1、不知道歌里唱的是谁,我听的全是你。 I don't know who is singing in the song. I listen to you all.

2、任时光匆匆流去,我只在乎你。 As time goes by, I only care about you.

3、你一声不离,换我余生不弃。 If you don't leave me, I won't give up for the rest of my life.

4、你不在身边,我所有的开心都在打折。 You are not around, all my happiness is on sale.

5、你开心也好,不开心也好,反正我都喜欢看。 Whether you are happy or not, I like watching it anyway.

6、你怎么这么霸道!霸住了我整颗心。 Why are you so overbearing! It's holding my whole heart.

7、你想听一千遍,我会讲一万遍,甚至无限。 You want to hear it a thousand times, I'll talk about it ten thousand times, even infinite.

8、你是天赐的礼物,我迟来的救赎。 You are a gift from heaven, my belated redemption.

9、你是我的,是我的所有心动,和欢呼雀跃。 You are my, is all my heart, and cheers.

10、你是落日弥漫的橘,天边透亮的星。 You are the orange in the sunset, the bright star in the sky.

11、你的大胆,鼓起了我爱的热忱。 Your boldness inspires my love.

12、你若谎言如初,我便厮守孤独。 If you lie like the beginning, I will stay alone.

13、你说世间有美景,我说满目都是你。 You said that the world has beautiful scenery, I said you are everywhere.

14、你轻轻一笑,我的心就开始荡漾。 You smile gently, my heart begins to ripple.

15、别等来世了,这辈子还就行。 Don't wait for the afterlife, this life will do.

16、另一个城市的你,再冷也不要拥抱别人。 Another city of you, no matter how cold do not embrace others.

17、听惯了你的情话,只想陪你,不管其它。 Used to your love words, just want to accompany you, regardless of other.

18、告诉桃花不用开了,我等的人他来了。 Tell the peach blossom doesn't need to bloom. The person I'm waiting for is here.

19、在夏日的尾巴里,偷偷藏下一个你。 In the tail of summer, hide a you secretly.

20、在梦里想你,一种甜蜜在心中荡漾。 Think of you in the dream, a kind of sweet rippling in the heart.

21、在闹市里,你就是青山秀水。 In the downtown, you are the green hills and beautiful waters.

22、天地多辽远,而你在眼前。 The world is far away, and you are in front of you.

23、如果喜欢你是一种错误,那就一错再错吧! If like you is a kind of mistake, that mistake again and again!

24、如果我老了怎么办,那些广场舞都好难。 What if I'm old, those square dances are so hard.

25、对你的爱恋,一年胜一年。 Love for you is better than ever.

26、就这样吧,从此山水不相逢。 That's it. From now on, the landscape will never meet.

27、希望我这个小朋友,让你难忘又牵挂。 I hope that my little friend, let you unforgettable and concerned.

28、幸好思念无声,否则怕你震耳欲聋了。 Fortunately, I miss you silently, otherwise I'm afraid you will be deafened.

29、幸福其实很简单,有人爱有事做有所期待。 Happiness is actually very simple, some people love something to do and have expectations.

30、思维停了,你还在我的心窝里。 Thinking stopped, you are still in my heart.

31、想送你一口袋开心,以及一罐甜甜的梦。 Want to send you a bag of happiness, and a pot of sweet dream.

32、我不给你大道理,我给你爱。 I don't give you great reason, I give you love.

33、我从小就很挑食,只有你最和我胃口。 I've been picky since I was a child, only you and I have the most appetite.

34、我会爱你很久很久,到永远。 I will love you for a long time, forever.

35、我喜欢你,喜欢到宇宙尽头。 I like you. I like to go to the end of the universe.

36、我喜欢你,比这世界任何一个人都喜欢。 I like you more than anyone else in the world.

37、我在怀念,你不再怀念的。 I miss it. You don't miss it anymore.

38、我家就我一个宝贝,送给你了不用还了。 I'm the only one in my family. I'll give it to you. I don't have to return it.

39、我很喜欢你,就像哪吒的大招,只奔向你。 I like you very much, just like Nezha's big move, only running to you.

40、我想去你的城市,吹吹你那里的风。 I want to go to your city and blow your wind.

41、我想吃一辈子你亲手做的饭。 I want to eat a lifetime of your own cooking.

42、我有个恋爱,想跟你谈一下。 I have a love affair. I want to talk to you.

43、我爱你,就想要时时刻刻在一起。 I love you and want to be together all the time.

44、我爱你,爱的无药可救,死去活来。 I love you. I love you. I love you.

45、我的超能力还有很多,不只是超可爱。 I have a lot of superpowers, not just super cute.

46、我说我想你,你就来见我,好不好。 I said I miss you, you come to see me, OK.

47、我还是做着同样的梦,思念握着你的手。 I still have the same dream, missing holding your hand.

48、有你在我身边,哪里都是晴天! With you by my side, it's sunny everywhere!

49、未经允许擅自喜欢你,对不住了。 I like you without permission. I'm sorry.

50、本想浪荡一生,奈何钟情一人。 I want to wander all my life, but I love someone.

51、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 This situation can not be eliminated, only under the brow, but on the heart.

52、爱情,总是在不经意间牵动着人最柔弱的心。 Love, always inadvertently affects the weakest heart.

53、生活开始对我,这个小泡芙加奶油了。 Life began to treat me, this little puff with cream.

54、英俊潇洒好威凛,是我心中白马王。 He is handsome and handsome. He is the white horse king in my heart.

55、言谈举止好气派,我从心里喜欢你。 I like you from my heart.

56、这是铅笔,这是钢笔,你是我的傻逼。 This is a pencil, this is a pen, you are my fool.

57、这里有一份热烈的欢喜,请你注意查收。 Here is a warm joy, please check.

58、那你要不要和我在一起呢? Would you like to be with me?

59、那次你离开的时候,我心里有稍许落寞。 When you left, I was a little lonely.

60、那说好了,秋天陪你冬天也陪你。 That said, autumn with you, winter with you.