence, think too much, I will be sad.

55、请不要轻易说爱我,除非你是认真的。 Please don't say love me easily, unless you are serious.

56、过错是暂时的遗憾,错过是永远的遗憾。 Fault is a temporary regret, miss is a permanent regret.

57、都怪我不该在十七岁的时候憧憬了七十岁的事。 It's all because I shouldn't have dreamed of being 70 when I was

58、长恨人生不如水,等闲平地起波澜。 Long hate life is not as good as water.

59、降低期待,你才能减少失望。 Lower expectations, you can reduce disappointment.

60、静坐常思己过,闲谈莫论人生。 Sit still and think about your own life. Don't talk about life.